Category Archives: B

  • Big Love

    Big Love

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner/intermediate

    Choreographer:  Robbie McGowan Hickie

    Music:  The Big One by George Strait

    Step forward, hold and clap, & step forward, hold and clap, forward rock, behind, side, cross

    1-2 Step forward on right, hold and clap
    & Lock step left behind right
    3-4 Step forward on right, hold and clap
    5-6 Rock forward on left, rock back on right
    7&8 Sweep left out and around behind right, step right to right side, cross step left over right

    Right side rock, diagonal kick twice, right side rock, right cross shuffle

    1-2 Rock right out to right side, recover weight on left
    3-4 Kick right diagonally forward left twice
    5-6 Rock right out to right side, recover weight on left
    7&8 Cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right over left

    2 x quarter turns right, left shuffle forward, forward rock, right coaster step

    1-2 Turn ¼ turn right stepping back on left, turn ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
    3&4 Left shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
    5-6 Rock forward on right, rock back on left
    7&8 Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right, (facing 6:00)

    Forward rock, left shuffle half turn left, paddle quarter turn left, right kick-ball-change

    1-2 Rock forward on left, rock back on right
    3&4 Left shuffle back turning ½ turn left stepping left, right, left, (facing 12:00)
    5-6 Step forward on right, paddle ¼ turn left, (weight on left)
    7&8 Kick right forward, step ball of right beside left, step left in place, (facing 9:00)


    At the end of wall 6

    Step, pivot half turn left, step, pivot half turn left, (facing 6:00)

    1-2 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
    3-4 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
  • Broken Heels

    Broken Heels

    Count:  64

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Jo & John Kinser and Mark Furnell

    Music:  Broken Heels by Alexandra Burke. Album: Overcome (167bpm)

    Start 48 counts in from the beginning (0:18) on the words hey hey hey.


    Kick, kick, rock step, step lock, step scuff

    1,2 Kick rt fwd, kick rt to rt diagonal
    3,4 Rock rt back, replace weight lt
    5,8 Step rt fwd, lock lt behind rt, step rt fwd, scuff lt fwd


    Step lock, step scuff, side behind side cross

    1,4 Step lt fwd, lock rt behind lt, step lt fwd, scuff rt fwd
    5,8 Step rt to rt, step lt behind rt, step rt to rt, cross lt in front of rt


    Rock replace, cross hold, full turn, hold

    1,2 Rock rt to rt, replace weight lt
    3,4 Cross rt in front of lt, hold
    5,6 Make 1/4 turn rt stepping back lt, make 1/2 turn rt stepping rt fwd
    7,8 Make 1/4 turn rt stepping lt to lt, hold


    Cross, side, heel, down, cross, back, side, hold

    1,2 Cross rt in front of lt, step lt in place
    3,4 Present rt heel fwd, step rt in place
    5,6 Cross lt in front of rt, step rt back
    7,8 Step lt to lt, hold


    Sailor 1/2 hold, full turn, fwd, hold

    1,2 Step rt behind lt, make 1/4 turn rt stepping lt fwd
    3,4 Make 1/4 turn rt stepping rt fwd, hold
    5,8 Make 1/2 turn lt stepping lt fwd, make 1/2 turn lt stepping rt in place, step lt fwd, hold


    Step lock, step hold, full turn fwd, hold

    1,4 Step rt fwd, lock lt behind rt, step rt fwd, hold
    5,6 Make 1/2 turn rt stepping back lt, make 1/2 turn rt stepping fwd rt
    7,8 Step lt fwd, hold

    Restart here: 4th repetition, starting facing the back wall. you dance 48 counts and start the dance again facing the front wall.



    Full turn fwd, hold, kick cross rock back

    1,2 Make 1/2 turn lt stepping back rt, make 1/2 turn lt stepping fwd lt
    3,4 Step rt fwd, hold
    5,8 Kick lt to lt diagonal, cross lt in front of rt, rock rt back (large step), replace weight lt


    Heel stomp, heel stomp, heels fwd fwd, back together

    1,4 Grind rt heel fwd, stomp lt fwd, repeat (note traveling fwd)
    5,6 Step fwd on rt heel, step fwd on lt heel next to rt
    7,8 Step rt back, step lt next to rt

    Tag: just before the instrumental section you have a 8 count tag, after the 7th repetition. You’ll be facing the back wall.

