God Bless Texas

God Bless Texas

Count:  64

Wall:  4

Level:  Beginner/intermediate

Choreographer:  Mae Neihouse

Music:  God Blessed Texas by Little Texas

Toe heel shuffle back

1 Touch right toe to left instep
2 Touch right heel forward
3&4 Shuffle back right-left-right
5 Touch left toe to right instep
6 Touch left heel forward
7&8 Shuffle back left-right-left

Walk forward kick, walk backward stomp

1-4 Walk forward, right left right, kick with left foot and clap hands
5-8 Walk backward, left right left, stomp with right foot and clap hands

Step to right and clap, step to left and clap

1-4 Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right, touch left toe next to right and clap hands
5-8 Step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left, touch right toe next to left and clap hands

Kick, kick coaster step, 2x

1-2 Right foot kick forward twice
3&4 Right foot step back, left foot step next to right, right foot step forward
5-6 Left foot kick forward twice
7&8 Left foot step back, right foot step next to left, left foot step forward

Shuffle forward and ½ turn

1&2 Shuffle forward right left right
3-4 Left foot step forward, pivot ½ turn to right
5&6 Shuffle forward left right left
7-8 Right foot step forward, pivot ½ turn to left

Point cross, front back stomp clap

1-2 Right toe touch right side, cross step right over left
3-4 Left toe touch left side, cross step left over right
5-6 Right heel touch forward, right toe touch back
7-8 Right foot stomp next to left foot and clap hands on 8

Monterey half turn right, 2x

1-2 Touch right toe to right, pivot ½ right and step right foot next to left
3-4 Touch left toe to left, step left foot next to right
5-8 Repeat 1-4

Right jazz box and scuff, left jazz box and ¼ turn

1-2 Right foot cross over left, left foot step back
3-4 Right foot step back next to left, left foot scuff forward
5-6 Left foot cross over right, right foot step back
7-8 Pivot ¼ left and step left foot to left, right foot step next to left


After complete 4 walls, dance the first 32 steps and begin with step 1 again