Wall: 2
Level: Beginner
Choreographer: Frank Trace (Oct 08)
Music: Brazil by Bellini (CD: 128bpm)
Start dance after slight pause in music, which is 48 counts in from beginning. | |
Slower alternate music: Let’s Go Dancin’ by Kool and the Gang (100 bpm) | |
Shuffle box turning 3/4 to left |
1&2 | Step right to right side, step left together, step right to right side |
& | Turn 1/4 left |
3&4 | Step left to left side, step right together, step left to left side |
& | Turn 1/4 left |
5&6 | Step right to right side, step left together, step right to right side |
& | Turn 1/4 left |
7&8 | Step left to left side, step right together, step left to left side (3:00) |
Optional arm movements: wave arms over head to the right on right side shuffles, to the left on left side shuffles, etc. | |
Rock forward, recover, shuffle 1/2 turn, shuffle 1/2 turn, rock back, recover |
1-2 | Rock forward on right, recover onto lef t |
3&4 | Shuffle r, l, r turning 1/2 right (moving back) |
5&6 | Shuffle l, r, l turning 1/2 right (moving back) |
7-8 | Rock back on right, recover onto left (3:00) |
Toe struts forward with hip bumps |
1&2 | Step right toe forward as you bump hips right, (&) bumps hips left, drop right heel as you bump hips right |
3&4 | Step left toe forward as you bump hips left, (&) bumps hips right, drop left heel as you bump hips left |
5&6 | Step right toe forward as you bump hips right, (&) bumps hips left, drop right heel as you bump hips right |
7&8 | Step left toe forward as you bump hips left, (&) bumps hips right, drop left heel as you bump hips left |
Rock forward, recover 1/4 turn right, side shuffle, cross rock, recover, coaster |
1-2 | Rock forward on right, recover onto left turning 1/4 to right (6:00) |
3&4 | Side shuffle stepping right, left, right |
5-6 | Cross rock left over right, recover onto right |
7&8 | Coaster step: step back on left, step right toge ther, step l forward |
Repeat |