    1,8 Cross rt in front of lt, and unwind 1/2 turn lt to face the front wall.
    Have fun
    Co-choreographers: (10.09)
    Jo & John Kinser email: website:
    Mark Furnell email: website:
  • Bad Influence

    Bad Influence

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner / Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Mark Furnell & Jo & John Kinser (Mar 09)

    Music:  Bad Influence by Pink

    Start on the verse 32 counts in

    Step touch, step touch, kick and cross, step back, turn ¼ left

    1-2 Step right to side, touch left together
    3-4 Step left to side, touch right together
    5&6 Kick right low forward, step right back, cross left over right
    7-8 Step back right, turn ¼ left and step left to side

    Right shuffle forward, left rock step, back, swivel, center, swivel

    1&2 Step right forward, step left together, step right forward
    3-4 Rock left forward, recover to right
    5-6 Step left back, swivel toes right
    7-8 Swivel toes center, swivel toes right (weight left)

    Cross, ¼ turn, right rock step, full turn, right shuffle forward

    1-2 Cross right over left, turn ¼ right and step left back
    3-4 Step right back, step left forward (toe turned out)
    5-6 Turn ½ left and step right back, turn ½ left and step left forward
    7&8 Step right forward, step left together, step right forward

    Rock step, left shuffle back, rock step, full turn

    1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
    3&4 Step left back, step right together, step left back
    5-6 Rock right back, recover to left (toe turned out)
    7-8 Turn ½ left and step right back, turn ½ left and step left forward

    Right, hold, left, hold, cross, cross, butt, butt (macarena style)

    1-2 Step right to side (right hand up to right side), hold
    3-4 Step left to side (left hand up to left side), hold
    5-6 Step right in place (right hand on left hip), step left in place (left hand on right hip)
    7-8 Step right in place (right hand on right buttock), step left in place (left hand on left buttock)

    Right toe strut, left toe strut, right rocking chair

    1-4 Step right toe forward, drop right heel, step left toe forward, drop left heel
    5-8 Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left

    Step forward right, left ¼ turn, right cross & cross, turn ½ right, left cross & cross

    1-2 Step right forward, turn ¼ left and step left to side
    3&4 Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left
    5-6 Turn ¼ right and step left back, turn ¼ right and step right to side
    7&8 Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right

    Monterey ½ turn, heel, hitch, turn step

    1-4 Point right to side, turn ½ right and step right together, point left to left, step left together
    5-6 Touch right heel forward, turn ¼ right and hitch right knee
    7-8 Step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side

    Restart: restart after count 16 on walls 2 and 5


    Ending: facing front, step right to side, both hands up

  • Beyond Your Eyes

    Beyond Your Eyes

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Improver / intermediate

    Choreographer:  Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs, TheDanceFactoryUK, 2011

    Music:  Beyond Your Eyes – Jessica Martinsson (98bpm)

    Start after 20 count intro on verse vocals


    L kick ball step, l fwd rock/recover/ ¼ l, r cross step, ½ r hinge, l fwd

    1&2 Kick l forward, step l together, step r forward
    3&4 Rock l forward, recover weight on r, turning ¼ left step l side (9 o’clock)
    5-6 Cross step r over l, turning ¼ right step l back
    7-8 Turning ¼ right step r side, step l forward (3 o’clock)


    ¼ r syncopated jazz box, 2x ¼ r paddle turns, l fwd cha

    1-2 Cross r over l, turning ¼ right step l back (6 o’clock)
    &3-4 Step r side, step l forward, step r forward
    &5 Hitch l knee up while turning ¼ right on r, point l side
    &6 Hitch l knee up while turning ¼ right on r, point l side (12 o’clock)
    7&8 Step l forward, step r together, step l forward


    R fwd mambo, l back mambo cross, 2x ball cross r, r side, l touch together

    1&2 Rock r forward, recover weight on l, step r back
    3&4 Rock l back, recover weight on r, cross step l over r
    &5 Step r side, cross step l over r
    &6 Step r side, cross step l over r
    7-8 Step r side, touch l together


