Category Archives: D

  • Darling


    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Elvy Wadh (Sweden) May 2011

    Music:  Dearly Dearly Darling by Jimmy Lagnefors. [Mamas Boys – movie]

    Section 1: Toe-touches, right sailor step, left sailor step

    1-4 Cross r toe in front of lf, touch out to left side x 2.
    5&6 Rf behind lf, lf to left side, rf to right side.
    7&8 Lf behind rf, rf to right side, lf to left side.

    Section 2: 1/2 unwind, left crosshuffle, right side steps.

    1-2 Touch r toe behind lf, unwind ½ turn right (6 o´clock, weight on rf)
    3&4 Cross lf over rf, small step to right with rf, cross lf over rf.
    5-6 Rf to right side, step lf next to rf.
    7-8 Rf to right side, touch lf next to rf.
    (Swing r arm in the air, anti clockweiss, like a lasso, when you do step 5-8 )
    * Restarts are here

    Section 3: Left chasse with 1/4 turn l, heel switches, charlton steps with clap.

    1&2 Step lf to left side, step rf next to lf, make ¼ turn l, step lf forward.
    3&4& Touch r heel forward, step rf beside lf, touch l heel forward, step lf beside rf.
    5-6 Step rf forward to the r diagonal, kick lf forward & clap.
    7-8 Step lf back to l diagonal, touch r toe back & clap.

    Section 4: 1/2 step turn left, 1/4 step turn left with finger clicks, right jazzbox.

    1-2 Step rf forward, ½ turn left, finger clicks on count 2.
    3-4 Step rf forward, ¼ turn left, finger clicks on count 4.
    5-8 Cross rf over lf, step back on lf, step rf to right side, step lf forward.
    Restart nr 1: Section 2 on wall 4 (12 o´clock), step lf next to rf instead of touch.
    Restart nr 2:Ssection 2 on wall 9 (6 o´clock), same step as restart 1.
    Tag: 8 counts. – after wall 7 (6 o´clock)
    1-4 Swivel both heels to right, swivel toes to right, swivel heels to right & clap.
    5-8 Swivel both heels to left, swivel toes to left, swivel heels to left & clap.
    Start again & enjoy.

    Jimmy Lagnefors – Dearly Dearly Darling.mp3

  • Doctor Doctor

    Doctor Doctor

    Count:  80

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate level

    Choreographer:  Masters In Line (Mar 04)

    Music:  Bad Case Of Loving You by Robert Palmer


    Walks forward x3 with kick, walks back x3 with touch

    1-2 Walk forward on right foot, walk forward on left foot
    3-4 Walk forward on right foot, kick left foot forward and clap hands
    5-6 Walk back on left foot, walk back on right foot
    7-8 Walk back on left foot, touch right toe next to left foot and clap hands


    Stomp right, swivel heel, toe, heel, stomp left, swivel heel, toe, heel

    9-10 Stomp right foot forward to right diagonal, swivel left heel towards right heel
    11-12 Swivel left toe towards right heel, swivel left heel towards right heel
    13-14 Stomp left foot forward to left diagonal, swivel right heel towards left heel
    15-16 Swivel right toe towards left heel, swivel right heel towards left heel


    Jump back and claps x4

    &17-18 Step right foot back, step left foot back (feet shoulder width apart) clap hands
    &19-24 Repeat steps &17-18 three times


    Rolling vine to right, touch, rolling vine to left, touch

    25-26 Make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, make ½ turn right and step back on left foot
    27-28 Make a ¼ turn right and step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot
    29-30 Make a ¼ turn left and step left foot forward, make a ½ turn left and step back on right foot
    31-32 Make a ¼ turn left and step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot


    Right shuffle, step ½ turn, left shuffle, step ¾ turn

    33&34 Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward
    35-36 Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right
    37&38 Step forward on left foot, step right foot next to left foot, step forward on left foot
    39-40 Step forward on right foot, unwind a ¾ turn left


    Right side shuffle, rock back, left side shuffle, rock back

    41&42 Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
    43-44 Rock back on left foot, rock forward on right foot
    45&46 Step left foot to left side. step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side
    47-48 Rock back on right foot, rock forward on left foot


    Monterey turns x2

    49-50 Touch right toe to right side, make a ½ turn right on ball of left foot, stepping right foot next to left foot
    51-52 Touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right foot
    53-56 Repeat steps 49-52


    Turning heel and toe syncopation

    57&58 Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left toe back
    &59&60 Make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot next to right foot, touch right toe back, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward
    &61&62 Step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left toe back
    &63&64 Make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot next to right foot, touch right toe back, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward


    & Stomp slow ½ turns x2

    &65 Step left foot back, stomp right foot big step forward
    66-68 Bounce heels 3 times as you make a ½ turn left (weight ends on right foot)
    &69 Step left foot back, stomp right foot big step forward
    70-72 Bounce heels 3 times as you make a ½ turn left (weight ends on left foot)


    Stomp, stomp, clap, clap, hands on hips, hip roll

    73-74 Stomp right foot to right side, stomp left foot to left side
    75-76 Clap hands twice
    77-78 Put right hand on right hip, put left hand on left hip
    79-80 Roll hips anti-clockwise

    Restart: After count 32 of the second wall restart the dance again.


