Category Archives: Stegbeskrivning

  • Hårgalåten

    Hårgalåten (The Hårga Tune)

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate – Hambo

    Choreographer:  Stig Ekström (SE) July 2013

    Music:  Hårgalåten, – Sandra Dahlberg, Album: Här stannar jag kvar

    Hambo is a traditional dance that originated in Sweden in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is a couple dance in ¾ time, danced to music played with a strong accent on the first beat.
    Start after 36 counts introduction. Optionally start after 12 counts with a traditional Hambo repetition for 24 counts.

    Section 1 Left “dalsteg” (step point), right “dalsteg” (step point)

    1, 2, 3 Step forward on left, point right over left during count 2 and 3
    4, 5, 6 Step forward on right, point left over right during count 5 and 6

    Section 2 Step, together, step, modified hambo turn (full turn)

    1, 2, 3 Step forward on left, close right next to left, step forward on left
    The Hambo turn shall be a smooth clockwise turn over three counts travelling forward to 12 o’clock.
    4 Turn ¼ right and step forward on right (3 o’clock)
    5 Put left in front of right and turn ½ right, move the weight over to left foot at the end (9 o’clock)
    6 Turn ¼ right and step forward on right (12 o’clock).

    Section 3 Forward waltz step, waltz step diagonally backwards

    1, 2, 3 Step forward on left, step right next to left, step left in place
    4, 5, 6 Turn ⅛ left and step back on right, turn ⅛ left and step left next to right, step right in place (9 o’clock)

    Section 4 Waltz step diagonally forward, waltz step diagonally backwards

    1, 2, 3 Turn ⅛ left and step forward on left, turn ⅛ left and step right next to left, step left in place (6 o’clock)
    4, 5, 6 Turn ⅛ left and step back on right, turn ⅛ left and step left next to right, step right in place (3 o’clock)

    Section 5 Waltz step diagonally forward, backwards waltz step

    1, 2, 3 Turn ⅛ left and step forward on left, turn ⅛ left and step right next to left, step left in place (12 o’clock)
    4, 5, 6 Step back on right, step left next to right, step right in place

    Section 6 Cross, side, behind, side, drag, touch

    1, 2, 3 Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right
    4, 5, 6 Big step to right on right, drag left towards right, touch left next to right

    Section 7 Waltz step ¾ turn, waltz step backwards

    1, 2, 3 Turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn ½ to left step right next to left, step left in place (3 o’clock)
    4, 5, 6 Step back on right, step left next to right, step right in place

    Section 8 Left twinkle, right twinkle ½ turn

    1, 2, 3 Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left in place
    4, 5, 6 Cross right over left, turn ½ left and step left to left side, step right in place (9 o’clock)

    Restart on wall 2 after section 6, 36 counts. Start with a ¼ turn to left and step forward on count 1 towards 6 o’clock.

    The Legend of Hårga:
    It’s late on a Saturday night and all the youth in Hårga have gathered to dance in the barn. Suddenly in the middle of a dance the music is interrupted and a new fiddler steps forward from the shadows. He had a large dark hat on his head and beneath it could be seen a pair of ”burning” eyes. The fiddler lifted the violin to his chin and began to play a song that had never been heard. All the young people immediately began to dance to the new melody. But once they started to dance, they could not stop. The dance continued throughout the night and when dawn arrived the fiddler began to walk out of the barn. After him came all the dancers in a line. They could not stop dancing. The sound of the violin forced their feet to continue. While church bells rang in the worship service they disappeared, dancing with the fiddler. A girl remained laying on the dance floor in the barn. No one had listened to her when she warned them of the fiddler, and no one noticed his goat hooves whilst everyone was in the midst of the wildest dance they’ve ever been through.
    The legend continues with that the fiddler led the dancers up to the Hårga Mountain where they danced until only their bones were left. Some even say that you can still see the marks from the dance ring at Hårga Mountain, and if you are brave enough to venture out one night when there is a full moon, it is said that one can hear the music the devil once played for those who died.
    Copyright © 2013, Stig Ekström
  • Brave


    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Richard Palmer, Laura Hilbert & Lorna Dennis (Feb 2014)

    Music:  Brave by Sara Bareilles (Single)

    Intro: 8 counts

    Side, cross rock, side rock, cross rock, step, kick, ball, point, &, kick, ball

    1-2& Step r to r side, cross rock l over r, recover onto r
    3&4& Rock l to l side, recover onto r, cross rock l over r, recover onto r
    5-6& Step l to l side, kick r forward, step r beside l
    7&8& Point l to l side, step l beside r, kick r forward, step r beside l

    Point, hitch, cross, back lock-step, coaster, forward shuffle

    1&2 Point l to l side, hitch l knee, cross step l over r
    3&4 Step back r, lock l across r, step back r
    5&6 Step back l, step r beside l, step forward l (*tag & restart 2 here on wall 6 facing 12 o’clock)
    7&8 Step forward r, close l beside r, step forward r (*tag & restart 1 here on wall 3 facing 6 o’clock)

    Cross & heel jack x 2, cross, side mambo touch, step

    1&2& Cross l over r, step r to r side, touch l heel diagonally forward l, step l next to r
    3&4& Cross r over l, step l to l side, touch r heel diagonally forward r, step r next to l
    5-6& Cross l over r, rock r to r side, recover onto l
    7-8 Touch r next to l, step r to r side

    Cross point, side point, cross, ¼ turn left, side step, cross rock, side rock, behind, side, cross