    ¼ l shuffle, ½ l shuffle, l coaster, r fwd 2

    1&2 Turning ¼ left step l forward, step r together, step l forward (9 o’clock)
    3&4 Turning ½ left step r back, step l together, step r back (3 o’clock)
    5&6 Step l back, step r together, step l forward
    7&8 Step r forward, pivot ½ left step r forward (9 o’clock)

    Tag: walls 2 & 4

    At the end of wall 2 (facing back wall) and wall 4 (front wall) add the following 4 count tag and begin dance again:

    1-4 L fwd mambo, r back mambo
    1&2 Rock l forward, recover weight on r, step l together
    3&4 Rock r back, recover weight on l, step r together
    Contact: tel: 01462 7352778 – website:
  • Born 2B Gaga

    Born 2b Gaga

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Rep Ghazali, Scotland (Feb 2011)

    Music:  Born This Way by Lady Gaga (124bpm)

    16 count intro from first heavy drum beat (27sec)


    Walk forward kick, walk back touch

    1-2 Walk forward right, walk forward left
    3-4 Walk forward right, kick forward left
    5-6 Walk back left, walk back right
    7-8 Walk back left, touch right together


    Side-touch, side-touch, 4 sways

    1-2 Step right to right side, touch left together
    3-4 Step left to left side, touch right together
    5-6 Sway hip to right, sway hip to left
    7-8 Sway hip to right, sway hip to left


    Vine right touch, vine left ¼ turn scuff

    1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right
    3-4 Step right to right side, touch left together
    5-6 Step left to left side, step right behind right
    7-8 ¼ turn left by stepping forward on left, scuff forward on right (9)


    Right rocking chair, right jazz box

    1-2 Rock forward right, recover on left
    3-4 Rock back right, recover on left
    5-6 Cross right over left, step back left
    7-8 Step right to right side, step forward left (9)


    Add the following tag at the end of wall 4 and 8 both facing front wall



    Right side-hold, tog-hold, side-tog, side-touch

    1-2 Step right to right side, hold
    3-4 Step left together, hold
    5-6 Step right to right side, step left together
    7-8 Step right to right side, touch left together


    Left side-hold, tog-hold, side-tog, side-touch

    1-2 Step left to left side, hold
    3-4 Step right together, hold
    5-6 Step left to left side, step right together
    7-8 Step left to left side, touch right together
  • Blue Night Cha

    Blue Night Cha

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Kim Ray, UK (July 10)

    Music:  Blue Night by Michael Learns To Rock. CD: 19 Love Songs

    Alt. music: Be Your Honey Bee by Blake Shelton

    S1: Right rock forward/recover, shuffle back, left rock back/recover, shuffle forward

    1-2 Rock forward on right, recover back left
    3&4 Shuffle back stepping right, left right
    5-6 Rock back on left, recover forward on right
    7&8 Shuffle forward stepping left, right left

    S2: Right side rock/recover, cross shuffle, left side rock/recover, cross shuffle

    1-2 Side rock right, recover on left
    3&4 Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
    5-6 Side rock left, recover on right
    7&8 Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right

    S3: ¼ turn left step back, step side, triple ½ turn left, walk back, coaster step

    1-2 ¼ turn left stepping back on right, step left to left side
    3&4 ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, ¼ turn left stepping left next to right, step back on right (shuffle ½ turn left)
    5-6 Walk back on left, walk back on right
    7&8 Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left

    S4: Side right, together, shuffle forward, side left, together, coaster step

    1-2 Step right to right side, step left next to right
    3&4 Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
    5-6 Step left to left side, step right next to left
    7&8 Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
    For a nice finish you will start final wall facing 3o/c :–
    Dance up to counts 3&4 of section 2 then ¼ turn left stepping forward on left to face front and touch right next to left.

  • Bye Bye Mambo

    Bye Bye Mambo

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Helen Conroy Noonan (Ireland)

    Music:  Bye Bye (Piccolissima) by David Civera


    Section 1: Walks Forward And Mambo Forward, Walks Back And Mambo Back

    1-2 Walk forward right left
    3&4 Rock step forward on right, replace weight back on left, step back on right
    5-6 Walk back left right
    7&8 Rock step back on left, replace weight forward on right, step forward on left

    Section 2: Right And Left Side Mambos

    1&2 Rock step right out to side, replace weight onto left, step right beside left
    3&4 Rock step left out to side, replace weight onto right, step left beside right
    5&6 7&8 Repeat steps 1-4 of section 2