    Tag & restart: counting the restart as another wall the four count tag happens on the fifth wall after count 32 of the dance.

    1-2 Step right foot out to right side as you pop left knee in, taking weight on left foot pop right knee in
    3-4 Taking weight on right foot pop left knee in, taking weight on left foot pop right knee in
    After the four-count tag, restart the dance again, the tag is very easy to hear.
  • Don’t Feel Like Dancing

    Don’t Feel Like Dancing

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Patricia E. Stott

    Music:  I Don’t Feel Like Dancing by The Scissor Sisters

    Special thanks to Lizzie Stott and Jennie Stott for music and step ideas. thanks also to Karen Henshall for her help with the ending

    Touch right toe diagonally forward, touch behind, touch right toe diagonally forward, touch behind, rolling vine right, hold and double clap

    Body turned slightly to the right diagonal
    1 Touch right toe forward
    Lean slightly back, swinging arms right
    2 Touch right toe back
    Straighten up, swinging arms left
    3-4 Repeat steps 1-2
    5-6 Turn ¼ right and step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side
    7&8 Turn ½ right and step right to side, clap, clap

    Touch over, touch to side, touch over, touch to side, rolling turn 1 ¼ left, ball step

    Body slightly facing right diagonal
    1 Touch left toe forward
    Lean slightly back, swinging arms over body to left side
    2 Touch left to side
    Straighten up, swinging arms over body to right side
    3-4 Repeat steps 1-2
    5-6 Turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn ½ left and step right back
    7&8 Turn ½ left and step left forward, step right together, step left forward

    Forward, side, rock, forward, side, rock, jazz box with turn ¼ right, cross

    Dance with bounce; Samba style
    1&2 Step right forward, rock left to side, recover to right
    3&4 Step left forward, rock right to side, recover to left
    5-6 Cross right over left, step left back
    7-8 Turn ¼ right and step right to side, cross left over right

    Hip bumps transferring weight from left to right, syncopated jazz box

    1&2&3&4 Touch right to side and bump hips right, left, right, left, right, left, right
    Over the 4 beats slowly transfer weight from left to right finishing on right on beat 4
    5-6 Cross left over right, step right back
    &7-8 Step left to side, cross right over left, step left to side

    Hitch, step, slide, hitch, step, slide, 3 heel switches, hold, clap clap

    1&2 Hitch right knee, step right to side, slide/step left together
    3&4 Repeat steps 1&2
    5&6& Touch right heel forward, step right together, touch left heel forward, step left together
    7&8& Touch right heel forward, clap, clap, step left together

    Hitch, step, slide, hitch, step, slide, turning switches, hook step

    1&2 Hitch left knee, step left to side, slide/step right together
    3&4 Repeat steps 1&2
    5&6& Touch left heel forward, step left together, touch right heel forward, step right together
    7&8 Turn ¼ left and touch left heel forward, hook left over right, step left forward

    ½ pivot left, shuffle forward, turn 1 ½ right, touch

    1-2 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
    3&4 Shuffle forward right, left, right
    5-6 Turn ½ right and step left back, turn ½ right and step right forward
    7-8 Turn ½ right and step left back, touch right together

    Heel jack, step, touch, heel jack, step, touch, step, cross, step, cross, hold and snap twice

    &1 Step right back, touch left heel forward
    &2 Drop left toe, touch right together
    &3 Step right back, touch left heel forward
    &4 Drop left toe, touch right together
    &5 Step right together, cross left over right
    &6 Step right together, cross left over right
    7-8 Click, click
    Fingers twice at shoulder height


    At the end of wall 2 (facing 6:00) dance the first 32 counts then restart


    At the end of wall 5 (facing 9:00) snap fingers 4 times taking arms over head to the left


    At the end of the music, over turn the rolling vine to face the front and clap twice. if you have the extended version then the dance finishes on the turning heel switches
  • Drunk’n Love Waltz

