I4C Fun Push

I4c Fun Push

Count:  48

Wall:  1

Level:  Beginner – line / contra

Choreographer:  Helen O’Malley & Rob Fowler

Music:  Fun Fun Fun by Status Quo

Heel digs, heel switches right and left

1-2 Touch right heel forward, touch right toe next to left foot
3-4 Touch right heel forward, twice
& Step right in place
5-6 Touch left heel forward, touch left toe next to right foot
7-8 Touch left heel forward, twice

Heel switches with claps, hip bumps

&9 Step left in place, touch right heel forward
&10 Step right in place, touch left heel forward
&11-12 Step left in place, touch right heel forward, clap
13-14 Bump right hip forward, twice
15-16 Bump left hip back, twice

Hip roll, right shuffle, ½ pivot turn right

17-20 Roll hips full circle to the left, twice
21&22 Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
23-24 Step forward left, ½ pivot turn right, weight on right foot

Shuffle, ½ pivot turn left, hand slaps & claps!

25&26 Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
27-28 Step forward right, ½ pivot turn left (weight on left foot)
29-30 Step right next to left slapping thighs, twice
31-32 Clap hands, slap hands forward with your contra line or to each side

Right leading box step

33-34 Step right to right side, step left beside right
35-36 Step forward right, touch left toe beside right
37-38 Step left to left side, step right beside left
39-40 Step back left, step right in place

Left leading box step

41-42 Step left to left side, step right beside left
43-44 Step forward left, touch right toe beside left
45-46 Step right to right side, step left beside right
47-48 Step back right, step left in place