Category Archives: Stegbeskrivning

  • Speak to the Sky

    Speak To The Sky

    Count:  56

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Beginner / Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Keith Davies

    Music:  Speak To The Sky by Brendon Walmsley

    Right Forward Lock & Scuff, Left Forward Lock & Scuff

    1-4 Step right forward, cross left behind right, step right forward, scuff left forward
    5-8 Step left forward, cross right behind left, step left forward, scuff right forward

    Forward Right, Touch Left Toe Behind Right, Step Back Left, Touch Right Heel Forward; Repeat

    1-4 Step right forward, touch left toe behind right, step left back, touch right heel forward
    5-8 Step right forward, touch left toe behind right, step left back, touch right heel forward

    Four Toe Struts Back

    1-4 Step right toe back, drop right heel, step left toe back, drop left heel
    5-8 Step right toe back, drop right heel, step left toe back, drop left heel

    Two Right Boot Lifts, Vine Right

    1-4 Touch right heel forward, hitch right knee, touch right heel forward, hitch right knee
    5-8 Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, touch left together

    Two Left Boot Lifts, Vine Left

    1-4 Touch left heel forward, hitch left knee, touch left heel forward, hitch left knee
    5-8 Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, touch right together

    Two ¼ Monterey Turns Right

    1-2 Touch right to side, turn ¼ right and step right together
    3-4 Touch left to side, step left together
    5-6 Touch right to side, turn ¼ right and step right together
    7-8 Touch left to side, step left together


    1-2 Sweep right side to front and touch right forward, hold
    3-4 Sweep right front to back and step right back, hold
    5-6 Sweep left front to back and touch left back, hold
    7-8 Sweep left back to front and step left forward, hold

    Tag: At the end of the 3rd and 6th walls, add a ”bonus” charleston step (i.e., dance the last 8 counts again)

  • Head Over Heels

    Head Over Heels

    Count:  56

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Beginner/intermediate

    Choreographer:  Andrew Palmer & Simon J. & Sheila A. Cox

    Music:  Head Over Heels by ABBA

    Walk, Walk, Kick-Ball-Change, Pivot ½, Kick-Ball-Change

    1-2 Step right forward, step left forward
    3&4 Right kick ball change
    5-6 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left, 6:00)
    7&8 Right kick ball change

    Rock, Recover, Coaster-Step, Toe-Strut, Toe-Strut

    1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
    3&4 Coaster step right, left, right
    5-6 Step left toe forward, drop left heel
    7-8 Step right toe forward, drop right heel

    Rock, Recover, Shuffle ½, Pivot ¼, Cross-Shuffle

    1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
    3&4 Triple in place turning ½ left and step left, right, left (12:00)
    5-6 Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight to left, 9:00)
    7&8 Crossing shuffle right, left, right

    Rock, Recover, Weave, Rock, Recover, Weave

    1-2 Rock left to side, recover to right
    3&4 Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right
    5-6 Rock right to side, recover to left
    7&8 Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left

    Mambo, Mambo, Rock, Recover, Shuffle ½

    1&2 Rock left to side, recover to right, step left in place
    3&4 Rock right to side, recover to left, step right in place
    5-6 Rock left forward, recover to right
    7&8 Triple in lace turning ½ left and step left, right, left (3:00)

    Rock, Recover, Shuffle ½, Pivot ½, Kick-Ball-Change

    1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
    3&4 Triple in place turning ½ right and step right, left, right (9:00)
    5-6 Step left forward, turn ½ right (weight to right, 3:00)
    7&8 Left kick ball change

    Pivot ¼, Kick-Ball-Change, Rock, Recover, Coaster-Step

    1-2 Step left forward, turn ¼ right (weight to right, 6:00)
    3&4 Left kick ball change
    5-6 Rock left forward, recover to right
    7&8 Coaster step left, right, left


    Facing back wall on wall 3, dance up to count 14 (left toe-heel strut), then add:

    15-16 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left, 12:00)
    Then start dance again

    Facing front wall on wall 6, dance up to count 4 (right kick-ball-change), then add:

    5-8 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left, 6:00), step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left, 12:00)
    Then start dance again
  • Cry To Me

