Category Archives: J

  • Just 4 Fun

    Just 4 Fun

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Patricia E. Stott

    Music:  Tell Me Ma by Sham Rock


    Walk Forward – Right, Left, Right, Kick, Walk Back – Left, Right, Left, Ball Cross

    1-4 Walk forward – right, left, right, kick left forward raising arms (whoo!)
    5-7 Walk back – left, right, left
    &8 Step onto ball of right, cross left over right

    Vine Right, Kick And Clap, Vine Left With ¼ Turn Left, Scuff

    9-12 Step right to right, left behind right, step right to right, kick left across right & clap
    13-16 Step left to left, cross right behind left, turn ¼ to left and step forward on left, scuff right heel forward

    Forward, Clap, Back, Clap, Back, Clap, Forward, Clap

    17-18 Step diagonally forward on right, tap left next to right and clap
    19-20 Step diagonally back on left, tap right next to left and clap
    21-22 Step diagonally back on right, tap left next to right and clap
    23-24 Step diagonally forward on left, tap right next to left and clap

    Stomp, Stomp, Brush, Brush, Clap, Snap, Stomp, Flick

    25-26 Stomp right, stomp left (feet slightly apart)
    27-28 Brush both arms back, brush both arms forward (brush hands gently on legs)
    29-30 Clap hands, snap fingers with arms raised to shoulder level
    31-32 Stomp right next to left (without weight), flick right foot up behind you raising arms again
    Maybe another whoo! If you want, it’s up to you!