Category Archives: Stegbeskrivning

  • Stars


    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Darren Bailey, Fred Whitehouse, Raymond Sarlemijn (Jan 2014)

    Music:  Stars (Grace Potter)

    Intro: 16 counts

    Sweep, ¾ Turn R Into Stretch, Run Forward Into Balance, Syncopated Back Step Into Vine With Sweep.

    1,2 Step LF forward, sweep RF across LF, place weight onto RF
    &3 ¼ turn R stepping back on L, (3.00) ½ turn R stepping RF forward (9.00)(option: Stretch R arm up)
    4&5 Step LF forward, Step RF forward, close LF beside R (rise onto toes)
    6&7 Step Rf back, step LF back, ¼ turn R stepping RF to r side (12.00)
    &8 Cross LF over R, Step Rf to R side sweeping LF from front to back facing (10.30)

    Holds (Grow), Spiral L, ½ Turn Feather Step, Cross, Start ½ Diamond Fallaway L

    1,2,3 Hold counts 1,2. Option: (open arms pointing LF arm forward into 10.30) keep weight on RF, spiral full turn L (10.30)
    4&5 Curve walk L,R,L making 3/8 turn L squaring up to (6.00)
    6,7 Step RF forward, large step L to L side (start diamond fall away)
    8&1 Step diagonal back R,L (1:30) 1/8 turn R stepping RF to R side (9.00)

    Finish ½ Diamond Fallaway L, Sways With Sweep, Cross, Side,hitch, Behind, Side, Forward

    2&3 1/8 turn right stepping forward L,R,L (10.30)
    4&5 Weight change onto R as u sway making a ¼ turn R to face (1:30), weight change onto L as u sway L, Sway to R as you sweep L to front (1.30)
    6&7 Cross LF over Rf, step RF to R side, step LF behind R as you lift R knee up and hook behind LF (1.30)
    8&1 Place RF down behind LF, step LF to L side, cross RF over L making 1/8 turn L (12.00)

    Slow Full Turn L, Rock And Cross ¼ L, ¼ X2 Hinge Turns R, ½ Turn L

    2,3 Make a slow full turn L keep weight on RF, step LF forward (12.00)
    4&5 Rock RF forward, ¼ turn LF placing weight onto LF, cross RF over L
    6,7 ¼ R stepping LF back (12.00), ¼ turn R stepping RF to R side (3.00)
    8& Cross LF over R, ¼ turn L stepping RF back (12.00) to start the dance again make ¼ turn LEFT (9.00)

    Restarts: After 4 counts on walls 3, 6, 8.

  • Never Should Have

    Never Should Have

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  High Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Ria Vos, (Nov 2013)

    Music:  “Never Should Have” – Ashanti, Single

    Intro: 16 counts

    Step Fwd, Full Turn R, Sweep, Behind, ¼ Turn L, ¾ Turn L, Side, Point, Full Turn R X2

    1 Step Fwd on R
    2&3 Step Fwd on L, ½ Pivot Turn R, ½ Turn R Step Back on L Sweeping R Around (12:00)
    4&5 Step R Behind L, ¼ Turn L Step Fwd on L, ½ Turn L Step Back on R Turning another ¼ Turn L slightly Hitching L (12:00)
    6& Step L to L Side, Point R to R Side
    7& ¼ Turn R Step Fwd on R, ½ Turn R Step Back on L (9:00)
    8& ½ Turn R Step Fwd on R, ½ Turn R Step Back on L Turn another ¼ Turn R (12:00)
    Option 8&: ¼ Turn R Step R To R Side, Cross L Over R

    Basic R, Scissor Cross, Side, 1/8 L Step Back, Back, 1/8 L Side, 1/8 L Step Fwd, Step Fwd, 1/8 L Side, 1/8 L Step Back (Diamond Shape Turn L)

    1-2& Step R to R Side, Step L Behind R, Cross R Over L
    3&4 Step L to L Side, Step R Next to L, Cross L Over R
    &5 Step R to R Side, Turn 1/8 L Step Back on L (11:30)
    6&7 Step Back on R, Turn 1/8 L Step L to L Side, Turn 1/8 L Step Fwd on R (7:30)
    &8& Step Fwd on L, 1/8 Turn L Step R to R Side, 1/8 Turn L Step Back on L (4:30)

    Step Back, Rock Back, 1/8 R Side Spiral ¾ Turn R, Run Fwd X2, Rock Fwd/Back/Fwd, Step Back With Sweep, Behind-Side

    1-2& Step Back on R (still facing 4:30), Rock Back on L, Recover on R
    3 1/8 Turn R Step L to L Side and Spiral Turn another ¾ Turn R (3:00)
    4&5 “Run” Fwd on R, “Run” Fwd on L, Rock Fwd on R
    6&7 Rock Back on L, Rock Fwd on R, “Push off” on R Step Back on L Sweeping R Around
    8& Step R Behind L, Step L to L Side

    Cross Rock, & Cross Rock, Side, Touch, Basic R, ¼ Turn L, Step ½ Turn L

    1-2& Cross Rock R Over L, Recover on R, Step R to R Side
    3&4& Cross Rock L Over R, Recover on L, Step L to L Side, Touch R Next to L
    5-6& Step R to R Side, Step L Behind R, Cross R Over L
    7-8& ¼ Turn L Step Fwd on L, Step Fwd on R, Pivot ½ Turn L (6:00)

    Tag: After 1st (6:00), 2nd (12:00) And 3th (6:00) Wall (So first 3 walls only)


    Step Fwd With Sweep, Weave R Sweep, Weave L, Side Rock-Cross, ½ Turn L

    1 Step Fwd on R Sweeping L from Back to Front
    2&3 Cross L Over R, Step R to R Side, Step L Behind R Sweeping R from Front to Back
    4&5 Step R Behind L, Step L to L Side, Cross R Over L
    6&7 Rock L to L Side, Recover on R, Cross L Over R
    8& ¼ Turn L Step Back on R, ¼ Turn L Step L to L Side