    Section 3: Step Together Side Steps Right, Left And Right Forward Cross Mambos

    1& Step right out to side, step left beside right
    2& Step right out to side, step left beside right
    3& Step right out to side, step left beside right
    4 Step right out to side
    5&6 Cross rock step left over right, replace weight back on right, step left beside right
    7&8 Cross rock step right over left, replace weight back on left, step right beside left

    Section 4: Step Together Side Steps Left, Right Cross Mambo Forward Left Cross & ¼ Turn Mambo

    1& 2& 3& 4 Repeat steps 1-4 of section 3 starting on the left foot
    5&6 Repeat 5-6 of section 3 starting on the right foot
    7&8 Cross rock step left over right, replace weight back on right, ¼ turn left stepping forward onto left.
    End of dance
  • Born For Leavin’

    Born For Leavin’

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris

    Music:  Colder Weather by Zac Brown Band

    Starts after 32 counts.

    Side, behind & cross, rock & 1/2, step, 1/2, 1/4, rock, recover, side.

    1 Step left to left side.
    2&3 Cross step right behind left, step left to left side, cross step right over left.
    (sweeping left from back to front on count 3)
    4&5 Rock forward on left, recover on right, make 1/2 turn to left stepping forward on left.
    6 Step forward on right.
    7& Make 1/2 turn to right stepping back on left, 1/4 turn right stepping right to right side.
    8&1 Cross rock left over right, recover on right, step left to left side. (drag right)

    Rock, recover, 1/2, step 1/2, step, 1/2, 1/2, step 1/2 step,

    2-3 Rock forward on right, recover on left. (sweeping right from front as you begin turn)
    4&5 Make 1/2 turn to right stepping forward on right, step forward on left, pivot 1/2 turn to right.
    6 Step forward on left.
    7& Make 1/2 turn to left stepping back on right, 1/2 turn left stepping forward on left.
    8&1 Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn to left, step forward on right.

    Mambo step, drag back, 1/4, rock, recover, 1/4, 1/2, coaster cross.

    2&3 Rock forward on left, recover on right, step back a large step on left. (drag right)
    4&5 Step back on right, make 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side, cross rock right over left.
    6&7 Recover on left, make 1/4 turn to right stepping forward on right, 1/2 turn right stepping back on left. **r**
    8&1 Step back on right, step left next to right, cross step right over left.

    Rock & cross, 1/4, 1/4, walk, walk, step 1/2 step.

    2&3 Rock to left side on left, recover on right, cross step left over right.
    4& Make 1/4 turn to left stepping back on right, 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side.
    5-6 Step right forward & slightly across left, step left forward & slightly across right.
    7&8 Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn to left, step forward right.

    Restart: Wall 7

    Dance up to & including count 7 (23) of section 3.. then step right next to left &
    Restart dance from beginning.

    Tag 1: End of wall 1 & wall 3

    1-2 Sway hips left-right.

    Tag 2: End of wall 4

    1-4 Sway hips left-right-left-right.
  • Baby Khan

    Baby Khan

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Louise Elfvengren Olatoye (SE) Nov 2011

    Music:  Dschinghis Khan by George Lam

    Intro: start at vocals

    Section 1: side tog. side touch. side tog. turn ¼ left, step down

    1-4 Step righ to right, step left beside right, step right to right, touch left beside right
    5-8 Step left to left, step right beside left, turn ¼ left stepping down on left, step down right beside left

    Section 2: heel splits x 2, heel forward x 2, point back x 2

    1-4 Weight on toes. split both heels apart and back to center x 2
    5-6 Put right heel forward, tap it twice
    7-8 Point right toes back and tap it twice

    Section 3: heel forward, stomp beside left, stomp left twice beside right, left heel forward, stomp beside right, stomp twice beside left

    1-2 Put right heel forward, stomp right foot next to left
    3-4 Stomp left twice next to right foot
    5-6 Put left heel forward, stomp left foot next to right
    7-8 Stomp right twice next to left foot

    Section 4: walk forward x 3, kick and clap, walk back x 3 and touch

    1-4 Walk forward right –left- right, kick left forward and clap
    5-8 Walk back, left- right – left, touch right beside left
  • Black Heart

    Black Heart

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Kate Sala (Eng) June 2012

    Music:  Black Heart by Stooshe (EP) iTunes

    16 count intro.

