All It Took

All It Took

Count:  32

Wall:  4

Level:  Beginner / Intermediate

Choreographer:  Louise Elfvengren (SE) May 2009

Music:  Just one look by Shakin’ Stevens

Intro: 16 counts
Music available from

Section 1: step fw, touch behind, shuffle bw, rock, full turn

1-2 Step forward on left foot, touch right behind left.
3&4 Step right bw, step left beside right, step right bw
5-6 Rock left bw, recover onto right
7-8 Make ½ turn right stepping left back. make ½ turn right stepping right forward
(option count 7-8 walk fw left – right)

Section 2: rocking chair, ¼ turn right, cross toe strut sideway

1-2 Rock left fw, recover onto right
3-4 Rock left bw, recover onto right
5-6 Step fw on left, turn ¼ right putting weight onto right
7-8 Cross left over right on the ball, step left foot down on the heel

Section 3: right chasse, rock, vine with cross

1&2 Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right
3-4 Rock left bw, recover onto right
5-6 Step left to side, step right behind left
7-8 Step left to side, cross right over left.

Section 4: rock left, weave, rocking chair

1-2 Rock to left side, recover onto right
3-4 Step left behind right, step right to right side
5-6 Rock left fw, recover onto right
7-8 Rock left fw, recover onto right