    1-2 Point l diagonally forward r, point l diagonally forward l
    3&4 Cross l over r, step back on r, make a ¼ turn l stepping l forward
    5&6& Cross rock r over l, recover onto l, rock r to r side, recover onto l
    7&8 Cross r behind l, step l to l side, cross r over l

    Cross rock, side rock, behind, side, cross, chasse, ¼ hitch turn, chasse, ¼ hitch turn

    1&2& Cross rock l over r, recover onto r, rock l to l side, recover onto r
    3&4 Cross l behind r, step r to r side, cross l over r
    5&6& Step r to r side, close l beside r, step r to r side, hitch l knee whilst making a ¼ turn l
    7&8& Step l to l side, close r beside l, step l to l side, hitch r knee whilst making a ¼ turn l

    Chasse, coaster step, right jazz box cross

    1&2 Step r to r side, close l beside r, step r to r side
    3&4 Step back l, step r beside l, step forward l
    5-8 Cross r over l, step back on l, step r to r side, cross l over r

    Tag & restart 1 – on wall 3 (facing 6 o’clock), dance the first 16 counts (up to and including the forward shuffle) and then do the following tag and then restart the dance from count 1:


    Jazz box touch

    1-4 Cross l over r, step back on r, step l to l side, touch r next to l

    Tag & restart 2 – on wall 6 (facing 12 o’clock), dance the first 14 counts (up to and including the coaster step) and then do the following tag and then restart the dance from count 1:


    Walk, walk

    1-2 Walk forward on r, walk forward on l
    Many thanks to Dee Musk, Hayley Musk and Karl Harry Winson for their time and advice helping with this dance.
    Contact details:;
  • Hit The Floor

    Hit The Floor

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Ria Vos, (March 2014)

    Music:  Hit The Ground (Original FM cut) – Kique Santiago, Single

    Intro: 32 counts (±14 sec)

    Cross, ¼ R, ¼ R, Point, ¼ L, ½ L, Coaster Step

    1-2 Cross R Over L, ¼ Turn R Step Back on L
    3-4 ¼ Turn R Step R to R Side, Point L to L Side
    5-6 ¼ Turn L Step L Fwd, ½ Turn L Step Back on R
    7&8 Step Back on L, Step R Next to L, Step Fwd on L

    Cross Rock, & Touch, & Touch, Monterey ¼ R, Side Rock-Cross

    1-2 Cross Rock R Over L, Recover on L
    &3 “Jump” Step R Back on R Back Diagonal, Touch L Next to R
    &4 “Jump” Step L Back on L Back Diagonal, Touch R Next to L
    5-6 Point R to R Side, ¼ Turn R Step R Next to L
    7&8 Rock L to L Side, Recover on R, Cross L Over R

    Side, Hitch Across, Side, Together, Twist X3 To R Side, Hook Behind

    1-2 Step R to R Side, Hitch L Across R
    3-4 Step L to L Side, Step R Next to L (slightly bending both knees)
    5-7 Swivel Both Heels to R Side, Swivel Toes to R Side, Swivel Heels to R Side
    8 Hook/Flick L Behind R

    ¼ L, ½ L, ¼ Chasse L, Cross Rock, Chasse R

    1-2 ¼ Turn L Step Fwd on L, ½ Turn L Step Back on R
    3&4 ¼ Turn L Step L to L Side, Step R Next to L, Step L to L Side
    5-6 Cross Rock R Over L, Recover on L
    7&8 Step R to R Side, Step L Next to R, Step R to R Side

    Jazz Box ¼ Turn L, Point, Together, Point, Dip With Shoulders

    1-2 Cross L Over R, ¼ Turn L Step Back on R
    3-4 Step L to L Side (dip down), Point R to R Side (turn body L with R shoulder fwd)
    5-6 Step R Next to L (dip down), Point L to L Side (turn body R with L shoulder fwd) (*Ending)
    7&8 Roll Shoulders from Front to Back: L-R-L Transfering weight to L (dip and come up again)

    Cross, Touch, & Heel Ball Cross, Side Rock, Behind-Side-Cross

    1-2 Cross R Over L, Touch L Behind R Heel
    &3 Step Back on L, Touch R Heel to R Diagonal
    &4 Step on Ball of R Next to L, Cross L Over R
    5-6 Rock R to R Side, Recover on L
    7&8 Step R Behind L, Step L to L Side, Cross R Over L

    Walk-Walk-Shuffle (Turning ¾ Turn L) Step Fwd, ½ Turn R, Shuffle ½ Turn R

    1-2 ¼ Turn L Step Fwd on L, ¼ Turn L Step Fwd on R
    3&4 ¼ Turn L Shuffle Fwd Stepping L, R, L (count 1-4 make a semi-circle walk around ¾ turn L)
    5-6 Step Fwd on R, ½ Turn R Step Back on L
    7&8 ¼ Turn R Step R to R Side, Step L Next to R, ¼ Turn R Step Fwd on R

    Rock Fwd, & Rock Fwd, Back, Swivel, Touch Back, Unwind ¼ Turn L

    1-2 Rock Fwd on L, Recover on R
    &3-4 Step L Next to R, Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L
    5&6 Step Back on R, Swivel Both Heels L, Recover (weight R) (option: Bump Back x2 without Swivel)
    7-8 Touch L Behind R, Unwind ¼ Turn L (weight L)

    *Ending: You will end on section 5, with L foot pointed to L side (count 38) turn ½ L to face the front (weight L and legs crossed), bend your knees and pretend to “hit the floor” with your handpalms down

    Contact: dansenbijria@gmail.Com
  • Tim-Ber!