    Drunk’n Love Waltz

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner/intermediate waltz

    Choreographer:  Louise Elfvengren

    Music:  Being Drunk’s A Lot Like Loving You by Kenny Chesney

    Spiral twinkles left & right

    1 Step left forward and across in front of right
    2 Step right to right side, turning slightly to left
    3 Step left to left side with body facing slightly left
    4 Step right forward and across in front of left
    5 Step left to left side, with body facing slightly right
    6 Step right beside left foot

    Weave right with point

    7 Cross left over right
    8 Step right foot to the right
    9 Cross left behind right
    10 Step right foot to the right
    11 Point left foot to left side
    12 Hold

    Basic ¾ turn left, basic back

    13 Turn ¼ left stepping forward on left
    14 Make ½ turn left and step back on right
    15 Step left next to right
    16-18 Step back on right, bring left next to right, step right in place

    Spiral twinkles left & right

    19 Step left forward and across in front of right
    20 Step right to right side, turning slightly to left
    21 Step left to left side with body facing slightly left
    22 Step right forward and across in front of left
    23 Step left to left side, with body facing slightly right
    24 Step right beside left foot

    Sweep ¼ right foot and basic back

    25 Step left forward
    26 Sweep right foot around left while doing ¼ turn left
    27 Touch right foot next to left
    28-30 Step back on right, bring left next to right, step in place

    Basic ½ turn forward, basic back

    31 Step forward on left
    32 Make ½ turn left and step back on right
    33 Stepping left next to right
    34-36 Step back on right, bring left next to right, step in place

    Sweep ¼ right foot and basic back

    37 Step left forward
    38 Sweep right foot around left while doing ¼ turn left
    39 Touch right foot next to left
    40-42 Step back on right, bring left next to right, step in place

    Basic ½ turn forward, basic back

    43 Step forward on left
    44 Make ½ turn left and step back on right
    45 Stepping left next to right
    46-48 Step back on right, bring left next to right, step in place
  • Dancin’ Dream Cha Cha

    Dancin’ Dream Cha Cha

    Count:  16

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Ultra beginner

    Choreographer:  Irene Groundwater

    Music:  Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams by Ross Mitchell

    Forward, forward, cha-cha-cha, forward, back, cha-cha-cha

    1-2 Right forward, left forward
    3&4 Right forward, step left beside right, right forward
    5-6 Left forward, right back
    7&8 Left back, step right beside left, left back

    Touch, touch, cha-cha-cha, forward, ¼ turn right, cha-cha-cha

    1-2 Touch right ball forward, touch right ball to the right side
    3&4 Step right beside left, step left beside right, step right beside left
    5-6 Left forward, pivot ¼ turn right on left ball as you side step right
    7&8 Step left beside right, step right beside left, step left beside right
    7&8 Small side stomp left, raise and lower left heel twice, holding arms out to both sides shoulder high
  • Drizabone


    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner/intermediate

    Choreographer:  Ria Vos & Francien Sittrop

    Music:  Real Love by Drizabone

    Side left, back rock, touch front & back, kick-ball-cross 2x

    1 Left step to left side (big step)
    2&3 Rock right back, recover on left, touch right diagonal right forward
    4 Touch right diagonal back
    5&6 Right kick forward, right step next to left, left cross over right
    7&8 Right kick forward, right step next to left, left cross over right

    Side touches, monterey ¼ turn right, dorothy step, skate 2x

    1&2 Right touch to right side, right step next to left, left touch to left side
    &3-4 Left step next to right, right touch to right side, make ¼ turn right and right step next to left
    5-6& Left step forward, right lock behind left, left step forward
    7-8 Right skate forward, left skate forward

    Cross, back, ¼ turn right, cross, side, hip sways, behind-side-cross

    1-2& Right cross over left, left step back, make a ¼ turn right and step right down
    3-4 Left cross over right, right step to right side
    5-6 Push hips left, push hips right
    7&8 Left step behind right, right step to right side, left step across right

    Lunge, recover, sailor step ¼ turn right mambo step, side mambo cross

    1-2 Step right big step to right (lunge) (right shoulder up), recover on left
    3&4 Right step behind left, make ¼ turn right and left step to side, right step right side
    Restart here on walls 3, 6, and 9
    5&6 Left rock forward, recover on right, left step back
    7&8 Right rock to right side, recover on left, right cross over left

    Restart on walls 3, 6, 9 after count 28

    When using the original 1991 version (4:50) of the song, the restarts occur 4 walls later
  • Dance Like You’re The Only One

    Dance Like You’re The Only One

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Improver / easy intermediate