    Cry To Me

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Beginner / intermediate

    Choreographer:  Paul McAdam

    Music:  Cry To Me by Solomon Burke

    Side, back, rock, right shuffle, step pivot ½, turn ½ shuffle

    1-2-3 Step left to side, rock right back, recover to left
    4&5 Shuffle forward right, left, right
    6-7 Step left forward, turn ½ right (weight to right)
    8&1 Turn ¼ right and step left to side, step right together, turn ¼ right and step left back

    ¼ side, cross, side, rock, cross, rock diagonal, behind, side, cross

    2-3 Turn ¼ right and step right to side, cross left over right
    4&5 Rock right to side, recover onto left, cross right over left
    6-7 Rock left diagonally forward, recover onto right
    8&1 Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right

    Rock diagonal, behind turn ¼, mambo turn ½, right shuffle

    2-3 Rock right diagonally forward, recover onto left
    4&5 Cross right behind left, turn ¼ left and step left forward, step right forward
    6&7 Rock left forward, recover onto right, turn ½ left and step left forward
    8&1 Shuffle forward right, left, right

    2 walks forward, rock & side, together, together side twice

    2-3 Step left forward, step right forward
    4&5 Cross/rock left over right, recover onto right, step left to side
    6&7 Step right together, step left in place, step right to side
    8& Step left together, step right in place
  • Just Wright

    Just Wright

    Count:  64

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Beginner/intermediate

    Choreographer:  Maggie Gallagher

    Music:  C’est La Vie by Chely Wright

    Right Chasse, Rocks, Side, Cross Points, Right Cross (12:00)

    1&2 Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
    3-4 Rock back on left, rock forward onto right
    5-6 Step left to left side, point right toe across left
    7-8 Point right toe to right side, cross right over left (weight on right)

    Left Chasse, Rocks, Side, Cross Points, Left Cross

    1&2 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
    3-4 Rock back on right, rock forward onto left
    5-6 Step right to right side, point left toe across right
    7-8 Point left toe to left side, cross left over right

    Stomp Side Right, Hold, Together, Stomp Side, Swivels, Rocks

    1-2 Stomp right to right side, hold
    &3-4 Step left next to right, stomp right (shoulder width) to right side, (keeping weight on right) twist left heel towards right heel
    5-6 Twist left toe towards right toe, twist left heel to line up with the right (feet parallel)
    7-8 Rock back on left, rock forward onto right

    Step Turn Step, Clap, Step Turn Step, Clap

    1-2 Step forward on left, make ½ Pivot turn right (6:00)
    3-4 Step forward on left, clap hands
    5-6 Step forward on right, make ½ Pivot turn left (12:00)
    7-8 Step forward on right, clap hands

    Vine Left, Touch, Vine Right, Touch

    1-2 Step left to left side, cross right behind left
    3-4 Step left to left side, touch right beside left
    5-6 Step right to right side, cross left behind right
    7-8 Step right to right side, touch left beside right

    Side, Touch, Kick Twice, Rocks, Step, ½ Pivot Left

    1-2 Step left to left side, touch right beside left
    3-4 Kick right across left, (twice)
    5-6 Rock back on right, recover onto left
    7-8 Step forward on right, make ½ Pivot turn left (6:00)

    Right Toe Strut, Left Toe Strut, Rocking Chair

    1-4 Step right toe forward, drop right heel, step left toe forward, drop left heel
    5-8 Rock forward onto right, recover onto left, rock back onto right, recover onto left
    Styling option: Use "Pulp fiction twist" Arms while doing the toe struts – i.e., make a V shape with 1st & 2nd fingers of each hand alternately wiping in front of the eyes, palms outwards

    Make 2x Step ½ Pivot Turns, Right Jazz Box, Left Cross

    1-2 Step forward right, make ½ Pivot turn left (12:00)
    3-4 Step forward right, make ½ Pivot turn left (6:00)
    5-6 Cross right over left, step back on left
    7-8 Step right to right side, cross left over right
  • Go Greased Lightning