    Step Fwd With Sweep, Weave R Sweep, Weave L, Side Rock-Cross, ½ Turn L

    9-16 Repeat first 8 counts of the Tag

    Ending: After your pivot ½ turn L, make another ½ turn L stepping R back (12:00)

  • Fly High

    Fly High

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Maggie Gallagher (Oct 2013)

    Music:  Let Me Go by Gary Barlow (available from 17 Nov 2013)

    Intro: 8 counts (4 secs)

    S1: Step, ½ pivot, walk, ½, ½ shuffle, rock fwd, recover

    1-2 Step forward right, ½ pivot left [6:00]
    3-4 Walk forward right, ½ right stepping back on left [12:00]
    5&6 ½ right stepping forward right, step left next to right, step right forward [6:00]
    7-8 Rock forward left, recover on right

    S2: Jump back, back, rock back, recover, step, ¼ pivot, cross shuffle

    &1-2 Jump back and slightly out on left, jump back and slightly out on right, walk back on left
    3-4 Rock back on right, recover on left
    5-6 Step forward on right, ¼ pivot left [3:00]
    7&8 Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left

    S3: Side rock, recover, cross shuffle, side rock, recover, r sailor

    1-2 Rock left to left side, recover on right
    3&4 Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right
    5-6 Rock right to right side, recover on left
    7&8 Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right next to left

    S4: Touch l back, unwind, step, ½ pivot, walk r,l, r kick ball change

    1-2 Touch left behind right, unwind ½ left (weight on left) [9:00]
    3-4 Step forward right, ½ pivot left [3:00]
    5-6 Walk forward right, walk forward left
    7&8 Kick right forward, step right next to left, step left next to right

    S5: Heel grind, ball cross, ¼, ½, ¼, l chasse

    1-2 Right heel grind across left travelling to left side, step left to left side
    &3-4 Step right next to left, cross left over right, ¼ left stepping back right [12:00]
    5-6 ½ left stepping forward left, ¼ left stepping right to right side [3:00]
    7&8 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side ** Restart here on wall 6 [6:00]

    S6: Cross rock, side rock, jazz box cross

    1-2 Cross rock right over left, recover on left
    3-4 Rock right to right side, recover on left * restart here on wall 2 [6:00]
    5-6 Cross right over left, step back left
    7-8 Step right to right side, cross left over right

    S7: Stomp, hold, behind side cross, stomp, hold, behind side cross

    1-2 Stomp right to right side, hold
    3&4 Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
    5-6 Stomp right to right side, hold
    7&8 Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right

    S8: R point, hold & l point, hold & r rocking chair

    1-2 Point right to right side, hold
    &3-4 Step right next to left, point left to left side, hold
    &5-6 Step left next to right, rock forward on right, recover on left
    7-8 Rock back on right, recover on left

    Restart: * Wall 2 after 44 counts

    Tag: At the end of walls 3 & 4 repeat the last 8 counts

    Restart: ** Wall 6 after 40 counts

    Ending: Wall 8 after count 30 walk forward r (i.e. the dance finishes walking rlr) [12:00]

  • Hurt Me Carefully

    Hurt Me Carefully

    Count:  48

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Ria Vos (Jan 2013)

    Music:  “Take It Easy On Me” – Beth Hart, Album: My California

    Intro: 16 counts on vocals

    Cross With Sweep, Cross Side, 1/8 L Back, Back, 1/8 L Side, -Repeat

    1-2 Cross R Over L Sweeping L Around from Back to Front, Cross L Over R
    &3 Step R to Right Side, Turn 1/8 Left Step Back on L (10:30)
    4& Step Back on R, Turn 1/8 Left Step L to Left Side (9:00)
    5-6 Cross R Over L Sweeping L Around from Back to Front, Cross L Over R
    &7 Step R to Right Side, Turn 1/8 Left Step Back on L (7:30)
    8& Step Back on R, Turn 1/8 Left Step L to Left Side (6:00)

    Cross Rock & Cross, ¼ L, ½ L, Walk X2, Fwd Rock, Run Back X2, Back With Sweep

    1-2 Cross Rock R Over L, Recover on L
    &3 Step R to Right Side, Cross L Over R
    4& ¼ Turn Left Step Back on R, ½ Turn Left Step Fwd on L
    5-6 Walk Fwd R, Walk Fwd L
    7& Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L
    8& Small “Run” Steps Back R-L (Option: Full Turn R)
    1 Step Back on R Sweeping L Around from Front to Back

    Behind Side Cross, Unwind ½ R, Cross, Point, Basic R, Basic L

    2&3 Step L Behind R, Step R to Right Side, Cross L Over R
    4&5 Unwind ½ Turn Right ending Weight on R, Cross L Over R, Point R to Right Side
    6&7 Rock Back on R, Recover on L, Step R to Right Side
    8&1 Rock Back on L, Recover on R, Step L to Left Side

    Behind Side Cross, Unwind ½ L, Cross, Point, Drag-Hitch-Step, Fwd Rock

    2&3 Step R Behind L, Step L to Left Side, Cross R Over L
    4&5 Unwind ½ Turn Left ending Weight on L, Cross R Over L, Point L to Left Side
    6&7 Drag L towards R, Small Hitch L, Step Fwd on L
    8& Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L

    Back Sweep, Back Sweep, Back, Rock Back, ½ R, ¼ R Sway R, Sway L, Cross Shuffle

    1-2-3 Step Back on R Sweeping L, Step Back on L Sweeping R, Step Back on R
    4&5 Rock Back on L, Recover on R, ½ Turn Right Step Back on L
    6-7 ¼ Turn Right Step R to Right Side Swaying Right, Sway Left
    8& Cross R Over L, Step L to Left Side ***Restart Point
    1 Cross R Over L Sweeping L from Back to Front