    Choreographer:  Teresa & Vera

    Music:  Sun Goes Down by David Jordan on the “Set The Mood” CD

    Many thanks to Zena & Paul
    Dance starts 48 ’slow’ counts in on main vocals, about 33 seconds. (bpm 86)

    R lock brush, l lock brush, quick 1/2 turn, walk for 3

    1&2& Step fwd on r to slight r diagonal, lock l behind r, step fwd on r to sight r diagonal, brush l fwd.
    3&4& Step fwd on l to slight l diagonal, lock r behind l, step fwd on l to sight l diagonal, brush r fwd.
    5&6 Step fwd on r, pivot 1/2 turn l, step fwd on r
    7&8 Walk fwd l,r,l 6 o’clock

    Heel toe heel toe vine r touch. heel toe heel toe vine l touch

    1&2& Dig r heel fwd, tap r toe back, dig r heel fwd, tap r toe back
    3&4& Step r to r side, cross l behind r, step r to r side, touch l next to r
    5&6& Dig l heel fwd, tap l toe back, dig l heel fwd, tap l toe back
    7&8& Step l to l side, cross r behind l, step l to l side, touch r next to l

    Vine r 1/2 turn brush, vine l brush, vine r 1/4 brush, full turn* walk walk

    1&2& Step r to r side, cross l behind, making 1/4 turn r step fwd on r, make further 1/4 turn r doing small brush fwd with l.
    3&4& Step l to l side, cross r behind, step l to l side, small brush fwd with r. 12 o’clock
    5&6& Step r to r side, cross l behind, making 1/4 turn r step fwd on r, small brush fwd with l. 3 o’clock
    7&8 On ball of r turn 1/2 r stepping back on l, make further 1/2 turn r stepping fwd on r, step fwd l.
    (*option. instead of the full turn step just do 3 walks fwd, l,r,l) 3 o’clock

    Mambo fwd, mambo back, side rock replace cross, 1/4 1/4 step

    1&2 Rock fwd on r, replace weight on to l, step slightly back on r
    3&4 Rock back on l, replace weight on to r, step slightly fwd on l
    5&6 Rock r out to r side, replace weight to l, cross r over l
    7&8 Making 1/4 turn r step back on l, making another 1/4 turn r step r to r side, step fwd on l. 9 o’clock
    Begin again.
    Dance will end facing 9 o’clock wall after the last 2 counts of section 1, “walk for 3”. to end at the front wall just “walk for 3” making a ¼ turn right!
  • Duck Soup

    Duck Soup

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Frank Trace

    Music:  Restless by Shelby Lynne

    Or music:
    “Peroxide Blonde In A Hopped Up Model Ford” by Brian Setzer
    “Go Jimmy Go” by Jimmy Clanton
    “Let’s Shout (Baby Work Out)” by Colin James
    Try your favorite swing tune.

    Side shuffle right, rock back, side shuffle left, rock back, 1/4 turn right recover

    1&2 Side shuffle right (stepping right, left, right)
    3-4 Rock back on left, recover onto right
    5&6 Side shuffle left (stepping left, right, left)
    7-8 Rock back on right, recover onto left turning 1/4 to right (3:00)

    Toe struts forward, pivot 1/2 left, shuffle forward

    1-4 Step right toe forward, drop right heel, step left toe forward, drop left heel
    5-6 Step right forward, pivot 1/2 to left
    7&8 Shuffle forward (stepping right, left, right) (9:00)

    Rock forward, coaster, step right, touch, step left, touch

    1-2 Rock left forward, recover onto right
    3&4 Left coaster step (stepping left, right, left)
    5-6 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
    7-8 Step left to left side, touch right next to left

    Boogie walk back, step right, touch, step left, touch

    1-4 Walk back (stepping right, left, right, left)
    Boogie walk back styling: knees close together, arms at your side and index fingers pointing down. move back stepping r, l, r, l. move your right shoulder down as you step back on your right, move your left shoulder down as you step back on your left, etc. this is an old classic jitterbug move.
    5-6 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
    7-8 Step left to left side, touch right next to left
  • Dangerous Waters

    Dangerous Waters

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Michael Vera-Lobos

    Music:  Don’t Cross The River by Garth Brooks

    Right kick ball cross, side shuffle, behind side cross, step, ¼ turn

    1&2-3&4 Kick right forward, step right to center & cross left over right, traveling right side shuffle right, left, right
    5&6-7-8 Cross left behind right, step right to right & cross left over right, step right to right, pivot ¼ turn left(9:00)