    Go Greased Lightning

    Wall:  1

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Michele Burton

    Music:  Greased Lightning by John Travolta


    Arm intro, AB, AB, Mini A, Mini A, CCCC, Turn to the front wall and do Mini A, Mini A, C, Turn to the front wall and do B, Ending


    Arm intro:

    ”It’s automatic” pose: Right arm straight up in air, point finger to sky, left hand on hip, fingers pointing to floor, left leg straight, right knee popped, facing right
    ”It’s systematic” pose: Pull arms in toward waist, elbows bent, forearms facing upward, feet apart, legs straight
    ”It’s hydromatic” pose: Roll hips during ”hy…dromatic”, place arms in ’t’ on last beat
    ”Why, it’s greased lightning”: Circular arm motion. on the word ”greased”, left arm comes to thigh, right arm still in ’t’. on the word ”light”, left arm even with right arm. on the word ”ning”, left arm continues to do full circle around and back to right arm, left elbow nudge, nudge, nudge to left while shifting weight to left foot and sliding right foot to left

    PART A

    Shuffle right, rock step, shuffle left, rock step

    1&2-3-4 Step right to side, step left together, step right to side, rock left back, recover to right
    5&6-7-8 Step left to side, step right together, step left to side, rock right back, recover to left

    Shuffles on right diagonal/left diagonal, vaudeville walks

    Facing right diagonal
    1&2 Triple in place right, left, right
    Facing left diagonal
    3&4 Triple in place left, right, left
    5-8 Skate right forward, skate left forward, skate right forward, skat left forward

    Step touch, turn ½ touch, step touch, turn ½ touch

    1-4 Step right forward, touch left together, turn ½ left and step left forward, touch right together
    5-8 Step right forward, touch left together, turn ½ left and step left forward, touch right together

    Jump up clap, jump back clap, toe heel right diagonal, toe heel left diagonal

    &1-2&3-4 Step right forward, step left forward, clap, step right back, step left back, clap
    5-6 Touch right toe diagonally forward, drop right heel (click)
    7-8 Touch left toe diagonally forward, drop left heel (click)

    Cross hold, side hold, cross back side, hold

    1-4 Cross right over left, hold, step left to side, hold
    Arms swing right, then left
    5-8 Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, hold

    Cross hold, side hold, cross back side together – with shimmies

    1-4 Cross right over left, hold, step right to side, hold
    Arms swing left, then right
    5-8 Cross left over right, step right back, step left to side, step right together
    Shoulder shimmies on counts 5-8

    Out together, out together (jumping jacks), run (slightly) forward

    1-4 Jump both feet apart, jump both feet together, jump both feet apart, jump both feet together
    5&6&7&8 Small steps forward right, left, right, left, right, left, step right together


    Right hand move

    1 Jump feet apart while placing right arm to right (looking & pointing index finger to 3:00)
    2-8 Knee bounce while moving right hand/arm to position straight in front of body, parallel to ground
    Watch the movie. bounce with knee bend to beat of music. you’re looking straight ahead now by count 8

    Arm movement in, up, in, out

    1-4 Bring right hand in, elbow pointing at floor, hand fisted, shoot it straight up in air, bring it back in to body, shoot it out straight to right
    5-8 Repeat 1-4. hips can move side to side, keeping in time to the music

    Left hand move

    1-8 With feet still apart, place left arm to left (looking & pointing index finger to 9:00), knee bounce while moving left hand/arm to position straight in front of body, parallel to ground
    Watch the movie. bounce with knee bend to beat of music. you’re looking straight ahead by count 8

    Arm movement in, up, in, out

    1-4 Bring left hand in, elbow pointing at floor, hand fisted, shoot left hand straight up, bring it back in to body. shoot it out straight to left
    5-8 Repeat 1-4. hips can move side to side, keeping in time to the music

    Arm poses to beat (hands fisted for entire sequence)

    1-3 Bring both hands in, elbows pointing at floor, hands fisted, shoot both arms straight up, bring both arms to ’t’ position
    4-5 Hold, hold
    6-7 Bring both arms forward, straight in front of you, pull arms in toward waist, elbows bent, forearms facing upward
    8 Hold

    Shoulder drops, step in place (bringing feet together)