    Cross, Back, ¼ L, Cross, ¼ R, ½ R, Step ½ Pivot R, Step Fwd, Side Rock

    2&3 Cross L Over R, Step Back on R, ¼ Turn Left Step L to Left Side
    4&5 Cross R Over L, ¼ Turn Right Step Back on L, ½ Turn Right Step Fwd on R
    6-7 Step Fwd on L, Pivot ½ Turn Right
    &8& Step Fwd on L, Rock R to Right Side, Recover on L

    Restart: After count 40& on wall 2 and 4 both facing front wall

    Contact: dansenbijria@gmail.Com
  • Kreedom


    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Easy Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Michele Perron and Jo Thompson Szymanski (June 2013)

    Music:  Don’t Play That Song (You Lied) – Kree Harrison

    Music selections:
    West coast swing: Don’t Play That Song (You Lied) – Kree Harrison. Album: Single – American Idol performance (110 bpm – itunes) Introduction: 24 counts
    Don’t Play That Song by Aretha Franklin
    Christmas selection: Blue Christmas – Lady Antebellum. Album: On This Winter’s Night (115 bpm)
    Downloads:, Itunes
    CW rotation, split floor dance: Pure Movies


    Side, Behind, Side, Across, Unwind/Turn, R & L Triples

    1,2 Right Step side R, Left Step crossed behind R
    &,3,4 Right Step side R, Left Toe/Ball across front of R, Turn 3/4 R unwind, weight ends on Left [9 o’clock]
    5,&,6 Right Triple forward (R forward, L beside, R forward)
    7,&,8 Left Triple forward (L forward, R beside, L forward)


    Forward, Tap, R Sailor, L Sailor/Turn, R Walk, L Walk

    &,1,2 Right Step forward, Left Toe/Tap behind R [allow shoulders to face diagonal L], Left Step behind R
    3,&,4 Right Sailor (R cross behind L, L side, R side)
    5,&,6 Left Sailor with ½ Turn L (L cross behind R, turn with R forward, turn with L side/forward) [3 o’clock]
    7,8 Right Step forward , Left Step forward


    Together, Touch, Turn, R Triple, Together, Touch, Turn, L Triple

    &,1,2 Right Step beside L, Left Toe/Touch side L, Turn ½ L with Left Step beside R (Monterey Turn) [9 o’clock]
    3, &,4 Right Triple side R (R side, L tog, R side)
    &,5,6 Left Step beside R, Right Toe/Touch side R, Turn ½ R with Right Step beside L (Monterey Turn) [3 o’clock]
    7,&,8 Left Triple side L (L side, R tog, L side)


    R Kick-Ball-Cross, R Kick-Ball-Cross, Side-Point-Back-Cross, Side-Point-Back-Cross

    1,&,2 Right Kick forward diagonal R, Right Toe/Ball Step back, Left Step across front of R
    3,&,4 Right Kick forward diagonal R, Right Toe/Ball Step back, Left Step across front of R
    Above Counts Travel To R
    &,5,&,6 Right Step side R, Left Toe/Touch forward diagonal L, Left Toe/Ball Step back, Right Step across front of L
    &,7,&,8 Left Step side L, Right Toe/Touch forward diagonal R, Right Toe/Ball Step back, Left Step across front of R
    Begin again
    One restart: On instrumental section, dance counts 1 – 24, then restart dance. You will be facing 9 o’clock wall.
    Contacts: Michele.Perron@gmail.Com or jo.Thompson@comcast.Net – micheleperron.Com
  • Mexi-Fest


    Count:  64

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Improver

    Choreographer:  Kate Sala (UK) Jan 2013

    Music:  `Back In Your Arms Again’ (Nico Mix) by The Mavericks. [Suited up and Ready EP]

    Intro: 32 count.

    Step Right, Behind, Kick Ball Cross, Chasse, Rock Back.

    1 2 Step R to right side. Cross step L behind R.
    3 & 4 Kick R forward to right diagonal. Step down on ball of R. Cross step L over R.
    5 & 6 Step R to right side. Step L next to R. Step R to right side.
    7 8 Rock back on L. Recover on to R.

    Walk X 2, Shuffle, Rocking Chair.

    1 2 Walk forward on L, R.
    3 & 4 Step forward on L. Step R next to L. Step forward on L.
    5 – 8 Rock forward on R. Recover on L. Rock back on R. Recover on L.

    Step Pivot ¼ Turn Left, Shuffle, Side, Together, Coaster Step.

    1 2 Step forward on R. Pivot ¼ turn left.
    3 & 4 Step forward on R. Step L next to R. Step forward on R.
    5 6 Step L out to left side. Step R next to L.
    7 & 8 Step back on L. Step R next to L. Step forward on L.

    Walk X 2, Shuffle, Rocking Chair.

    1 2 Walk forward on R, L.
    3 & 4 Step forward on R. Step L next to R. Step forward on R.
    5 – 8 Rock forward on L. Recover on to R. Rock back on L. Recover on to R.

    Step Pivot ¼ Turn Right, Cross Shuffle, Side Step, Touch, Side Step, Touch.

    1 2 Step forward on L. Pivot ¼ turn right.
    3 & 4 Cross step L over R. Step R to right side. Cross step L over R.
    5 – 8 Take a long step R. Touch L next to R. Take a long step L. Touch R next to L.

    Rock Back, Recover, Heel Grind ¼ Turn Right, Rock Back, Recover, Heel Grind ¼ Turn Right.

    1 2 Rock back on R. Recover on to L.
    3 4 Dig R heel forward with toe turned in. Grinding R heel make ¼ turn right stepping back on L.
    5 6 Rock back on R. Recover on to L.
    7 8 Dig R heel forward with toe turned in. Grinding R heel make ¼ turn right stepping back on L.

    Weave Left, Point Left, Weave Right, Point Right.