    ½ shuffle turn, ½ shuffle turn, step forward, ¼ pivot cross shuffle

    1&2-3&4 Traveling forward turn ½ turn left shuffling right, left, right turning a further ½ turn left shuffle left, right, left
    5-6-7&8 Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left, cross shuffle right over left stepping right, left, right (6:00)

    Side rock cross, step side, cross behind, ball cross, step side, sailor ¼ left

    1&2-3-4 Rock left to left, rock weight center right crossing left over right, step right to right, cross step left behind
    &5-6-7&8 Step right to right crossing left over right, step right to right, left sailor turning ¼ turn left (3:00)

    Full turn forward stepping right, left, step diagonal right, diagonal left sailor back right & left

    1-2-3-4 Traveling forward turn full turn left stepping right then left, step forward right 45 degrees right, step forward left 45 degrees left
    5&6-7&8 (traveling backwards) cross/step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right (traveling backwards) cross/step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left (3:00)

    Rock forward/back, 1 ½ triple turn, rock forward back & forward back

    1-2-3&4 Rock forward right, rock back left, turning 540 degrees right triple right, left, right (9:00)
    5-6&7-8 Rock forward left, rock back on right & step left to center, rock forward right rock back on left (9:00)

    Traveling forward – right kick ball step, twist heels left/center, right kick ball step, twist heels left/center

    1&2-3-4 Kick right forward, step right to center stepping forward left, twist heels left, twist center (weight left)
    5&6-7-8 Kick right forward, step right to center stepping forward left, twist heels left, twist center (weight left) (9:00)

    Syncopated side toe touches, ball cross, ½ unwind coaster, shuffle forward

    1&2&3-4 Touch right toe to right, step right to center & touch left toe to left, step left to center crossing right toe over left, unwind ½ turn left (end weight right)
    5&6-7&8 Step back left, step right beside left, step forward left, shuffle forward right stepping right, left, right (3:00)

    Rock forward/back, full triple turn, cross samba right, cross samba left

    1-2-3&4 Rock forward left, rock back on right, turning full turn left triple on the spot left, right, left
    5&6-7&8 Cross right over left, rock left to left and rock weight center on right, cross left over right, rock right to right, rock weight center on left
    Tag (Occurs at end of walls 3 & 4):
    1-2-3-4 Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward right, pivot ½ turn left
  • Doctor’s Orders

    Doctor’s Orders

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Improver

    Choreographer:  Maggie Gallagher (August 2008)

    Music:  “Doctor’s Orders” by Jane McDonald: Available from iTunes (uk)

    Intro : 32 counts – (13 sec) start on vocals (total duration 2m 44s)

    S1: Right lock step, left lock step, step, 1/2 pivot left

    1,2 Step forward on right, lock left behind right
    3,4 Step forward on right, step forward on left
    5,6 Lock right behind left, step forward on left
    7,8 Step forward on right, 1/2 pivot turn left (6.00)

    S2: Side, together, forward, hold, full turn right, walk, scuff right

    1,2 Step to right side, step left next to right
    3,4 Step forward on right, hold
    5,6 1/2 turn right stepping back on left, 1/2 turn right stepping forward on right(6.00)
    7,8 Walk forward on left, make little scuff forward on right
    Option: (5-7) left lock step forward

    S3: Rock forwards and side, weave left, 1/4 right

    1,2 Rock forward on right, recover back onto left
    3,4 Rock to right side, recover onto left side
    5,6 Cross right behind left, step to left side
    7,8 Cross right over left, 1/4 turn right stepping back on left (9.00)

    S4: Right coaster, left scuff, left lock step, right touch

    1,2 Step back on right, step left next to right
    3,4 Step forward on right, scuff left foot forward
    5,6 Step forward on left, lock right behind left
    7,8 Step forward on left, touch right next to left (9.00)

    S5: Side-touch x2, rolling vine to right side

    1,2 Step to right side, touch left next to right
    3,4 Step left to left side, touch right next to left
    5,6 1/4 turn to right stepping forward on right, 1/2 turn right stepping back on left
    7,8 1/4 turn right stepping right to right side, touch left next to right (9.00)
    Option: (5-8) moving right – (side, together, side, touch)

    S6: Side-touch x2, rolling vine to left side

    1,2 Step to left side, touch right next to left
    3,4 Step to right side, touch left next to right
    5,6 1/4 turn left stepping forward on left, 1/2 turn left stepping back on right
    7,8 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side, touch right next to left (9.00)
    Option: (5-8) moving left – (side, together, side, touch)

    S7: Weave right, right side toe strut, left cross toe strut

    1,2 Step to right side, cross left behind right
    3,4 Step to right side, cross left over right
    5,6 Step right toes to right side, step right heel in place
    7,8 Cross left toes over right, step left heel in place