    1-4 Rotate shoulder drops, right, left, right, left
    If they go the other way, not to worry
    5&6&7&8 Step left right left right left right left, on balls of feet, bringing feet together and moving backwards)
    Throughout this count of 8, arms are still in the position from the previous count of 8


    1-32 Do the first 32 counts of Part A


    1-4 Slap thighs with both hands, clap, cross right hand over left, cross left hand over right
    5-8 Touch right fist on top of left fist, touch left fist on top of right fist, hitch hike right thumb over right shoulder, hitch hike left thumb over left shoulder
    & Jump turn ¼ to the left


    Walk to a clump in the middle of the floor and give your audience a pose for a fabulous Broadway ending

  • A Knockdown

    A Knockdown

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Geri Morrison

    Music:  Knockdown by Alesha Dixon

    Right Cross Shuffle, Triple Half Turn Right, Right Cross Shuffle, Side Rock ¼ Turn Right Step

    1&2 Cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right over left
    3&4 Left triple ½ turn right stepping left, right, left. (6:00)
    5&6 Cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right over left
    7&8 Rock left to left side, recover weight on right making ¼ turn right, step forward on left

    Triple Full Turn Left, Left Kick-Ball-Cross, Side Together Forward, Side Rock & Touch

    1&2 Traveling forward – right triple full turn left stepping right, left, right. (9:00)
    3&4 Kick left forward, step ball of left beside right, cross step right over left
    5&6 Step left to left side, close right beside left, step forward on left
    7&8 Rock right to right side, recover weight on left, touch right toe across left

    Side Rock & Cross, Triple Half Turn Right, Hip Bumps Right & Left (Traveling Forward)

    1&2 Rock right to right side, recover weight on left, cross step right over left
    3&4 Left triple ½ turn right stepping left, right, left. (3:00)
    5&6 Step right slightly forward bumping hips right, left, right. (weight on right)
    7&8 Step left slightly forward bumping hips left, right, left. (weight on left)
    Counts 5-8 above should travel slightly forward

    Paddle ¼ Turn Left Twice, Right Kick-Ball-Back, & Back, & Back, 2 x Walks Forward

    &1 Hitch right knee across left, make ¼ turn left pointing right toe to right side
    &2 Hitch right knee across left, make ¼ turn left pointing right toe to right side
    3&4 Kick right forward, step back on ball of right, step back on left
    &5 Step back on ball of right, step back on left. (feet apart)
    &6 Step back on ball of right, step back on left. (feet apart)
    7-8 Walk forward on right, walk slightly forward on left. (9:00)
    Thanks to Rick for putting me on to the track
  • I Promise U

    I Promise U

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner/intermediate

    Choreographer:  Lesley Clark

    Music:  This I Promise You by Ronan Keating

    Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Shuffle, Full Turn, Shuffle Forward

    1-2 Rock forward on right, recover on left
    3&4 ½ Turn right shuffle over right shoulder on a right, left, right
    5-6 ½ Turn right stepping back on left foot, ½ Turn right stepping forward on right
    7&8 Shuffle forward left on a left, right, left

    Rock, Recover, Step, Cross, Side, Behind, Sway, Sway, Behind, Side, Cross

    1&2 Rock forward on right, recover on left, step right to right side
    3&4 Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right
    5-6 Sway right, sway left
    7&8 Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right across left

    Sway, Sway, Sailor ¼ Turn, Step Pivot, Right Lock Step

    1-2 Sway left, sway right
    3&4 Sweep the left foot out to left side as you turn ¼ Turn left stepping, left, right, left forward
    5-6 Step forward on right, pivot ½ Turn left
    7&8 Step forward on right, step left next to right, step forward on right

    Mambo Forward, Mambo Step, ½ Turn, Right Lock Step, Step

    1&2 Rock forward on left, recover on right, step left next to right
    3&4 Rock back on right, recover on left, step forward on right
    5 Pivot ½ Turn left
    6&7 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
    8 Step forward on left
  • Don’t Feel Like Dancing

    Don’t Feel Like Dancing

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Patricia E. Stott

    Music:  I Don’t Feel Like Dancing by The Scissor Sisters

    Special thanks to Lizzie Stott and Jennie Stott for music and step ideas. thanks also to Karen Henshall for her help with the ending