    1 – 4 Cross step R behind L. Step L to left side. Cross step R over L. Point L toe out to left side.
    5 – 8 Cross step L behind R. Step R out to right side. Cross step L over R. Point R toe out to right side.

    Cross Step, Point Left, Cross Step, Point Right. Jazzbox.

    1 – 4 Cross step R over L. Point L toe out to left side. Cross step L over R. Point R toe out to right side.
    5 – 8 Cross step R over L. Step back on L. Step R to right side. Cross step L over R.
    Start again! Enjoy!
  • Don’t Disturb Me

    Don’t Disturb Me

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Niels Poulsen (July 2013)

    Music:  Wake me up by Avicii. [4.09 mins. – iTunes]

    Intro: 16 counts from first beat in music (app. 8 secs. into track). weight on l foot

    1 – 8

    R & l heel switches, stomp rock with clap clap, change weight, repeat with l foot

    1&2& Touch r heel fwd (1), step r next to l (&), touch l heel fwd (2), step l next to r (&) 12:00
    3&4& Stomp r fwd (3), clap hands (&), recover back on l clapping hands (4), step r next to l (&) 12:00
    5&6& Touch l heel fwd (5), step l next to r (&), touch r heel fwd (6), step r next to l (&) 12:00
    7&8& Stomp l fwd (7), clap hands (&), recover back on r clapping hands (8), step l next to r (&) 12:00

    9 – 16

    R rock fwd, triple ¾ r, rock l fwd, shuffle ½ l

    1 – 2 Rock fwd on r (1), recover weight back on l (2) 12:00
    3&4 Turn ½ r stepping fwd on r (3), step l behind r (&), turn ¼ r stepping fwd on r (4) 9:00
    5 – 6 Rock fwd on l (5), recover weight back on r (6) 9:00
    7&8 Turn ¼ l stepping l to l side (7), step r next to l (&), turn ¼ l stepping fwd on l (8) 3:00

    17 – 24

    ¼ l, cross rock, l chasse, r cross rock, syncopated step touches

    &1 – 2 Turn ¼ l stepping r to r side (&), cross rock l over r (1), recover weight back on r (2) 12:00
    3&4 Step l to l side (3), step r next to l (&), step l to l side (4) 12:00
    5 – 6 Cross rock r over l (5), recover weight back on l (6) 12:00
    &7&8 Step r to r side (&), touch l next to r (7), step l to l side (&), touch r next to l (8) 12:00

    25 – 32

    R back, weave into l sailor ¼ l, step ½ l, r kick & heel &

    &1 – 2 Step r a small step back (&), cross l over r (1), step r to r side (2) 12:00
    3&4 Cross l behind r (3) turn ¼ l stepping r next to l (&), step fwd on l (4) 9:00
    5 – 6 Step fwd on r (5), turn ½ l stepping fwd onto l (6) 3:00
    7&8& Kick r fwd (7), step r next to l (&), touch l heel fwd (8), step l next to r (&) * restart here on wall 3, facing 9:00 3:00

    33 – 40

    Rock r fwd, ¼ r into r chasse, cross, ¼ l back, shuffle ½ l

    1 – 2 Rock fwd on r (1), recover weight back on l (2) 3:00
    3&4 Turn ¼ r stepping r to r side (3), step l next to r (&), step r to r side (4) 6:00
    5 – 6 Cross l over r (5), turn ¼ l stepping back on r (6) 3:00
    7&8 Turn ¼ l stepping l to l side (7), step r next to l (&), turn ¼ l stepping fwd on l (8) 9:00

    41 – 48

    Step ¼ l, cross shuffle, l side rock, together, point r & l, together with l

    1 – 2 Step fwd on r (1), turn ¼ l stepping onto l (2) 6:00
    3&4 Cross r over l (3), step l to l side (&) cross r over l (4) 6:00
    5 – 6& Rock l to l side (5), recover weight to r (6), step l next to r (&) 6:00
    7&8& Point r to r side (7), step r next to l (&), point l to l side (8), step l next to r (&) 6:00

    49 – 56

    Point r, ¼ r with sweep fwd, l samba step, r jazz box ¼ r into chasse

    1 – 2 Point r to r side (1), turn ¼ r stepping onto r and sweeping l fwd (2) 9:00
    3&4 Cross l in front of r (3), rock r to r side (&), recover l to l side (4) 9:00
    5 – 6 Cross r over l (5), turn ¼ r stepping back on l (6) 12:00
    7&8 Step r to r side (7), step l next to r (&), step r to r side (8) 12:00

    57 – 64

    Ball side rock, r sailor ¼ r, rock l fwd, l coaster step

    &1 – 2 Step l next to r (&), rock r to r side (1), recover weight on l (2) 12:00
    3&4 Cross r behind l (3), turn ¼ r stepping l next to r (&), step fwd on r (4) 3:00
    5 – 6 Rock fwd on l (5), recover weight back on r (6) 3:00
    7&8 Step back on l (7), step r next to l (&), step fwd on l (8) or full triple turn l on 7&8 ?? 3:00
    Start again

    Restart: during wall 3, after 32 counts, facing 9:00.

    Ending the dance automatically finishes at 12:00. finish wall 8, facing 12:00, stomp r fwd!