    S8: Back, side, cross, hold, reverse rolling vine

    1,2 Step back on right, step to left side
    3,4 Cross right over left, hold
    5,6 1/4 turn right stepping back on left, 1/2 turn right stepping forward on right
    7,8 1/4 turn right stepping left to left side, touch right next to left (9.00)
    Option: (5-8) moving left – (side chasse, touch)
  • Dream On

    Dream On

    Count:  24

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner – waltz

    Choreographer:  Rob Fowler

    Music:  Dream On Texas Ladies by John Michael Montgomery

    Basic waltz forward and back

    1-3 Step forward left, step together right, step in-place left
    4-6 Step back right, step together left, step in-place right

    Left twinkle, cross, side, behind

    1-2 Turning slightly right step left across right, side step right
    3 Turning slightly left step in-place left
    4-6 Step right across left, side step left, right step behind left

    Long step left, slide right, repeat to right

    1-3 Long step to left, slide right to left (over 2 counts) weight stays on left
    4-6 Long step to right, slide left to right (over 2 counts) weight stays on right

    Left twinkle, right twinkle with ¼ turn right

    1-3 Step left across right, side step right, turning slightly left step in-place left
    4 Step right across left
    5 Step left to side starting to turn right
    6 Step right slightly forward completing the ¼ turn right
  • Dog-Gone Blues

    Dog-Gone Blues

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Jo Thompson Szymanski, Michele Burton & Michael Barr (Apr 10)

    Music:  No More Doggin’ by Colin James (CD: Colin James & The Little Big Band)


    Walk, walk, kick-ball-cross – brush-hitch-cross, coaster cross

    1–2 Walk forward on right; walk forward on left
    3&4 Kick right forward to the right diagonal (facing r diag.); step back onto ball of right; step left over right moving slightly back like a lock
    5&6 Brush ball of right forward; small hitch with the right knee; cross right over left (squaring to 12 o’clock)
    7&8 Step back on left; step right next to left; cross left in front of right


    1/4 turn touch, step, touch, step – traveling boogie swivels

    1–2 Turn ¼ right touching right toe to right diagonal body facing r diag.; step right in place (squaring to 3 o’clock)
    3–4 Touch left toe to left diagonal body facing l diag.; step left in place (squaring to 3 o’clock)
    5&6 Swivel on ball of left, touch right toe to right diagonal body facing r diag. (both toes point to r); step right in place; swivel on ball of right, step left side left, toes pointing left, knees slightly bent, body facing l diag.
    7&8 Swivel on ball of left, touch right toe to right diagonal body facing r diag. (both toes point to r); step right in place; swivel on ball of right, step left side left, toes pointing left, knees slightly bent, body facing l diag.


    Right sailor step, left sailor 1/2 turn – 2 hip walks

    1&2 Step right behind left; step left next to right; step right side right
    3&4 Step left behind right; turn ½ left stepping right next to left; step left slightly forward (facing 9 o’clock)
    5&6 Touch right toe forward with a forward right hip bump; keeping right toe forward return weight to left hip (&); step onto right in place
    7&8 Touch left toe forward with a forward left hip bump; keeping left toe forward return weight to right hip (&); step onto left in place


    Rock, return, triple 1/2 turn right – rock, return, triple 1/2 ball cross

    1–2 Rock forward onto right foot; return weight onto left in place
    3&4 Turn ½ right stepping right forward; step left next to right; step right forward
    5&6 Rock forward onto left foot; return weight onto right in place
    7&8 Turn ½ left stepping left forward; step ball of right side right; step left over right


    Side touch with knee pops, ball cross – repeat

    Note: in the next 8 counts “knee pop” indicates a gentle straightening of the leg.
    &1-3 Step right side right; touch left toe to left diagonal body facing l diag (l leg should be straight); left knee pop; left knee pop
    &4 Step ball of left slightly back; step right over left squaring body
    &5-7 Step left side left; touch right toe to right diagonal body facing r diag (r leg should be straight); right knee pop; right knee pop
    &8 Step ball of right slightly back; step left over right squaring body


    Vaudvilles – paddle full turn left

    &1&2 Step right side right; touch left toe to left diagonal; step ball of left slightly back; cross right over left
    &3&4 Step left side left; touch right toe to right diagonal; step ball of right slightly back; step left in front of right
    &5&6 Step ball of right side right; turn ¼ left stepping onto left; repeat
    &7&8 Step ball of right side right; turn ¼ left stepping onto left; repeat


    Tag: Following the first repetition of the dance, repeat the last 16 counts (33-48). you will be facing the 9 o’clock wall when you start the second repetition. at the end of the song, finish the paddle turn facing the front.
    Jo Thompson Szymanski:
    Michele Burton: / michael barr
  • Drip Droppin

    Drip Droppin

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Advanced

    Choreographer:  Kate Sala

    Music:  Start Without You by Alexandra Burke

    Start after a 24 count intro. 17 secs. on main vocals.