    Rock back, cross step, chasse, rock back, cross step, chasse with 1/4 turn right.

    1, 2 Cross rock on l behind r. cross step on r over l.
    3 & 4 Step l to left side. step r next to l. step l to left side.
    5, 6 Cross rock on r behind l. cross step l over r.
    7 & 8 Turn 1/4 right stepping forward on r. step l next to r. step forward on r. (3 o’clock)

    Rock forward, recover, shuffle 1/2 turn left, 1/2 turn left, step back, coaster step.

    1, 2 Rock forward on l. recover back on r.
    3 & 4 Turn 1/4 left stepping l to left side. step r next to l. turn 1/4 left stepping forward on l.
    5, 6 Turn 1/2 left stepping back on r. step back on l.
    7 & 8 Step back on r. step l next to r. step forward on r.

    Cross rock, recover, full turn left with left chasse, drag in, & cross.

    1, 2 Cross rock on l over r. recover on to r.
    3, 4 Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on l. turn 1/2 left stepping back on r.
    5 & 6 Turn 1/4 left stepping l to left side. step r next to l. long step on l to left side. (3 o’clock)
    7 & 8 Drag r in towards l. step down on ball of r. cross step l over r.

    Step right, behind, kick ball cross, step & sway right, sway left, sailor step.

    1, 2 Step r to right side. cross step l behind r.
    3 & 4 Kick r forward to right diagonal. step down on ball of r. cross step l over r.
    5, 6 Step r to right side swaying hips right. sway hips left.
    7 & 8 Cross step r behind l. step l to left side. step r to right side.

    Rock forward, recover with sweep, sailor step with 1/4 turn left, jazz box.

    1, 2 Rock forward on l. recover on to r sweeping l out to left side.
    3 & 4 Turn 1/4 left cross stepping l behind r. step r to right side. step l to left side. (12 o’clock)
    5, 6, 7, 8 Cross step r over l. step back on l. step r to right side. step l next to r.

    Walk forward x 2, mambo 1/2 turn right, step forward, step with 1/4 turn left, sailor step.

    1, 2 Walk forward on r, l.
    3 & 4 Rock forward on r. recover on to l. turn 1/2 right stepping forward on r.
    5, 6 Step forward on l. turn 1/4 left stepping r to right side.
    7 & 8 Cross step l behind r. step r to right side. step l to left side. (3 o’clock)

    Cross, touch left, touch across, sweep, syncopated weave right, touch right. touch in.

    1, 2, 3 Cross step r over l. touch l toe out to left side. touch l toe across to right diagonal.
    4 Sweep l round & out to left side.
    5 & 6 Cross step l behind r. step r to right side. cross step l over r.
    7, 8 Step r to right side swaying hips right. sway hips left..

    Step forward, rock forward, recover, back lock step, rock back, recover, step right.

    1, 2, 3 Step forward on r. rock forward on l. recover on r.
    4 & 5 Step back on l. lock r over l. step back on l.
    6,7, 8 Rock back on r. recover on to l. step r out to right side. (3 o’clock)
    Start again!
  • Boys Will Be Boys

    Boys Will Be Boys

    Count:  64

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Rachael McEnaney (UK) July 2012

    Music:  “Boys Will Be Boys” – Paulina Rubio (iTunes – 3.02 mins) Approx 133 bpm

    Count in: 16 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals.

    1 – 8

    Weave with ¼ turn l, 3 paddle turns with ¼ turn, kick r

    1 2 3 4 Cross right over left (1), step left to left side (2), cross right behind left (3), make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (4) 9.00
    5 – 6 Make ¼ turn left touching right to right side (5), make ¼ turn left touching right to right side (6), 3.00
    7 – 8 Make ¼ turn left touching right to right side (7), kick right to right diagonal (8) 12.00

    9 – 16

    R jazz box cross, ¼ turn, ½ turn, step r, ¼ pivot l

    1 2 3 4 Cross right over left (1), step back on left (2), step right to right side (3), cross left over right (4) 12.00
    5 6 7 8 Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right (5), make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (6), step forward on right (7), pivot ¼ turn left (8) 12.00

