Go Greased Lightning

Go Greased Lightning

Wall:  1

Level:  Intermediate

Choreographer:  Michele Burton

Music:  Greased Lightning by John Travolta


Arm intro, AB, AB, Mini A, Mini A, CCCC, Turn to the front wall and do Mini A, Mini A, C, Turn to the front wall and do B, Ending


Arm intro:

”It’s automatic” pose: Right arm straight up in air, point finger to sky, left hand on hip, fingers pointing to floor, left leg straight, right knee popped, facing right
”It’s systematic” pose: Pull arms in toward waist, elbows bent, forearms facing upward, feet apart, legs straight
”It’s hydromatic” pose: Roll hips during ”hy…dromatic”, place arms in ’t’ on last beat
”Why, it’s greased lightning”: Circular arm motion. on the word ”greased”, left arm comes to thigh, right arm still in ’t’. on the word ”light”, left arm even with right arm. on the word ”ning”, left arm continues to do full circle around and back to right arm, left elbow nudge, nudge, nudge to left while shifting weight to left foot and sliding right foot to left


Shuffle right, rock step, shuffle left, rock step

1&2-3-4 Step right to side, step left together, step right to side, rock left back, recover to right
5&6-7-8 Step left to side, step right together, step left to side, rock right back, recover to left

Shuffles on right diagonal/left diagonal, vaudeville walks

Facing right diagonal
1&2 Triple in place right, left, right
Facing left diagonal
3&4 Triple in place left, right, left
5-8 Skate right forward, skate left forward, skate right forward, skat left forward

Step touch, turn ½ touch, step touch, turn ½ touch

1-4 Step right forward, touch left together, turn ½ left and step left forward, touch right together
5-8 Step right forward, touch left together, turn ½ left and step left forward, touch right together

Jump up clap, jump back clap, toe heel right diagonal, toe heel left diagonal

&1-2&3-4 Step right forward, step left forward, clap, step right back, step left back, clap
5-6 Touch right toe diagonally forward, drop right heel (click)
7-8 Touch left toe diagonally forward, drop left heel (click)

Cross hold, side hold, cross back side, hold

1-4 Cross right over left, hold, step left to side, hold
Arms swing right, then left
5-8 Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, hold

Cross hold, side hold, cross back side together – with shimmies

1-4 Cross right over left, hold, step right to side, hold
Arms swing left, then right
5-8 Cross left over right, step right back, step left to side, step right together
Shoulder shimmies on counts 5-8

Out together, out together (jumping jacks), run (slightly) forward

1-4 Jump both feet apart, jump both feet together, jump both feet apart, jump both feet together
5&6&7&8 Small steps forward right, left, right, left, right, left, step right together


Right hand move

1 Jump feet apart while placing right arm to right (looking & pointing index finger to 3:00)
2-8 Knee bounce while moving right hand/arm to position straight in front of body, parallel to ground
Watch the movie. bounce with knee bend to beat of music. you’re looking straight ahead now by count 8

Arm movement in, up, in, out

1-4 Bring right hand in, elbow pointing at floor, hand fisted, shoot it straight up in air, bring it back in to body, shoot it out straight to right
5-8 Repeat 1-4. hips can move side to side, keeping in time to the music

Left hand move

1-8 With feet still apart, place left arm to left (looking & pointing index finger to 9:00), knee bounce while moving left hand/arm to position straight in front of body, parallel to ground
Watch the movie. bounce with knee bend to beat of music. you’re looking straight ahead by count 8

Arm movement in, up, in, out

1-4 Bring left hand in, elbow pointing at floor, hand fisted, shoot left hand straight up, bring it back in to body. shoot it out straight to left
5-8 Repeat 1-4. hips can move side to side, keeping in time to the music

Arm poses to beat (hands fisted for entire sequence)

1-3 Bring both hands in, elbows pointing at floor, hands fisted, shoot both arms straight up, bring both arms to ’t’ position
4-5 Hold, hold
6-7 Bring both arms forward, straight in front of you, pull arms in toward waist, elbows bent, forearms facing upward
8 Hold

Shoulder drops, step in place (bringing feet together)

1-4 Rotate shoulder drops, right, left, right, left
If they go the other way, not to worry
5&6&7&8 Step left right left right left right left, on balls of feet, bringing feet together and moving backwards)
Throughout this count of 8, arms are still in the position from the previous count of 8


1-32 Do the first 32 counts of Part A


1-4 Slap thighs with both hands, clap, cross right hand over left, cross left hand over right
5-8 Touch right fist on top of left fist, touch left fist on top of right fist, hitch hike right thumb over right shoulder, hitch hike left thumb over left shoulder
& Jump turn ¼ to the left


Walk to a clump in the middle of the floor and give your audience a pose for a fabulous Broadway ending