Walkin’ After Midnight AB


Walkin’ After Midnight AB

Count: 32
Wall: 4
Level: Absolute Beginner
Choreographer: K. Sholes (USA) & Shirley Blankenship (USA) – March 2024
Music: Walking After Midnight – Derek Ryan

Section #1: Walk forward & back
1-4 Walk RLR forward, Kick L forward (or touch)
5-8 Walk LRL back, Touch R back

Section #2: 3/4 Walk around
1-4 Step R forward, Hold, Step L 1/4 left, Hold,
5-8 Step R 1/4 left, Hold, Step L 1/4 left, Hold (3:00)

Section #3: Syncopated out-in steps
&12 &34 Step R out to side, Step L out to side, Clap, Step R in, Step L in, Clap
&56 &78 Step R out, Step L out, Clap, Step R in, Step L in, Clap

Section #4: Grapevines
1-4 Step R to side, Step L behind R, Step R to side, Touch L next to R
5-8 Step L to side, Step R behind L, Step L to side, Touch R next to L

Begin Again! It’s All About Fun!