    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Improver

    Choreographer:  Tim Gauci, Broken Hill, Nsw, Australia (Feb 2014)

    Music:  Pitbull (feat Ke$ha) – Timber (3.24) iTunes single

    No tags or restarts, begin on lyrics 16 counts in


    Fwd, Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle, Fwd, Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle

    123&4 Step L fwd, rock weight onto R, making ½ turn L shuffle LRL
    567&8 Step R fwd, rock weight onto L, making ½ turn R shuffle RLR (12.00)


    Step, Pivot ½, Shuffle Fwd, Fwd, Rock, Coaster Cross

    123&4 Step L fwd, pivot ½ R, shuffle fwd LRL
    567&8 Step R fwd, rock weight onto L, step R back, step L tog (&), step R over L (6.00)


    Side, Rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Rock, Behind, ¼, Fwd

    123&4 Step L to L side, rock weight onto R side, step L behind R, step R to R (&), step L over R
    567&8 Step R to R side, rock weight onto L side, step R behind R, making ¼ turn L step L fwd (&), step R fwd (3.00)


    Heel, Tog, Point, Heel, Tog, Point, Heel, Tog, Heel, Tog, Walk Lr

    1&23&4 Touch L heel fwd, step L tog (&), point R toe to R, touch R heel fwd, step R tog (&), point L toe to L
    5&6&78 Touch L heel fwd, step L tog (&), touch R heel fwd, step R tog (&), step/stomp L fwd, step/stomp R fwd (3.00)
    Repeat dance in new direction
    Contact: – – 0417 004 759
  • Ivory Towers

    Ivory Towers

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  High Intermediate / Advanced

    Choreographer:  Ria Vos (Jan 2014)

    Music:  ”Predictable” by Michelle Lawson. Album : ”I Just Wanna Say”

    Intro: 16 counts
    Note: The dance has been choreographed using what is known as a “rolling count”, the ‘a’ counts are danced just after the ‘&’, i am sure you will hear it… just dance on rhythm

    Lunge R ¼ L, Full Turn L With Sweep, Jazz Box, Full Turn R, Step Back, Coaster Cross

    1-2 Lunge R to R Side, ¼ Turn L Recover on L (9:00)
    a3 ½ Turn L Step Back on R, ½ Turn L, Step Fwd on L Sweeping R from Back to Front
    4&a Cross R over L, Step Back on L, Small Step R to R Side
    5-6 Step Fwd on L, Pivot ½ Turn R (3:00)
    a7 ½ Turn R Step Back on L, Step Back on R (9:00)
    8&a Step Back on L, Step R Next to L, Cross L Over R

    Point R, ¾ Turn R, Step Fwd, Point L, ¼ L, Pivot ½ L X2, ¼ L, Rock Back, ½ Turn R

    1-2 Point R to R Side, ¾ Turn R on L Foot with R leg in a figure 4 (6:00)
    a3-4 Step Fwd on R, Point L to L Side, ¼ Turn L Step Fwd on L (3:00)
    a5a6 Step on Ball of R Fwd, Pivot ½ turn L, Step on Ball of R Fwd, Pivot ½ turn L
    a7 ¼ Turn L Step R to R Side, Cross Rock L Behind R (12:00)
    8a Recover on R, ¼ Turn R Step Back on L Turning another ¼ Turn R (6:00)
    ***restart point wall 2 & 5

    Side, 1/8 R Step Fwd, ½ L, Rock Back, ½ R, 1/8 R Side, -Repeat

    1-2a Long Step R to R Side, 1/8 Turn R Step Fwd on L, ½ Turn L Step Back on R (1:30)
    3-4a Rock Back on L, Recover on R, ½ Turn R Step Back on L (7:30)
    5-6a 1/8 Turn R Step R to R Side, 1/8 Turn R Step L Fwd, ½ Turn L Step Back on R (4:30)
    7-8 Rock Back on L, Recover on R
    &a ½ Turn R Step Back on L, 1/8 Turn R Step R to R Side (12:00)

    Cross Rock, Diagonal Steps Back Sweep, Behind-Side-Cross ¼ L Hitch, Step Fwd, Step Spiral ¾ R, Side, Cross

    1-2 Cross Rock L Over R, Recover on R
    a3 Step L Back to L Back Diagonal, Step R Back to L Back Diagonal Sweeping L Around
    4a (Straighten Up to 12:00) Step L Behind R, Step R to R Side
    5 Cross L Over R and Turn ¼ L Hitching R (9:00)
    6-7 Step Fwd on R, Step Fwd on L Spiral ¾ Turn R (6:00)
    8a Step R to R Side, Cross L Over R

    Restart: After count 16a on wall 2 (12:00) and 5 (6:00)


    Tag: After Wall 3 (6:00)

    Lunge, Full Turn L, Side, Cross, Lunge, Full Turn R, Side, Cross

    1-2 Lunge R to R Side, Recover on L
    a3-4 ½ Turn L Step R to R Side, ½ Turn L Step L to L Side, Cross R Over L
    5-6 Lunge L to L Side, Recover on R
    a7-8 ½ Turn R Step L to L Side, ½ Turn R Step R to R Side, Cross L Over R
    Contact: Dansenbijria@gmail.Com
  • Twist & Shake