    Step right, together, forward, mambo step, coaster cross & cross & cross.

    1 & 2 Step r to r side. step l next to r. step forward on r.
    3 & 4 Rock forward on l. rock back on r. step back on l.
    5 & 6 Step back on r. step l next to r. cross step r over l.
    & 7 Small step on ball of l to l side. cross step r over l.
    & 8 Small step on ball of l to l side. cross step r over l.(facing 12 0’clock).
    On the chorus as she sings drip dropping, start the syncopated cross shuffle high on the balls of the feet and bring it lower ending with knees bent.

    Step left, together, forward, mambo step with ½ turn right, mambo step with 1/4 turn l, stomp x2.

    1 & 2 Step l to l side. step r next to l. step forward on l.
    3 & 4 Rock forward on r. rock back on l. make ½ turn r stepping forward on r.
    5 & 6 Rock forward on l. rock back on r. make 1/4 turn l stepping l to l side.
    7 8 Stomp r down next to l. stomp l down in place. (3 0’clock)

    Mambo forward, hip bumps back, mambo back, hitch up, step forward.

    1 & 2 Rock forward on r. rock back on l. step back on r.
    3 & 4 Touch ltoe back to l diagonal bumping l hip back. bring weight back over r foot. step l back to l diagonal pushing l hip back.
    5 & 6 Rock back on r. rock forward on l. step forward on r.
    7 8 Hitch l knee up while raising up onto the ball of r. step forward on l.

    Mambo forward on right, sailor step with ½ turn left, walk x2, triple full turn left, step forward.

    1 & 2 Rock forward on r. rock back on l. step back on r.
    3 & 4 Cross step l behind r. turn 1/4 l stepping r down in place. turn 1/4 l stepping slightly forward on l.
    5 6 Step forward on r. step forward on l.
    7&8& Triple full turn on the spot over l shoulder on r, l, r. small step forward on l (9 0’clcok).

    Modified jazzbox, full turn left, chasse left. (restart wall 5 from here after the tag, facing 12 0’clcock.)

    1 2 Step forward on r. cross step l over r.
    3 & 4 Step back on r. small step on ball of l to l side. cross step r over l.
    5 6 Turn 1/4 l stepping forward on l. turn ½ l stepping back on r. .
    7 & 8 Turn 1/4 l stepping l to l side. step r next to l. step l to l side. *(restart from here on wall 2)

    Modified jazzbox, rock left out to left side, recover, cross shuffle.

    1 2 Step forward on r. cross step l over r.
    3 & 4 Step back on r. small step on ball of l to l side. cross step r over l.
    5 6 Rock out to l side on l. recover on to r.
    7 & 8 Cross step l over r. step r to r side. cross step l over r.
    Begin Again

    Tag: 32 counts: at the end of wall 4, facing 12 0’clock, add the following 16 counts (x2)

    Step right, cross rock left behind r, turn 1/4 l, booty turn l x 3, step out left, step out right.

    1 2&3 Step r to r side. cross rock on l behind r. recover on r. turn 1/4 l stepping forward on l.
    4 5 6 Pivot on l foot, stomping down on r x 3 & rolling hips anti clockwise completing 3/4 turn l.(12 0’clock)
    7 8 Step l out to l side. step r out to r side.

    Step left, cross rock r behind left, step right, cross rock left behind right, step left, together with booty shake or shimmy, step left, roll back on to heels, recover.

    1 2 & Step l to l side. cross rock on r behind l. recover onto l.
    3 4 & Step r to r side. cross rock on l behind r. recover onto r.
    5 6 Step l to l side. step r next to l. during counts 5 6 shake your booty or shimmy your shoulders.
    7 & 8 Step l to l side. roll back on to the heels pushing bottom back. recover pushing hips forward.
    Dance pattern…
    On wall 2, restart after 40 counts.
    After wall 4, facing 12 0’clock, add the 32 count tag
    After the 32 count tag, restart the dance from count 33.
    Wall 6, still facing 12 0’clock, dance the first (32 &) counts only.
    Then start from the beginning of the dance.
    Wall 7, facing 9 0’clock dance the first 30 counts only and to make a nice finish, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn l, step forward on right on counts 31 & 32. da da..finishing the dance facing 12 0’clock!
  • Dance Alone