    Note! Non-turny option for counts 38-42: Step r to r side (6), behind side cross (7&8), side rock (1-2)
    Contact: –
  • Back To Black

    Back To Black

    Count:  64

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Lawrence Allen (Nov 2012)

    Music:  Back To Black; Bryan Keith; Album: Back To Black (The Voice Performance) Single

    16 count intro

    Walk, hold, walk, hold, rock, recover, 3/4 right turn

    1-4- Step forward right, hold, step forward left, hold
    5-6- Rock forward right, recover back left
    7-8- 1/2 right turn stepping right forward (6:00), 1/4 right turn stepping left to left side (9:00)

    Extended modified weave, right cross rock, recover

    1-3- Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
    4-6- Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side
    7-8- Cross rock right over left, recover back left

    1/2 right turn, right behind, 1/4 left turn, 1/2 pivot turn, walk, walk (or full turn)

    1-2- 1/4 right turn stepping right forward (12:00), 1/4 right turn stepping left to left side (3:00)
    3-4- Step right behind left, 1/4 left turn stepping left forward (12:00)
    5-6- Step right forward, 1/2 left pivot turn (6:00)
    7-8- Walk forward right, left

    Or continue turning doing a full left turn

    7-8- 1/2 left turn stepping right back (12:00), 1/2 left turn stepping left forward (6:00)

    1/4 left pivot turn, cross, crossing knee hitch, step, rock, recover, cross

    1-2- Step right forward, 1/4 left pivot turn (weight ending on left) (3:00)
    3-4- Cross right over left, hitch left knee crossing over right
    5-6- Step left down over right, rock right side to right side
    7-8- Recover back on left, cross right over left

    Big step left, drag right to left, side, behind, 1/4 right turn, walk (or 1 1/4 right turn)

    1- Take a big step with left to left side
    2-4- Drag right to left touching right toes beside left
    5-6- Step right to side, step left behind right
    7-8- 1/4 right turn stepping right forward (6:00), step left forward

    Or do a 1 1/4 right rolling turn (6:00)

    5-6- 1/4 right turn stepping right forward (6:00), 1/2 right turn stepping left back (12:00)
    7-8- 1/2 right turn stepping right forward (6:00), walk left forward
    *(first restart on wall 3) will start facing the 12:00 and will do the first 40 counts and restart on 6:00 wall.

    Rock, recover, right lock step back, full left turn

    1-2- Rock right forward, recover back left
    3-5- Step right back, lock left in-front of right, step right back
    6- 1/2 left turn stepping left forward (12:00)
    7-8- Step right forward, 1/2 left pivot turn (weight ending on left) (6:00)
    *(second restart on wall 6) will start facing 6:00 and will do 48 counts and restart on 12:00 wall.
    This restart has slower and modified music, just keep dancing!!!

    Cross, point, cross, point, 1/4 right turn jazz box

    1-4- Cross right over left, point left toes to side, cross left over right, point right toes to side
    5-8- Cross right over left, step left back, 1/4 right turn stepping right to side (9:00), cross left over right

    Hip sways, right cross, 3/4 right turn, walk

    1-4- Step right to side and sway hips right, left, right, left
    5-6- Cross right over left, 1/4 right turn stepping left foot back (12:00)
    7-8- 1/2 right turn stepping right forward (6:00) step left forward

    *at the end of the dance you will be facing the 6:00

    1-2- Step right forward, 1/2 left pivot turn to face the front to end the dance
    Contact – e-mail:
  • Baby Grace

    Baby Grace

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Rep Ghazali-Meaney, Scotland (July 2013)

    Music:  Be My Baby by Leslie Grace (133 bpm)

    16 count intro


    Right rumba box

    1-2 Step right to right side, step left together
    3-4 Step forward right, hold (or touch left together)
    5-6 Step left to left side, step right together
    7-8 Step back left, hold (or touch right together)

    Restart: 4th wall



    R side-touch l tog, l side-scuff r, r jazz box cross

    1-2 Step right to right side, touch left together
    3-4 Step left to left side, scuff right across left
    5-6 Cross right over left, step back left
    7-8 Step right to right side, cross left over right


    R side rock-recover, r cross-hold, l vine ¼ turn touch

    1-2 Rock right to right side, recover on left
    3-4 Cross right over left, hold
    5-6 Step left to left side, cross step right behind left
    7-8 ¼ turn left by stepping forward on left, touch right together (9)


    Back r-touch l, fwd l-touch r, r weave

    1-2 Step back right, touch left together
    3-4 Step forward left, touch right together
    5-6 Step right to right side, step left behind right
    7-8 Step right to right side, cross left across right (9)

    Restart: 4th wall (3 o’clock) – dance up to count 8 and restart facing 3 o’clock wall

  • Post Code Envy

    Post Code Envy

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Phrased High Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Joey Warren (USA) Sept 2013

    Music:  Royals by Lorde

    A – 32 counts

    A1: Walk, Walk, Anchor Side Step, Weave W/ Full Turn L, Triple Step In Place

    1 – 2 Walk back R, Walk back L
    3-&-4 Rock R back behind L, Recover down on L, Step R out to R
    5&6& Step L behind R, Step R to R, Cross L over R, Step R to R
    7-8&1 Full turn L raising L slightly off floor, Step down on L, Step R beside L, Step L slightly fwd toward L diagonal

    A2: Cross Step, Rock & Cross, Step ½ Turn-Step, Rock & Cross Side Point Behind

    2-3&4 Step R fwd across L, Rock L to L (square up to front), Recover R, Cross L over R
    &5 – 6 Small step fwd/out on ball of R, ½ Turn L stepping L fwd, Step R fwd
    7&8&1 Rock L out L, Recover over on R, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Point L behind R

    A3: ½ Turn Step Fwd, ¼ Hip Bumps, Step Weave W/ Sweep, Behind Side Cross

    2-3-4 ½ Turn L stepping L fwd, ¼ Turn L stepping R to R while bumping hips twice R
    5-6&7 Step L out to L, Cross R over L, Step L out to L, Step R behind L while sweeping L out from front to back
    8-&-1 Step L behind R, Step R out to R, Cross L over R

    A4: R Side Shuffle, L Cross Shuffle, Side Step, ¼ Turn Step, ¼ Side & Cross

    2-&-3 Step R out to R, Step L beside R, Step R out to R (make these small tight steps)
    4-&-5 Cross L over R, Step R out to R, Cross L over R (same as these ^)
    6 – 7 Step R out to R, ¼ Turn R stepping L out to L
    8 – & ¼ Turn R stepping out to R, Cross step L over R