    17 – 24

    R cross, l side, r sailor with heel touch, l cross, r side, l sailor with heel touch

    1 2 3 & 4 Cross right over left (1), step left to left side (2), cross right behind left (3), step left next to right (&), touch right heel to right diagonal (4) 12.00
    &5 6 7&8 Step in place on right (&), cross left over right (5), step right to right side (6), cross left behind right (7), step right next to left (&), touch left heel to left diagonal (8) 12.00

    25 – 32

    L ball, r cross, ¼ turn r x2, touch l, 1 ¼ turn to l (rolling vine)

    & 1 2 Step in place on ball of left (&), cross right over left (1), make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (2), 3.00
    3 4 Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (3), touch left to left side (4) 6.00
    5 6 Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (5), make ½ turn left stepping back on right (6), 9.00
    7 8 Make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (7), step forward on right (8) (easy option 5 – 8: side l, cross r behind, ¼ turn l, step fwd r) 3.00

    33 – 40

    Dorothy steps x3, r fwd rock

    1 2 & Step left forward to left diagonal (1), lock right behind left (2), step slightly forward on left (&) 3.00
    3 4 & Step right forward to right diagonal (3), lock left behind right (4), step slightly forward on right (&) 3.00
    5 6 & Step left forward to left diagonal (5), lock right behind left (6), step slightly forward on left (&) 3.00
    7 8 Rock forward on right (7), recover weight onto left (8) 3.00

    41 – 48

    R coaster step, rock fwd l, 2 walks back lr, l coaster step

    1 & 2 3 4 Step back on right (1), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (2), rock forward on left (3), recover weight to right (4) 3.00
    5 6 7 & 8 Step back on left (5), step back on right (6), step back on left (7), step right next to left (&), step forward on left (8) 3.00

    49 – 56

    Syncopated heel grinds, r heel grind with ¼ turn r, r sailor step

    1 2 & Grind right heel forward (1), recover weight onto left (2), step right next to left (&) 3.00
    3 4 & Grind left heel forward (3), recover weight onto right (4), step left next to right (&) 3.00
    5 6 Grind right heel forward (5), make ¼ turn right recovering weight back onto left (6), 6.00
    7 & 8 Cross right behind left (7), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (8) 6.00

    57 – 64

    L cross, r side, l behind-side-cross, side r, hold, close l, r side rock

    1 2 3 & 4 Cross left over right (1), step right to right side (2), cross left behind right (3), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (4) 6.00
    5 6 & 7 8 Step right to right side (5), hold (6), step left next to right (&), rock right to right side (7), recover weight onto left (8) 6.00
    Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. if you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in it’s original format and include all contact details on this script.
    Copyright © 2012 rachael louise mcenaney ( all rights reserved.
    Contact: – – tel usa: +1 407-538-1533
  • Back In Time (Rachael McEnaney & Guyton Mundy)

    Back In Time

    Count:  112

    Wall:  1

    Level:  Intermediate / advanced

    Choreographer:  Rachael McEnaney & Guyton Mundy (April 2012)

    Music:  “Back In Time” Pitbull feat Chris Brown (iTunes etc.)

    Count in: 48 counts from start of track. approx 127bpm
    Notes: there is 1 tag on 3rd wall (very obvious musically) – add intro 1,
    There is also a slight change to 4th wall – don’t do intro 1
    Choreographer’s note: “Ok everyone, we know – 112 counts!! and we know you’re thinking argh…. however all of the steps are reasonably easy, it hits the music perfectly all the way through, we hope you’ll give it a try – enjoy!!!

    1 – 8

    Intro 1: Snaps (up up down down), guitar strum with r arm, hip bumps lrl

    1 2 3 4 Stand with feet shoulder width apart: with right hand snap fingers up to left side (1), snap up to right side (2), snap down to left side (3), snap down to right side (4) 12.00
    5 6 7 & 8 As if strumming a guitar: make big circle with right arm clockwise (5,6), bump hips to left (7), bump hips right (&), bump hips left (8) 12.00
    Note: on 4th wall – do not do these 8 counts – go straight into the cha cha counts 9 – 17

