Duck Soup

Duck Soup

Count:  32

Wall:  4

Level:  Beginner

Choreographer:  Frank Trace

Music:  Restless by Shelby Lynne

Or music:
“Peroxide Blonde In A Hopped Up Model Ford” by Brian Setzer
“Go Jimmy Go” by Jimmy Clanton
“Let’s Shout (Baby Work Out)” by Colin James
Try your favorite swing tune.

Side shuffle right, rock back, side shuffle left, rock back, 1/4 turn right recover

1&2 Side shuffle right (stepping right, left, right)
3-4 Rock back on left, recover onto right
5&6 Side shuffle left (stepping left, right, left)
7-8 Rock back on right, recover onto left turning 1/4 to right (3:00)

Toe struts forward, pivot 1/2 left, shuffle forward

1-4 Step right toe forward, drop right heel, step left toe forward, drop left heel
5-6 Step right forward, pivot 1/2 to left
7&8 Shuffle forward (stepping right, left, right) (9:00)

Rock forward, coaster, step right, touch, step left, touch

1-2 Rock left forward, recover onto right
3&4 Left coaster step (stepping left, right, left)
5-6 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
7-8 Step left to left side, touch right next to left

Boogie walk back, step right, touch, step left, touch

1-4 Walk back (stepping right, left, right, left)
Boogie walk back styling: knees close together, arms at your side and index fingers pointing down. move back stepping r, l, r, l. move your right shoulder down as you step back on your right, move your left shoulder down as you step back on your left, etc. this is an old classic jitterbug move.
5-6 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
7-8 Step left to left side, touch right next to left