Lindi Shuffle
Count: 16
Wall: 2
Level: Beginner
Choreographer: Jane Smee
Music: I Need More Of You by The Bellamy Brothers
Lindi To Right |
1 | Step right to side |
& | Close left beside right |
2 | Step right to side |
3 | Rock back left |
4 | Rock forward right |
Lindi To Left |
5 | Step left to side |
& | Close right beside left |
6 | Step left to side |
7 | Rock back right |
8 | Rock forward left |
Shuffles Forward |
9 | Step forward right |
& | Close left behind right (3rd) |
10 | Step forward right |
11 | Step forward left |
& | Close right behind left (3rd) |
12 | Step forward left |
Pivot ½-Turn Left & Stomps |
13 | Step forward right |
14 | Pivot ½ turn left on balls of both feet ending with weight on left |
15 | Stomp right |
16 | Stomp left |
Repeat |