    B – 16 counts

    B1: Side Touch-Side Touch, Step Lock Step X2 (R Then L)

    1&2& Step R to R, Touch L beside R, Step L to L, Touch R beside L
    3&4& Step R fwd to R diagonal, Lock L behind, Step R fwd to R diagonal, Touch L to R
    5&6& Step L to L, Touch R beside L, Step R to R, Touch L beside R
    7&8& Step L fwd to L diagonal, Lock R behind, Step L fwd to L diagonal, Touch R to L

    B2: Step ½ Turn, ¼ Side Shuffle, Cross Rock Recover ¼ Turn, R Chase Turn W/ L Step

    1 – 2 Step R fwd with R hip leading, ½ Turn L stepping L fwd (L hip leading)
    3-&-4 ¼ Turn L stepping R to R, Step L next to R, Step R out to R (use hips to lead)
    5-&-6 Cross rock L over R, Recover back on R, ¼ Turn L w/ small step fwd on L
    7&8& Step R fwd, ½ Turn L stepping L fwd, Step R fwd, Step L slightly fwd

    Tag (happens 2 times…. after your 2nd a, and your 4th a):

    Step Touch, Cross Step Touch, Cross Step Touch, Cross Step Touch

    1 – 2 Step R fwd/out to R, Touch L toe slightly in front of R (snap R finger)
    3 – 4 Cross step L across R, Touch R toe out to R (snap R finger)
    5 – 6 Cross step R across L, Touch L toe out to L (snap R finger)
    7 – 8 Cross step L across R, Touch R out to R (snap R finger)

    Restart (happens after the 2nd time you do your tag. Dance a up to count 24 with a slight change in that 8 count.):

    ½ Turn Step Fwd, ¼ Hip Bumps, Step Weave W/ Sweep, Behind Side Cross

    2-3-4 ½ Turn L stepping L fwd, ¼ Turn L stepping R to R while bumping hips twice R
    5-6&7 Step L out to L, Cross R over L, Step L out to L, Step R behind L
    8 – & Step L out to L (instead of a sweep), Tap R to beside L THEN RESTART into A
    * when you go to restart; Instead of stepping back on r step it more out to side, then step back on the l as normal. Just makes it a little easier.

    Sequence: A, B, B, A, Tag, A, B, B, A Tag, A w/restart, A

    Immediate start on the first beat of the song…..
  • Waltz N Smile

    Waltz N Smile

    Count:  24

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Shaz Walton (Aug 09)

    Music:  Open Arms by Collin Raye

    Try any waltz tempo for practice – various speeds

    Left Twinkle. Right Twinkle.

    1-3 Cross left over right. Step right slightly back. Step left slightly back
    4-6 Cross right over left. Step left slightly back. Step right slightly back.

    Cross. Point. Hold. Cross Behind. Point. Hold.

    1-3 Cross left over right. Point right to right side. Hold.
    4-6 Cross right behind left. Point left to left side. Hold.

    Left Forward Basic. Right Back Basic.

    1-3 Step forward left. Step right beside left. Step left in place.
    4-6 Step back right. Step left beside right. Step right in place.

    ¼ Twinkle Left. Cross. Sway. Replace.

    1-3 Cross left over right. Make ¼ left stepping right to right side. Step left to left side.
    4-6 Cross right over left. Step left to left as you sway to left. Sway right.
    Begin again
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby

    Count:  96

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Phrased Advanced – Non-Country

    Choreographer:  Laura Carvill (Ireland, July 2013)

    Music:  Bang Bang by (The Great Gatsby Soundtrack)

    Sequence: ABA CC ABA CC AB AA CCC


    Section A (32 counts)


    Charleston steps

    1-4 1) Step forward on R, 2) Touch forward on L, 3) Step back on L, 4) Touch back on R
    5-8 5) Step forward on R, 6) Touch forward on L, 7) Step back on L, 8) Touch back on R
    (This part can be done with swivel feet or without)


    Heel, heel, behind, side cross, heel, heel, behind, side, ¼ turn

    1-3&4 1) R heel to the R side, 2) R heel to the R side, 3) Step R foot behind L, &) Step L foot out to L side, 4) Cross R foot over L foot
    5-7&8 5) L heel to the L side, 6) L heel to the L side, 7) Step L foot behind R, &) Making a ¼ to the R step R foot forward, 8) Step forward on L foot


    Kick forward, ½ turn, walk, kick forward, ½ turn, ¼ turn

    1-3&4 1) Kick forward with R foot, 2) Step back on R foot, 3) Step back on L foot, &) Making a 1/2 turn clockwise step forward on R foot, 4) Step forward on L foot
    5-7&8 5) Kick forward with R foot, 6) Step back on R foot, 7) Step back on L foot, &) Making a 1/2 turn clockwise step forward on R foot, 8) Making a ¼ turn right step the L foot out to the L side


    Jazz box, cross, unwind ½ turn

    1-4 1) Cross R foot over L foot, 2) Step back on L foot, 3) Step R foot to R side, 4) Step L foot forward
    5-8 5) Cross R foot over L foot, 6-8) Unwind ½ turn anticlockwise

    Section B (32 counts)


    Step out, step out, rock behind, hitch, hold

    1-3&4 1) Step R foot out to R side, 2) Step L foot out to L side, 3) Step R foot behind L foot (placing weight on R), &) Recover weight onto L foot, 4) Step R foot out to R side
    &5-8 &) Hitch L knee into the R leg, 5) Step L foot out to the L side placing the weight onto the L, 6-8) Hold


    Heel to the front, heel to the side, rock behind, step out for three

    1&2& 1) Place R heel forward (putting the weight on the R heel), &) Recover the weight onto the L foot, 2) Place R heel to the R side (putting the weight on the R heel), &) Recover the weight onto the L foot
    3&4 3) Rock R foot behind L foot, &) Recover weight onto L foot, 4) Step out with the R foot to the R diagonal
    &5-8 &) Step out with the L foot to the L diagonal, 5) Step out with the R foot to the R diagonal, 6-8) Hold