    9 – 17 Cha Cha: Side r, cross rock l, l chasse, rock back r, r shuffle,

    1 2 3 Step right to right side (1), cross rock left over right (2), recover weight to right (3), 12.00
    4 & 5 6 7 Step left to left side (4), step right next to left (&), step left to left side (5), rock back on right (6), recover weight onto left (7) 12.00
    8 & 1 Step forward on right (8), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (1) 12.00

    18 – 25 Cha Cha: Fwd rock l, l shuffle back, full turn r (travels back), r coaster step

    2 3 4 & 5 Rock forward on left (2), recover weight to right (3), step back on left (4), step right next to left (&), step back on left (5) 12.00
    6 – 7 Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (6), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (7) 12.00
    8 & 1 Step back on right (1), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (1) 12.00

    26 – 33 Cha Cha: Hold, ball step, hold, ball step, step l, ¼ turn r, l cross shuffle

    2&3 4&5 Hold (2), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (3), hold (4), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (5) 12.00
    6 7 8&1 Step forward on left (6), pivot ¼ turn right (7), cross left over right (8), step right next to left (&), cross left over right (1) 3.00

    34 – 40 Cha Cha: ¼ turn l, ½ turn l, ½ pivot turn l, side r into shakes or shimmy

    2 – 3 Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right (2), make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (3), 6.00
    4 & 5 Step forward on right (4), pivot ½ turn left (&), step right to right side (5) 12.00
    6 7 8 Shake or shimmy option: either shimmy shoulders for 3 counts, or shake ‘booty/bum’ for 3 counts (bring hands from thighs & up bodyfor extra fun. 12.00

    41 – 48 Intro 2: Back rock r, step r, ½ pivot l, ¼ turn l into hip roll into ½ turn sailor cross

    1 2 3 4 Rock back on right (1), recover weight onto left (2), step forward on right (3), pivot ½ turn left (4) 6.00
    5 – 6 Make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side as you begin to roll hips back counter clockwise (5), continue rolling hips (6) 3.00
    7 & 8 Cross left behind right (7), make ¼ turn left stepping right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left as you cross left over right (8) 9.00

    49 – 56 Funky: Step r, touch l, step l, touch r, cross rock r, ¼ turn r, ¼ turn r stepping l, touch r behind

    1 2 3 4 Take big step right (1), touch left next to right (2), take big step left (3), touch right next to left (4) 9.00
    5 & 6 Cross rock right over left (5), recover weight to left (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (6) 12.00
    7 – 8 Make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (7), touch right behind left at same time imagine throwing a ball with r arm under l (8) 3.00

    57 – 64 Funky: Side r, side l, ¼ turn r, ½ turn r, r coaster step, walk l r

    1 – 2 Step right to right side opening body right (1), step left to left side opening body left (2), 3.00
    3 – 4 Make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (3), make ½ turn right stepping back left (4) 12.00
    5 & 6 7 8 Step back on right (5), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (6), step forward on left (7), step forward on right (8) 12.00

    65 – 72 Funky: Rock fwd l, l sailor step making ¼ turn r, arm movement, hold, ball side rock with ¼ turns

    1 – 2 Rock forward on left (1), recover weight on to right (2), 12.00
    3 & 4 Cross left behind right (3), make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (&), step left to left side (4) 3.00
    5 -6 Tilt upper body (from waist-to head) to left as you bring both hands up to either side of head with fingers spread (like “i surrender”), hold (6) 3.00
    & 7 8 Step right next to left (&), rock left to left side bending knees slightly (as you rock: look to front and swing right arm under left with fist clenched), make ¼ turn right as you recover weight onto right straightening knees (8) 6.00

    73 – 80 Funky: Walk fwd lrl, rock fwd r, step back r (drag), hold, ball l, walk r l

    1 2 3 Step forward on left (1), step forward on right (2), step forward on left (3), 6.00
    4 & 5 Rock forward on left (4), recover weight to right (&), take big step back on right sliding left towards right (5), 6.00
    6 & 7 8 Hold (6), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (7), step left foot forward but to left diagonal (to prepare for turn) (8) 6.00

    Tag: Tag happens here on 3rd wall – simply do section 1-8 intro 1 then continue dance as below from 81-88. 6.00


    81 – 88 Funky: Full turn r stepping rlr, step side l, full turn r into r chasse

    1 – 2 Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (1), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (2), 9.00
    3 – 4 Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (3), step left to left side prepping body to left again (4) 6.00
    5 – 6 Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (5), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (6) 9.00
    7 & 8 Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (7), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (8) 6.00