    Twist & Shake

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Sylvie Roy

    Music:  The Shake – Neal McCoy

    Sec 1

    Walk X 3, Kick & Clap, Back X 3, Together

    1-2 Step forward on right foot; step forward on left foot
    3-4 Step forward on right foot, kick left foot forward & clap
    5-6 Step back on left foot, step back on right foot
    7-8 Step back on left foot, right foot to side of left

    Sec 2

    Swivels Right, Hold & Clap, Swivels Left, Hold & Clap

    1-2 Swivel the heels to the right, swivel the toes to the right
    3-4 Swivel the heels to the right, hold & clap the hands
    5-6 Swivel the heels to the left, swivel the toes to the left
    7-8 Swivel the heels to the left, hold & clap the hands

    Sec 3

    3 Side, Together, Side, Touch, Side, Together, Side Touch

    1-2 Step right foot to the right, step left foot beside right
    3-4 Step right foot to the right, touch the left foot beside right
    5-6 Step left foot to the left, step right foot beside left
    7-8 Step left foot to the left, touch the right foot beside left

    Sec 4

    ¼ Turn, Touch, Side, Touch, ¼ Turn, Touch, Side, Touch

    1-2 ¼ turn to the left, weight on the right foot, touch the left foot beside right
    3-4 Step left foot to the left, touch right foot beside left
    5-6 ¼ turn to the left, weight on the right foot, touch the left foot beside right
    7-8 Step left foot to the left, touch right foot beside left
    Start again from the beginning
  • Another Song

    Another Song

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Improver

    Choreographer:  Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie (UK)

    Music:  “Another Song I Had To Write” by Jacob Lyda (87/174 bpm)

    16 count intro. – (script written as 87 bpm)

    Syncopated rumba forward. 2 x walks back. behind. side. cross.

    1&2 Step Right to Right side. Close Left beside Right. Step forward on Right.
    3&4 Step Left to Left side. Close Right beside Left. Step back on Left.
    5 – 6 Step back on Right. Step back on Left.
    7&8 Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side. Cross step Right over Left.

    Side step left. together. left scissor. 1/4 turn left. step back. right shuffle 1/2 turn right.

    1 – 2 Step Left to left side. Close Right beside Left.
    3&4 Step Left to left side. Close Right beside Left. Cross step Left over Right.
    5 – 6 Make 1/4 turn Left stepping back on Right. Step back on Left. (Facing 9 o’clock)
    7&8 Right shuffle making 1/2 turn Right stepping Right. Left. Right. (Facing 3 o’clock)

    Step. pivot 1/2 turn right. heel switches. & left lock step forward. step forward. touch. step back.

    1 – 2 Step forward on Left. Pivot 1/2 turn Right. (Facing 9 o’clock)
    3& Touch Left heel forward. Step Left beside Right.
    4& Touch Right heel forward. Step Right beside Left.
    5&6 Step forward on Left. Lock step Right behind Left. Step forward on Left.
    7&8 Step forward on Right. Touch Left toe behind Right heel. Step back on Left.

    Right coaster step. cross. step back. left shuffle 1/2 turn left. step. pivot 1/2 turn left.

    1&2 Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right.
    3 – 4 Cross step Left over Right. Step back on Right.
    5&6 Left shuffle making 1/2 turn Left stepping Left. Right. Left. (Facing 3 o’clock)
    7 – 8 Step forward on Right. Pivot 1/2 turn Left. (Facing 9 o’clock)
    Start again
  • Sambamania


    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner / Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Joenan, Australia (May 2012)

    Music:  Sambalero (Dance Edit) – Mueve Orchestra Bagutti

    Count in – 32 counts

    Prissy Walks, Pivot ½ Turn Left, Cross Samba, Cross Samba

    1-4 Prissy walks forward on R, L, step forward on R, pivot ½ turn left
    5&6 Cross samba on R, L, R
    7&8 Cross samba on L, R, L (6)

    Rock, Recover, Touch, Unwind ¾ Turn Right, Chasse Left, Mambo

    1-4 Rock forward on R, recover on L, touch R behind L, unwind ¾ turn right (wt remains on R)
    5&6 Chasse left on L, R, L
    7&8 Back mambo on R, L, R (3)

    Rock, Recover, Syncopated Cross Shuffle, Point, Syncopated Rocking Chair

    1-2 Rock L to left side, recover on R
    3-6 Syncopated cross shuffle on L (3), R (&), L (4), R (&), L (5), point R to right side (6)
    7&8& Syncopated rocking chair on R, L, R, L (3)

    Cross Samba, Cross Samba, Jazz Box ½ Turn Right

    1&2 Cross samba on R, L, R
    3&4 Cross samba on L, R, L
    5-8 Turning ½ turn right jazz box on R, L, R, L (9)
    Start again
  • New York 2 LA

    New York 2 LA

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate / Advanced

    Choreographer:  Rachael McEnaney (UK/USA) Dec 2013

    Music:  NY2LA by Press Play [3.35mins]

    Count in: 32 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals. Approx 126 bpm.
    Notes: There is 1 tag at the end of the 7th wall, see notes below.