    Heel to the front, heel to the side, rock behind, step out for three

    1&2& 1) Place L heel forward (putting the weight on the L heel), &) Recover the weight onto the R foot, 2) Place L heel to the L side (putting the weight on the L heel), &) Recover the weight onto the R foot
    3&4 3) Rock L foot behind R foot, &) Recover weight onto R foot, 4) Step out with the L foot to the L diagonal
    &5-8 &) Step out with the R foot to the R diagonal, 5) Step out with the L foot to the L diagonal, 6-8) Hold


    Cross over and heel, cross over and heel, cross unwind full turn

    1&2 1) Cross R foot over L foot, &) Step L foot out to L side, 2) R heel out to R side
    &3&4 &) Step the weight onto the R foot, 3) Cross L foot over R foot, &) Step R foot out to R side, 4) L heel out to L side
    &5-8 &) Step the weight onto the L foot, 5) Cross R foot over L, 6-8) Unwind full turn anti-clockwise

    Section C (32 counts)


    Kick forward, touch to the side, kick forward touch to the side, cross over making a ¼ turn, coaster step

    1&2 1) Kick forward on R foot, &) place R foot beside L foot, 2) touch out to the L with the L foot
    3&4 3) Kick forward on L foot, &) place L foot beside R foot, 4) touch out to the R with the R foot
    5,6 5) Cross R foot over left foot, 6) step L foot out making a ¼ turn to the R
    7&8 7) Step R foot back, &) bring L foot beside R foot, 8) step forward on R foot


    Step lock, step lock, rock forward and back, kick, three boogie walks

    1,2& 1) Step L foot to the L diagonal, 2) Lock R foot behind L foot, &) Step L foot out to the L diagonal
    3,4& 3) Step R foot to the R diagonal, 4) Lock L foot behind R foot, &) Step R foot out the R diagonal
    5&6& 5) Rock forward on the L foot, &) Recover weight on the R foot, 6) Rock back on the L foot, &) Recover weight on the R foot
    7&8& 7) Kick L foot to the L diagonal, &) Step onto the L foot rolling the knee to the L, 8) Step onto the R foot rolling the knee to the R, &) Step onto the L foot rolling the knee to the L


    Step out, hip bumps to the R, step out, hip bumps to the L

    1-4 1) Step R foot out to the R diagonal making a hip bump up, 2) hip bump down, 3) hip bump up, 4) hip bump down (keep weight on L throughout)
    5-8 5) Step L foot out to the L diagonal making a hip bump up, 6) hip bump down, 7) hip bump up, (keep weight on R), 8) hip bump down placing weight on L


    Cross over, grapevine, walk, walk

    1,2& 1) Cross R foot over L, 2) Step L foot back, &) Step R foot to R side
    3,4 3) Cross L foot over R foot, 4) Step R foot out to R side
    5&6 5) Step L foot behind R foot, &) Step R foot to R side, 6) Making a ¼ turn step forward on L foot
    7,8 7) Walk forward on R foot, 8) Walk forward on L foot
  • Looking Good

    Looking Good

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Darren Bailey (July 10)

    Music:  The Way She’s Looking by Raybon Brothers

    Shuffle R, Rock, Recover, Shuffle L, Rock, Recover

    1&2 Step Rf to R side, close Lf next to Rf, Step Rf to R side
    3-4 Rock back on Lf, recover onto Rf
    5&6 Step Lf to L side, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf to L side
    7-8 Rock back on Rf, recover onto Lf

    Shuffle Forward, Rock, Recover, Shuffle Back, Rock, Recover

    1&2 Step forward on Rf, close Lf behind Rf, step forward on Rf
    3-4 Rock forward on Lf, recover onto Rf
    5&6 Step back on Lf, close Rf infront of Lf, step back on Lf
    7-8 Rock back on Rf, recover onto Lf

    Step Touches X4 With Side Clicks

    1-2 Step Forward on Rf, touch Lf to L side (click fingers out to both sides)
    3-4 Step forward on Lf, touch Rf to R side (click fingers out to both sides)
    5-6 Step Forward on Rf, touch Lf to L side ( click fingers out to both sides)
    7-8 Step forward on Lf, touch Rf to R side (click fingers out to both sides)

    Jazz Box With ¼ Turn R, Grapevine L Or (Rolling Grapevine L)

    1-2 Cross Rf over Lf, step back on Lf
    3-4 Make a ¼ turn R steping forward on Rf, touch Lf next to Rf
    5-6 Step Lf to L side, Cross Rf behind Lf
    7-8 Step Lf to L side, touch Rf next to Lf
    Option: 5-8 Rolling Grapevine L
    Repeat and enjoy
  • Winners & Losers

    Winners & Losers

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Improver

    Choreographer:  Diana Dawson (Aug 2012)

    Music:  The Losing Side of Me by The Mavericks (176 bpm), various CD’s

    Intro: 24 counts – start on vocals;

    Section 1: Weave Right – Side- Hold- Back- Rock

    1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right,
    3-4 Step right to right side, cross step left over right
    5-6-7-8 Step right to right side, hold. Step back on left foot, rock forward onto right

    Section 2: Step, Pivot ½ Turn, Step, Step, Pivot ½ Turn, Step

    1-2-3-4 Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on left foot, hold/clap [6:00]
    5-6-7-8 Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on right foot, hold/clap[12:00]

    Section 3: Weave Left – Side- Hold- Back- Rock

    1-2 Step left to left side, step right behind left
    3-4 Step left to left side, cross step right over left
    5-6-7-8 Step left to left side, hold. Step back on right foot, rock forward onto left