    89 – 96 Funky: Jazz box with ¼ turn l into l shuffle, r mambo ½ turn r, big step fwd l, touch r

    1 2 3 &4 Cross left over right (1), step back on right (2), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (3), step right next to left (&), step forward left (4) 3.00
    5 & 6 Rock forward on right (5), recover weight to left (&) make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (6) 9.00
    7 – 8 Pushing off right foot) take big step forward on left leaning body slightly back (7), touch right next to left open body to right diagonal (8) 9.00

    97 – 104 Funky: Walk back rlr, hitch l, step fwd l, touch r, step back r, touch l (with arm move)

    1 2 3 4 Step back on right (1), step back on left (2), step back on right (3), hitch left knee (4) styling: open body to diagonals as you step back 9.00
    5 & 6 Step forward on left (5), touch right next to left (6), 9.00
    7 – 8 Step back on right as you put right hand behind head (7), put left hand behind head (&), touch left next to right as both hands push up & out to sides from behind head, spread fingers (as if asking “what?”) this hits the lyrics in track “back (7), my (&), mind (8)” 9.00

    105-112 Funky: Fwd l, ½ turn l hitching r knee, run back rlr, step fwd l, ¼ turn l, step back/out lrl

    1 – 2 Step forward on left (1), make ½ turn left on ball of left foot as you swing right leg up into a hitch (2) 3.00
    3 & 4 Step back on right (3), step back on left (&), step back on right hitch left slightly for styling (4), (these 3 runs back are small) 3.00
    5 – 6 Step forward on left (5), make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (6) 12.00
    7 & 8 Step back & slightly to side on left (7), step back & slightly to side on right (&), step left to left side shoulder width from right (8) 12.00
    Rachael: –
    Guyton: –
    Please do not alter this step sheet in any way.
    If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in it’s original format and include all contact details on this script.
    Video rights assigned to choreographers or edie driskill.copyright © 2012 rachael louise mcenaney ( all rights reserved.
  • Bright Lights

    Bright Lights

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Improver

    Choreographer:  Darren Bailey, Raymond Sarlemijn

    Music:  Bright Lights Bigger City (Cee Lo Green)

    Walk l,r, kick and side, l sailor step, touch back, 1/4 turn r with knee pop.

    1-2 Step forward on lf, step forward on rf
    3&4 Kick lf forward, close lf next to rf, step rf to r side
    5&6 Cross lf behind rf, close rf next to lf, step lf to l side
    7-8 Touch r toe back, make a 1/4 turn r placing weight on to rf at the same time pop l knee in towards r

    1/4 turn l x2 (l, r), behind, side cross, toe and heel touches x2.

    1-2 Make a 1/4 turn l placing weight onto lf, make a 1/4 turn l stepping rf to r side
    3&4 Cross lf behind rf, step rf to r side, cross lf over rf
    5&6& Touch r toe behind l heel, step back on rf, touch l heel forward, step lf in place
    7&8& Touch r toe behind l heel, step back on rf, touch l heel forward, step lf in place

    Dorothy step x2 (r, l), step forward, pivot 1/2 turn l, 3/4 turn l (r, l, cross).

    1-2& Step rf forward on r diagonal, close lf behind rf, step rf to r side
    3-4& Step lf forward on l diagonal, close rf behind lf, step lf to l side
    5-6 Step forward on rf, make a 1/2 turn l (weight ends on lf)
    7&8 Make a 1/2 turn l stepping back on rf, make a 1/4 turn l stepping lf to l side, cross rf over lf

    Mambo cross, 1/2 hinge turn l (r, l, cross), rocks/bump x 3 (l, r, l) 1/2 turn r with toe drag.

    1&2 Rock lf to l side, recover on rf, cross lf over rf,
    3&4 Make a 1/4 turn l stepping back on rf, make a 1/4 turn l stepping lf to l side, cross rf over lf
    5-6 Rock lf to l side, recover onto rf
    7-8 Rock lf to l side, recover onto rf making a 1/2 turn r dragging lf towards rf
    Note: last section counts 5-6-7 can be danced as hip bumps to make it a little more funky!!
    Enjoy the dance, and feel the beat!!!