    Dance Alone

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Improver

    Choreographer:  Louise Elfvengren Olatoye (March 2011)

    Music:  Dance Alone by Love Generation

    Intro: 32 counts

    Section 1: Kick ball step, rock side rec. back – ¼ turn , shuffle

    1&2 Kick right fw, step down right on ball, step down on left.
    3-4 Rock right side, recover onto left
    5-6 Step right behind left, turn ¼ left stepping down on left, (9)
    7&8 Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward

    Section 2: Rock fw, ½ shuffle turn left x 2, step – touch

    1-2 Rock left forward, recover onto right
    3&4 Turn ½ left shuffle left-right-left (3)
    5&6 Turn ½ left shuffle right-left-right (9)
    7-8 Step down on left, touch right beside left.

    Section 3: Monterey ½ right with cross, chasse right, rock bw rec.

    1-4 Point right to side, turn ½ right, point left to side, cross left over right. (3)
    5&6 Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right side
    7-8 Rock left backward, recover onto right.

    Section 4: Step, hold, step, touch. pivot ½ left, pivot ½ left

    1-2 Step left to left, hold.
    &3-4 Step right next to left, step left to left, touch right next to left.
    5-6 Step right forward, turn ½ left stepping forward on left (9)
    7-8 Step right forward, turn ½ left stepping forward on left (3)
    Tag, 4 counts – after wall 2 + wall 6 (both times 6 o clock):
    Stand still and bend diagonally forward to right for every beat (totally 4)
  • Don’t Let Me Down

    Don’t Let Me Down

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Dan Morrison (Mar 2010)

    Music:  Giddy On Up – Laura Bell Bundy

    Intro: 32 counts, start on lyrics

    R mambo, l mambo, r step-lock-step, l step-lock-step

    1&2 Step r forward (1) step l in place (&) step r beside l (2)
    3&4 Step l back (3) step r in place (&) step l beside r (4)
    5&6 Step r forward (5) step l behind r (&) step r forward (6)
    7&8 Step l forward (7) step r behind l (&) step l forward (8)

    1/4 pivot, cross-shuffle, vaudeville

    1-2 Step r forward (1) 1/4 pivot l, wt. on l (2)
    3&4 Step r over l (3) step l side l (&) step r over l (4)
    &5&6 Step l side l (&) touch r heel forward (5) step r back (&) step l over r (6)
    &7&8 Step r side r (&) touch l heel forward (7) step l back (&) step r over l (8)

    Side-rock-step, cross-shuffle, 1/2 monterey, point & point

    1-2 Step l side l (1) step r in place (2)
    3&4 Step l over r (3) step r side r (&) step l over r (4)
    5-6 Point r side r (5) 1/2 turn r stepping r beside l (6)
    7&8 Point l side l (7) step l beside r (&) point r side r (8)

    R sailor, l sailor, 1/2 pivot, r kick-ball-change

    1&2 Step r behind l (1) step l beside r (&) step r side r (2)
    3&4 Step l behind r (3) step r beside l (&) step l side l (4)
    5-6 Step r forward (5) 1/2 pivot l, wt. on l (6)
    7&8 Kick r forward (7) step r back (&) step l in place (8)

    Rock-step, coaster, rock-step, coaster

    &1-2 1/4 turn l (&) step r side r (1) step l in place (2)
    &3&4 1/4 turn r (&) step r back (3) step l beside r (&) step r forward (4)
    &5-6 1/4 turn r (&) step l side l (5) step r in place (6)
    &7&8 1/4 turn l (&) step l back (7) step r beside l (&) step l forward (8)

    Rock-step, 1/2 r shuffle, rock-step, 1/2 l shuffle

    1-2 Step r forward (1) step l in place (2)
    3&4 1/2 r shuffle (r,l,r)
    5-6 Step l forward (5) step r in place (6)
    7&8 1/2 l shuffle (l,r,l)

    Tag 1- after second wall

    Hat-dance, 1/2 pivot, hat-dance, 1/2 pivot

    1&2& Touch r heel forward (1) step r beside l (&) touch l heel forward (2)
    &3-4 Step l beside r (&) step r forward (3) 1/2 pivot l, wt. on l (4)
    5-8 Repeat same 4 counts


    1-4 Step r forward (1) step l in place (2) step r back (3) step l inplace (4)

    Tag 2- after fourth wall


    1-4 Step r forward (1) step l in place (2) step r back (3) step l inplace (4)
    Have fun and enjoy
    Last update – 25th november 2012