    Section 4: Right Forward-Lock-Forward – Left Step – Pivot ¼ Turn – Cross

    1-2-3-4 Step forward on right foot, lock step left behind right, step forward on right foot, hold
    5-6-7-8 Step forward on left foot, pivot ¼ turn right, cross step left over right, hold [3:00]

    Section 5: ¼ Turn Left – Hitch – ¼ Turn Left – Hitch – Right Coaster Step

    1-2 Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right foot, hitch left knee [12:00]
    3-4 Make ¼ turn left stepping left foot to left side, hitch right knee [9:00]
    5-6-7-8 Step back on right foot, step left beside right, step forward on right foot
    Dance ends here on wall 10 facing front

    Section 6: Hitch Paddle ¼ Turns Right X2 – Diagonal Cross Shuffle

    1 Hitch left knee slightly as you step forward on left foot,
    2 Pivot ¼ turn right on right foot [12:00]
    3 Hitch left knee slightly as you step forward on left foot,
    4 Pivot ¼ turn right on right foot [3:00]
    5-6-7-8 Step left over right, step right to right side, step left over right
    Note: Steps 5-8, cross shuffle should travel towards right diagonal, straightening up as you begin section 7 reverse rumba box)

    Section 7: Reverse Rumba Box

    1-2-3-4 Step right to right side, step left beside right, Step back on right, hold
    5-6-7-8 Step left to left side, step right beside left, step left forward, hold

    Section 8: Hip Bumps Right, Hip Bumps Left (The Cheeky Bit)

    1-2-3-4 Touch right toes diagonally forward right bumping hips right-left-right, hold (Weight ending on right foot)
    5-6-7-8 Touch left toes diagonally forward left, bumping hips left-right-left, hold (Weight ending on left foot)
    Begin again
    With thanks to “Carson City” and “The Lorraine Macmillan Band” for including this song in their repertoire.
    Website: – E-mail: – Tel: 01896 756244
  • The Good Life

    The Good Life

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate / Advanced

    Choreographer:  Rachael McEnaney (UK) Aug 2013

    Music:  “The Good Life” – Robin Thicke. Album: Blurred Lines (iTunes) Approx 3.13mins

    Count In: 16 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals. Approx 104bpm.
    Notes: 1 Tag at the end of the 1st wall – Right backwards rocking chair (1,2,3,4)
    You will notice on the counts that I have included ‘a’ as a count, if you haven’t heard of this before here is a brief explanation.
    When we count in dance it really could be ‘1 e & a 2 e & a 3’ etc, in this particular track you are stepping on the ‘a’ count which is just after ‘&’, the easiest place in the dance to understand this is section 18-24 on the cross side rock as you are using both ’&’ and ’a’.
    If you are an instructor this might confuse some of your students, so I wouldn’t place too much emphasis on it, they should dance on rhythm once they hear the song.

    1 – 8

    R back, L coaster step, ¼ turn L hitch R, R cross, L cross, ¾ turn L stepping R-L, ¼ L with R scissor step

    1 2 a 3 Step back on right (1), step back on left (2), step right next to left (a), step forward on left (3), 12.00
    & 4 Make ¼ turn left on ball of left hitching right knee (& – this is not a strong hitch just a transition into next step), cross right over left (4) 9.00
    & 5 Hitch left knee (& – not a strong hitch just transition to next step), cross left over right (5), 9.00
    6 a 7 a 8 Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right (6), make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (a), make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (7), step left next to right (a), cross right over left (8) 9.00

    9 – 17

    L side, R back rock, ¼ turn L as you weave R, L back rock, ¼ turn R stepping back L, step back R-L, R coaster step

    a 1 2 Step left to left side (a), rock back on right foot and open body to diagonal 10.30 (1), recover weight to left (2) 10.30
    a 3 a 4 Make ¼ turn left as you step right to right side (a), cross left behind right (3), step right to right side (a), cross left over right (4) 6.00
    a 5 6 Step right to right side (a), rock back on left foot and open body to diagonal 4.30 (5), recover weight to right (6) 4.30
    a 7 a Make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (&), step back on right (7), step back on left (&) 9.00
    8 & 1 Step back right (8), step left next to right (&), step forward right (1) 9.00

    18 – 24

    Step L fwd, ¼ turn L pointing R toe, make ½ turn R stepping R next to L, L side rock, L cross rock, L ball cross R, unwind full turn L, L side, R close

    2 3 a Step forward left (2), make ¼ turn left as you point right to right side (3), make ½ turn right stepping right next to left (a) 12.00
    4 a 5 Rock left to left side (4), recover weight to right (a), cross rock left over right (5) 12.00
    6 a 7 a Recover weight to right (6), step left to left side (a), cross right over left (7), unwind full turn left on ball of right (a) (Try think of the turn being on count 7 – begin to turn as soon as you cross the right) 12.00
    8 a Step left to left side (8), step right next to left (a) 12.00

    25 – 32

    Rock and sway L-R, L cross, R side rock, R cross, L side rock, L fwd rock, 1½ turns L, R fwd, L close

    1 2 Rock left to left side and sway upper body left (1), recover weight to right and sway upper body right (2) 12.00
    3 & a Cross left over right (3), rock right to right side (&), recover weight to left (a) 12.00
    4 & a Cross right over left (4), rock left to left side (&), recover weight to right (a) 12.00
    5 6 Rock forward left (5), recover weight to right (6), 12.00
    a 7 a Make ½ turn left stepping forward left (a), make ½ turn left stepping back right (7), make ½ turn left stepping forward left (a) 6.00
    8 a Step forward right (8), step left next to right (a) 6.00

    TAG: At the end of the 1st wall you will be facing the back (6.00) – do the following 4 count Tag.

    1 2 3 4 Rock back on right (1), recover weight left (2), rock forward on right (3), recover weight left (4) – BACK ROCKING CHAIR 6.00
    Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format.
    Copyright © 2013 Rachael Louise McEnaney ( All rights reserved
    Contact: – – Tel: +1 407-538-1533 – +44 7968181933