    Touch right toe diagonally forward, touch behind, touch right toe diagonally forward, touch behind, rolling vine right, hold and double clap

    Body turned slightly to the right diagonal
    1 Touch right toe forward
    Lean slightly back, swinging arms right
    2 Touch right toe back
    Straighten up, swinging arms left
    3-4 Repeat steps 1-2
    5-6 Turn ¼ right and step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side
    7&8 Turn ½ right and step right to side, clap, clap

    Touch over, touch to side, touch over, touch to side, rolling turn 1 ¼ left, ball step

    Body slightly facing right diagonal
    1 Touch left toe forward
    Lean slightly back, swinging arms over body to left side
    2 Touch left to side
    Straighten up, swinging arms over body to right side
    3-4 Repeat steps 1-2
    5-6 Turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn ½ left and step right back
    7&8 Turn ½ left and step left forward, step right together, step left forward

    Forward, side, rock, forward, side, rock, jazz box with turn ¼ right, cross

    Dance with bounce; Samba style
    1&2 Step right forward, rock left to side, recover to right
    3&4 Step left forward, rock right to side, recover to left
    5-6 Cross right over left, step left back
    7-8 Turn ¼ right and step right to side, cross left over right

    Hip bumps transferring weight from left to right, syncopated jazz box

    1&2&3&4 Touch right to side and bump hips right, left, right, left, right, left, right
    Over the 4 beats slowly transfer weight from left to right finishing on right on beat 4
    5-6 Cross left over right, step right back
    &7-8 Step left to side, cross right over left, step left to side

    Hitch, step, slide, hitch, step, slide, 3 heel switches, hold, clap clap

    1&2 Hitch right knee, step right to side, slide/step left together
    3&4 Repeat steps 1&2
    5&6& Touch right heel forward, step right together, touch left heel forward, step left together
    7&8& Touch right heel forward, clap, clap, step left together

    Hitch, step, slide, hitch, step, slide, turning switches, hook step

    1&2 Hitch left knee, step left to side, slide/step right together
    3&4 Repeat steps 1&2
    5&6& Touch left heel forward, step left together, touch right heel forward, step right together
    7&8 Turn ¼ left and touch left heel forward, hook left over right, step left forward

    ½ pivot left, shuffle forward, turn 1 ½ right, touch

    1-2 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
    3&4 Shuffle forward right, left, right
    5-6 Turn ½ right and step left back, turn ½ right and step right forward
    7-8 Turn ½ right and step left back, touch right together

    Heel jack, step, touch, heel jack, step, touch, step, cross, step, cross, hold and snap twice

    &1 Step right back, touch left heel forward
    &2 Drop left toe, touch right together
    &3 Step right back, touch left heel forward
    &4 Drop left toe, touch right together
    &5 Step right together, cross left over right
    &6 Step right together, cross left over right
    7-8 Click, click
    Fingers twice at shoulder height


    At the end of wall 2 (facing 6:00) dance the first 32 counts then restart


    At the end of wall 5 (facing 9:00) snap fingers 4 times taking arms over head to the left


    At the end of the music, over turn the rolling vine to face the front and clap twice. if you have the extended version then the dance finishes on the turning heel switches
  • Macca Mambo

    Macca Mambo

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner/Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Gaye Teather

    Music:  Behind Closed Doors by Jane McDonald

    Forward Rock, Coaster Step, Forward Rock, Triple ¾ Turn Left

    1-2 Rock forward on right, recover onto left
    3&4 Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right
    5-6 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
    7&8 Triple ¾ turn left stepping left right left (facing 3:00)

    Right Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Left Side Rock, Behind, ¼ Turn Right

    1-2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
    3&4 Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right over left
    5-6 Rock left to left side, recover onto right
    7-8 Cross left behind right, ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
    Facing 6:00

    Left Side Mambo, Touch Side, Touch Across, Right Side Mambo, Touch Side, Touch Across

    1&2 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, step left slightly forward
    3-4 Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe across left
    5&6 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, step right slightly forward
    7-8 Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe across right