    1 – 8

    Fwd R, Twist, R Coaster Step, Fwd L, ½ Pivot R, ½ Turn R, ¼ Turn R

    1 & 2 Step right foot forward as you bend right knee (almost like a press) (1), twist right heel to right (pushing into right foot)(&), twist right heel back to place (weight ends on left)(2) 12.00
    3 & 4 Step back right (3), step left next to right (&), step forward right (4) 12.00
    5 6 7 8 Step forward left (5), pivot ½ turn right (6), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (7), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (8) 3.00

    9 – 16

    L Syncopated Jazz Box, ¼ Turn R With Sweep Back, Back Sweeps R-L, R Sailor

    1 2 & 3 Cross left over right (1), step back right (2), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (3) 3.00
    4 5 Make ¼ turn right stepping as you step back on left and sweep right (4), step back on right as you sweep left (5) 6.00
    6 7 & 8 Step back on left as you sweep right (6), cross right behind left (7), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (8) 6.00

    17 – 24

    L Touch Behind, L Side, R Behind-Side-Cross, ½ Turn L With R Sweep, R Cross, L Side-Rock-Cross

    1 Point left toe crossed behind right (style: As you point left behind take both hands to right side & look to right) 6.00
    2 3 & 4 Step left to left side (2), cross right behind left (3), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (4) 6.00
    5 6 Make ¼ turn left stepping forward left and sweep/swing right leg out to make another ¼ turn left (5), cross right over left (6) 12.00
    7 & 8 Rock left to left side (7), recover weight right (&), cross left over right (8) 12.00

    25 – 33

    R Side Press/Rock, R Behind-Side-Cross, L Side With Hip, R Side With Hip, Rolling Full Turn L

    1 2 Press ball of right to right side (style: Lift right shoulder up) (1), recover weight left (drop shoulder) (2) 12.00
    3 & 4 Cross right behind left (3), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (4) 12.00
    5 6 Step left to left side as you turn hip & upper body left (5), step right out to right side as you turn hip & upper body right (6) 12.00
    7 8 1 Make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (7), make ½ turn left stepping back right (8), make ¼ turn left taking big step to left side 12.00

    34 – 40

    Hold, R Ball, L Cross, ¼ Turn R, ½ Turn R With L Hip Bump, ¼ Turn R With R Hip Bump

    2 & 3 4 Hold (slide right towards left) (2), step in place on ball of right (&), cross left over right (3), make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (4) 3.00
    5 6 Make ¼ turn right touching left to left side and pushing hip left (5), make ¼ turn right stepping back left (6) 9.00
    7 8 Make ¼ turn right touching right to right side and pushing hip right (7), step right to right side (8) 12.00

    41 – 48

    L Cross, R Side, ¼ L Sailor, R Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn L, 2x ¼ Turns L

    1 2 Cross left over right (1), step right to right side (2), 12.00
    3 & 4 Cross left behind right (3), make ¼ turn left stepping right next to left (&), step forward left (4) 9.00
    5 6 Step forward right (5), pivot ½ turn left (6), 3.00
    7 8 Make ¼ turn left touching right to right side (7), make ¼ turn left touching right to side (8) 9.00

    Tag: At the end of the 7th wall you will be facing 3.00. Add the following tag:

    Make ¼ Turn Left Stepping Right To Right Side As You Do A Big Hip Circle Counter Clockwise (Left) For 4 Counts (1,2,3,4)

    Making a full turn to right, walk around in a circle right-left-right-left (5,6,7,8) then start again – facing 12.00

    Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format.
    Copyright © 2013 Rachael Louise McEnaney (rachaeldance@me.Com) All rights reserved
 – – tel: +1 407-538-1533 – +44 7968181933
  • Stronger Than The Universe

    Stronger Than The Universe

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Easy Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Rep Ghazali-Meaney, Scotland (April 2012)

    Music:  Hearbreaker by Dionne Warwick (101 bpm) iTunes

    38 count intro start on vocal


    Right Side-Cross Rock-Recover,¼ Turn Side Shuffle Fwd, Rock Forward-Recover, Coaster Step

    1-3 Step Right to Right side, cross Rock Left over Right, recover on Right
    4&5 Step Left to Left side, step Right together, ¼ turn Left by stepping forward on Left (9)
    6-7 Rock forward Right, recover on Left
    8&1 Step back Right, step Left together, step forward Right
    Alternative step: Triple full turn right by stepping right-left-right on the spot


    Cross-Unwind ½ Turn, Sailor Skate, Skate-Skate, Left Shuffle Fwd

    2-3 Cross Left over Right, keeping weight on Left unwind ½ turn Right and sweep on Right (3)
    4&5 Step Right behind Left, step Left to Left, skate forward Right
    6-7 Skate forward Left, skate forward Right
    8&1 Step forward Left, step Right together, step forward Left


    Rock Fwd-Recover, Triple ½ Turn, Step-¼ Pivot Turn, Cross Shuffle

    2-3 Rock forward Right, recover on Left
    4&5 ½ turn Left by stepping forward on Right, step Left together, step forward Right (9)
    6-7 Step forward Left, ¼ pivot turn Right (12)
    8&1 Cross Left over Right, step Right to Right side, cross Left over Right


    Side-¼ Turn Left, Right Cross Mambo, Left And Right Sailor

    2-3 Step Right to Right side, ¼ turn Left by stepping Left to Left side (9)
    4&5 Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, step Right to Right side
    6&7 Step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, step Left to Left side
    8&1 Step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, [step Right to Right side] (9)
  • Timber


    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Alison Biggs & Peter Metelnick, TheDanceFactoryUK, (Dec 2013)

    Music:  Timber – Pitbull feat. Ke$ha [130bpm – 3mins 23secs]

    Start after 16 count intro


    R Fwd Rock/Recover, R & L Apart, Hold, R Heel Bounce 2x, L Heel Bounce 2x

    1-2 Rock R forward, recover weight on L
    &3-4 Step R foot back and out, step left foot apart, hold
    5-8 Press R heel down twice, press L heel down twice (weight ends on R)
    You can use your hands to press palms to the floor as you lift up right heel then left heel


    L Ball Cross Side, R Sailor, L Cross Step, ¼ L, ½ L, R Fwd

    &1-2 Step L back, cross step R over L, step L side
    3&4 Step R behind L, step L side, step R side
    5-8 Cross step L over R, turning ¼ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward, step R forward (3 o’clock)


    L Fwd, R Fwd & Back Points, R Fwd, L Fwd & Back Points, L Fwd Shuffle

    1-3 Step L forward, touch R toes forward, touch R toes back
    4-6 Step R forward, touch L toes forward, touch L toes back
    7&8 Step L forward, step R together, step L forward


    R Fwd, ¼ L Pivot Turn, R Cross Shuffle, L Side Rock/Recover, L Behind-Side-Cross

    1-2 Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (12 o’clock)
    3&4 Cross step R over L, step L side, cross step R over L
    5-6 Rock L side, recover weight on R
    Ending: Wall 7: Dance up to this point count 30 and facing back wall add the following to bring yourself to front wall: ½ L Sailor Step
    7&8 Cross step L behind R, step R side, cross step L over R


    R Side, L Touch, ¼ L Shuffle, ½ L, ½ L, Walk Fwd 2

    1-2 Step R side, touch L together
    3&4 Turning ¼ left step L forward, step R together, step L forward (9 o’clock)
    5-6 Turning ½ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward
    7-8 Step R forward, step L forward


    R Fwd Rock/Recover, R Back, L Heel Fwd, Hold, 3 Heel Presses Fwd, Back, Fwd, R Side Touch

    1-2 Rock R forward, recover weight on L
    &3-4 Step R back, touch L heel forward, hold
    5-7 As you press forward on ball of L lift up R heel bending R knee forward, as you press back on R lift up L toes, as you press forward on ball of L lift up R heel bending R knee forward
    8 Point R side


    R Ball Cross, R Side, ¼ L & L Side, ¼ L & R Side, L Sailor, R Sailor

    &1-2 R back, cross step L over R, step R side
    3-4 Turning ¼ left step L side, turning ¼ left step R side (3 o’clock)
    5&6 Step L behind R, step R side, step L side
    7&8 Step R behind L, step L side, step R side


    Weave R 2, ¼ L Toaster, Walk Fwd 2 (Or Full Turn), R Fwd, ¼ L Pivot

    1-2 Cross step L over R, step R side
    3&4 Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, step L forward (12 o’clock)
    5-6 Step R forward, step L forward (or ½ L & R back, ½ L & L forward)
    7-8 Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (9 o’clock)
    Contact: Tel: 01462 735778 – website: – email:
  • Lasso Shuffle

    Lasso Shuffle

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Wanda Pawlak

    Music:  I Just Want To Dance With You – George Strait (slow to practice, then to any faster music that suits the steps)


    Chasse, Rock Step Backwards x 2

    1&2 Right Chasse
    3-4 Rock left backwards, Recover on right foot
    5&6 Left Chasse
    7-8 Rock right backwards, Recover on left foot


    Shuffle Forward x 2, Rock Step Forward x 2

    1&2 Shuffle forward with right foot
    3&4 Shuffle forward with left foot
    5-8 Rock, Recover forward on right foot twice


    Shuffle Backwards x 2, Rock Step Backwards x 2

    1&2 Shuffle backwards on left foot
    3&4 Shuffle backwards on right foot
    5-8 Rock, Recover backwards on right foot twice


    Jazz Box, Jazz Box with ¼ turn

    1-4 Cross right over left, step back on left foot, step right to the right, step left together in place
    5-8 Cross right over left, step back on left foot, turn ¼ turn right stepping right to the side, step left together with the weight on the left foot
    Start again!
  • Ritmo


    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Ria Vos (Jan 2014)

    Music:  “Ritmo (Radio Edit)” Carolina Marquez, Album: Ritmo –EP

    Intro: 32 counts (±14 sec)

    Side, Behind & Cross, Side, Rock Back, Kick-Ball-Cross

    1-2 Step R to R Side, Step L Behind R
    &3-4 Step on Ball of R to R Side, Cross L Over R, Step R to R Side
    5-6 Rock Back on L, Recover on R
    7&8 Kick L to L Diagonal, Step on Ball of L Next to R, Cross R Over L

    Side, Behind & Cross, Side, Rock Back, Shuffle ½ Turn L

    1-2 Step L to L Side, Step R Behind L
    &3-4 Step on Ball of L to L Side, Cross R Over L, Step L to L Side
    5-6 Rock Back on R, Recover on L
    7&8 Shuffle ½ Turn L Stepping R-L-R

    Rock Back, Full Turn R, Shuffle Fwd, Step Pivot ¼ L

    1-2 Rock Back on L, Recover on R
    3-4 ½ Turn R Step Back on L, ½ Turn R Step Fwd on R
    5&6 Shuffle Fwd Stepping L-R-L
    7-8 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ¼ Turn L

    Cross, Hold, & Cross & Cross, Chasse, Rock Back

    1-2 Cross R Over L, Hold
    &3&4 Step L to L Side, Cross R Over L, Step L to L Side, Cross R Over L (option count 3: Cross R Behind)
    5&6 Step L to L Side, Step R Next to L, Step L to L Side
    7-8 Rock Back on R, Recover on L

    ¼ L, ¼ L, Cross & Heel & Cross, Point, Cross, Point

    1-2 ¼ Turn L Step Back on R, ¼ Turn L Step L to L Side
    3&4& Cross R Over L, Step L to L Side, Tap R Heel to R Diagonal, Step R Next to L
    5-6 Cross L Over R, Point R to R Side
    7-8 Cross R Over L, Point L to L Side

    L Sailor, R Sailor, Point Back ½ Turn L, Step Pivot ½ Turn L

    1&2 Step L Behind R, Step R to R Side, Step L to L Side
    3&4 Step R Behind L, Step L to L Side, Step R to R Side
    5-6 Point L Toe Back, ½ Turn L (Weight on L)
    7-8 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ½ Turn L

    Step Fwd, Kick-Ball-Step, Step Fwd, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd

    1-2& Step Fwd on R, Kick L Fwd, Step on Ball of L Next to R
    3-4 Step Fwd on R, Step Fwd on L
    5&6 Shuffle Fwd Stepping R-L-R
    7-8 Rock Fwd on L, Recover on R

    Step Back, Kick-Ball-Back, Step Back, Coaster Step, Step Pivot ½ L

    1-2& Step Back on L, Kick R Fwd, Step on Ball of R Next to L
    3-4 Step Back on L, Step Back on R
    5&6 Step Back on L, Step R Next to L, Step Fwd on L
    7-8 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ½ Turn L

    Tag: After Wall 4 (12:00)

    1-2& Rock R to R Side, Recover on L, Step R Next to L
    3-4 Step L to L Side, Touch R Next to L
    5&6& Tap R Heel Fwd, Step R Fwd, Tap L Behind R Heel, Step Back on L
    7&8 Tap R Heel Fwd, Clap Hands Twice
  • Dream Lover

    Dream Lover

    Count:  64

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Beginner / improver

    Choreographer:  Daniel Whittaker (UK) Sept 2013

    Music:  Dream Lover by Jason Donovan. Album: “Let it be me”( 2:36 – iTunes)

    Start: 16 count intro (start on vocals)
    Note: There is 1 small tag on wall 3 facing the back wall, this dance fits the music perfectly, remember to smile and sing along.


    Chasse rock step, toe struts

    1&2 Step right to right side, close left to right, step right to right side [12:00]
    3-4 Rock back left foot, recover weight on right foot
    5-8 Touch left toe to left side, drop left heel, cross strut right toe across left, drop right heel


    Chasse, rock step, touch out, front, out flick

    1&2 Step left to left, close right to left, step left to left side [12:00]
    3-4 Rock right foot back, recover weight on left [12:00]
    5-6 Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe in front of left [12:00]
    7-8 Touch right to the right side, flick right foot behind left [12:00]


    Grapevine, rolling vine 1 ½ turn

    1-4 Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right [12:00]
    5-8 Make ¼ turn left step left forward, (9:00) make ½ turn left stepping right back, (3:00) make ½ turn left stepping left forward, (9:00) make ¼ turn left hitch right knee [6:00]


    Chasse rock back, grapevine left

    1&2 Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side [6:00]
    3-4 Rock left foot back, recover weight on right foot [6:00]
    5-8 Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left [6:00]


    Side step (in, out in) side step (in, out, in)

    1-2-3-4 (s) step right to right side, (q) touch left beside right, (q) touch left to left side, (s) touch left beside right [6:00]
    5-6-7-8 (s) step left to left side, (q) touch right beside left, (q) touch right to right side, (s) touch right beside left


    Forward, forward, together, back, back, coaster step

    1-2-3-4 (s) step right forward, (q) step left foot forward, (q) close right beside left foot, (s) step left foot back
    5-6-7-8 (s) step right foot back, (q) step left foot back, (q) close right beside left, (s) step left foot forward
    Note: When you do counts 33-48 the timing is (1) slow, (2) quick, (3) quick, (4) slow for each of the 4 counts and so on … make sure you do this timing to fit to the music… and it fits perfectly!


    Right shuffle, rock step, shuffle ½ turn, shuffle ½ turn

    1&2 Step right foot forward, close left beside right, step right foot forward
    3-4 Rock left foot forward, recover weight on to right [6:00]
    5&6 Shuffle ½ turn left stepping l-r-l [12:00]
    7&8 Shuffle ½ turn left stepping r-l-r [6:00]


    Coaster step, walk forward right, left, jazz box

    1&2 Step left foot back, close right beside left, step forward left [6:00]
    3-4 Walk forward right, left [6:00]
    5-8 Cross right over left, step left foot back, step right to right side, cross left over right 6:00
    End of dance

    Easy 8 count tag ** do this during wall 3 after count 24 (hitch):

    1-2 Step right to right side and push left knee in towards right, hold [6:00]
    3-4 Put weight on to left and push right knee in towards left, hold [6:00]
    5-6-7-8 Push left knee towards right, push right knee towards left, push left knee towards right, push right knee towards left 6:00
    Then restart dance from count 1.
    Contact: – – mobile number: 07739 352209
  • Counting Stars

    Counting Stars

    Count:  80

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Simon Ward, Australia (Sept 2013)

    Music:  Counting Stars, by OneRepublic. Album: Native, (iTunes)

    Notes: dance begins approx 38 secs, 3x restarts on walls 3, 4 & 5


    Walk r,l, shuffle fwd r,l,r, l fwd, pivot ¼ r, cross l chasse

    1-2 Walk forward right, walk forward left
    3&4 Step right slightly forward, step left beside right, step right slightly forward 12.00
    5-6 Step left forward, pivot ¼ turn right taking weight onto right 3.00
    7&8 Cross/step left over right, step right slightly right, cross/step left over right


    ¼ l, ¼ l, cross r ball jack, tog, cross/step l, ¼ l, l back, hold & clap twice

    1-2 Step right to right side turning ¼ turn left 12.00, step left back turning ¼ turn left 9.00
    3&4 Cross/step right over left, step left slightly to left side, touch right heel to right diagonal
    &5-6 Step right beside left, cross/step left over right, step right slightly right turning ¼ turn left 6.00
    7&8 Step left back bending right knee, hold and clap twice on &8


    R fwd, ½ r stepping l back, r coaster step, ¼ turn r stepping l side, hold, weave left

    1-2 Step right slightly forward, turn ½ turn right & step back on left 12.00
    3&4 Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
    5-6 Turn ¼ turn right & step left to left side 3.00, hold
    7&8 Step right behind left, step left slightly left, cross/step right over left


    Rock/step l, recover, weave right 1/8 turn r, walk fwd r,l, shuffle fwd r,l,r

    1-2 Rock/step left to left side, recover weight onto right
    3&4 Step left behind right, step right slightly right, step slightly forward on left turning 1/8 turn right 4.30
    5-6 Walk forward right, walk forward left 4.30
    7&8 Step right slightly forward, step left beside right, step right slightly forward 4.30


    Rock l fwd, recover with sweep, l back with sweep, r back 1/8 l, full turn l touch r behind with look & shoulder pop

    1-2 Rock/step left forward, recover weight back onto right sweeping left backwards 4.30 (bend knees and push off)
    3-4 Step left back sweeping right backwards 4.30, step right back turning 1/8 turn left 3.00 (bounce in the steps back for styling)
    5-6 Step left to left side turning ¼ turn left 12.00, step right back turning ½ turn left 6.00
    7-8 Turn a further ¼ turn left & step left to left side dragging right 3.00, touch right toe behind left with sharp look left while dropping left shoulder down & popping right shoulder up (use arms for styling) 3.00
    ***restart on wall 5***


    Point r, touch r behind, ½ turn r, weave l, hold, l side, r cross/step

    1-2 Point right toe to right side looking straight ahead & relaxing shoulders, touch right toe behind left while dropping left shoulder down & popping right shoulder up (use arms for styling) 3.00
    3-4 Step right to right side turning ¼ turn right 6.00, step left forward turning a further ¼ turn right 9.00
    5&6 Step right behind left, step left slightly left, cross/step right over left
    7&8 Hold, step left slight left, cross/step right over left 9.00


    Rock l, recover, weave r ¼ turn r, step tog ¼ r, step l with hitch, r behind, ¼ l & shuffle fwd l,r,l

    1-2 Rock/step left to left side, recover weight onto right
    3&4 Step left behind right, step right slightly right turning ¼ turn right 12.00, step left slightly forward
    &5-6 Step right slightly forward making a ¼ turn right 3.00, complete ¼ turn right & step left to left hitching right knee up and out slightly to right 3.00, step right behind left 3.00 (the & count is like a skip)
    7&8 Turn a further ¼ turn left & step left forward 12.00, step right beside left, step left forward


    Rock r fwd, recover, ½ turn r triple step, ¼ r step l side, r behind, ¼ turn l shuffle fwd l,r,l

    1-2 Rock/step right forward, recover weight back on the left
    3&4 Step right back turning ¼ turn right 3.00, step left beside right, step right to right turning ¼ turn right 6.00
    5-6 Turn a further ¼ turn right & step left to left side dropping left shoulder down & popping right shoulder up 9.00, step right behind left dropping right shoulder down & popping left shoulder up (shoulders are for styling)
    7&8 Turn a further ¼ turn left & step left forward 6.00, step right beside left, step left forward 6.00
    *restart on wall 3*


    Roll hips stepping in a circle format – r fwd, ½ l cross/step, ¼ l, ¼ l cross/step, r fwd, ¼ l with cross/step, ¼ l, l fwd

    1-2 Step right forward, make a ½ turn left on right and slightly cross/step left over right 12.00
    3-4 Step right forward turning ¼ turn left 9.00, make further ¼ turn left cross/stepping left over right 6.00
    5-6 Step right slightly forward 6.00, make further ¼ turn left cross/stepping left over right 3.00
    7-8 Step right forward turning ¼ turn left 12.00, step left slightly forward
    **restart on wall 4**
    (note: the above 8 counts are in a circular format rolling the hips on each step for styling)


    Jazz box ¼ turn r, cross/step, point l, triple step ¾ turn l

    1-2 Cross/step right over left, step left back turning ¼ turn right 3.00
    3-4 Step right to right, step left forward
    5-6 Cross/step right over left, point left toe to left side (hold point for as long as you can) 3.00
    7&8 Step left beside right making a ½ turn left 9.00, step right beside left, make a further ¼ turn left & step left slightly forward 6.00



    Restart notes:

    On wall 3 you will restart after count 64 facing back wall
    On wall 4 you will restart after count 72 facing the back wall
    On wall 5 you will slow down with the music from count 33 – 40, hold count 40 (touch right toe behind left looking left) until the beat kicks back in. you will restart the dance again making a ¼ turn right to the front wall to restart dance.