    Side Rock, ¼ Turn Right, Shuffle Forward, Side Right, Hold & Click, Behind, Unwind ½ Turn Left

    1-2 Rock left to left side, recover onto right making ¼ turn right
    Facing 9:00
    3&4 Step forward on left, step right beside left, step forward on left
    5-6 Step right to right side, hold and click fingers above head
    7-8 Touch left toe behind right, unwind ½ turn left (weight ends on left)
    Facing 3:00
  • Make It Up

    Make It Up

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Maggie Gallagher

    Music:  I Wanna Die by Miranda Lambert

    Walks Forward, Right Lock Step, Rocks, Back Left Shuffle

    1-2 Walk forward right, walk forward left
    3&4 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
    5-6 Rock forward onto left, recover onto right
    7&8 Step back on left, step right beside left, step back on left

    ¼ Right With Hip Push, Hold, Left Hip Bump Twice, Side Step Touches

    1-2 Make ¼ turn right pushing hips right, hold
    3-4 Bump hips left, bump hips left
    5-6 Step right to right side, point left across right (angling body to left)
    7-8 Step left to left side, point right across left (angling body to right)
    Styling may be added with shoulder rolls

    Right Side Chasse, Rocks, Left Side Chasse, Rocks

    1&2 Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to right side
    3-4 Rock back on left, recover onto right
    5&6 Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side
    7-8 Rock back on right, recover onto left

    (Step, ½ Turn Left) Twice, Jazz Jump Forward, Hip Roll

    1-2 Step forward on right, make ½ turn left
    3-4 Step forward on right, make ½ turn left
    &5 Jump forward right, left
    6-7-8 Roll hips (weight ending on left)
  • Overnight Heartache

    Overnight Heartache

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Teresa Lawrence & Vera Fisher

    Music:  Overnight Success by Rick Trevino

    Grapevine Right, Grapevine Left ¼ Turn Left

    1-4 Step right to right side, step left behind the right, step right to right side, touch left next to right
    5-8 Step left to left side, step right behind left, making ¼ turn left, step left forward, touch right next to left

    2 x Paddle ¼ Turns Left. 2 x Toe Struts Forward

    1-2 Step the right foot forward, turn ¼ turn left
    3-4 Step the right foot forward, turn ¼ turn left
    5-6 Step forward on right toe. Drop right heel to floor
    7-8 Step forward on left toe. Drop left heel to floor

    Cross Rock, Side, Clap, Cross Rock Side Clap

    1-4 Cross rock, right over left, replace weight back on left, step right to right side, (hold on count four and clap)
    5-8 Cross rock, left over right, replace weight back on right, step left to left side, (hold on count 4 and clap)

    3 x Walks Back. Hitch, Step Forward, Slide, Step Touch

    1-4 Walk back right, left right, hitch left knee up
    5-8 Step forward on left, slide right up to left, step forward left, touch right next to left
  • Walk Backwards

    Walk Backwards

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner straight rhythm

    Choreographer:  Jos Slijpen

    Music:  Walk Out Backwards by Sara Evans

    Walks Back With Right/Left/Right, Kick Left Forward, Step, Touch, Step, Heel

    1-2-3 Walk backwards with right, left, right
    4-5 Kick left forward, step left forward
    6-7 Touch right behind, step right back
    8 Touch left heel forward

    Step, Lock, Step, Scuff, Step, Lock, Step, Scuff

    1-2 Step left forward, cross right behind left
    3-4 Step left forward, scuff right
    5-6 Step right forward, cross right behind left
    7-8 Step right forward, scuff left

    Pivot ¼ Turn Right, Cross, Step Side, Behind, ¼ Turn Right, Pivot ¼ Turn Right

    1-2 Step left forward, pivot ¼ turn right (3:00)
    3-4 Cross left over right, step right to right side
    5-6 Cross step left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
    7-8 Step left forward, pivot ¼ turn right (9:00)

    Cross, Touch, Cross, Touch, Jazz Box With Scuff

    1-2 Cross left over right, touch right to right side
    3-4 Cross right over left, touch left to left side
    5-6 Cross left over right, step right back
    7-8 Step left to left side, scuff right forward

    Tag – After 4th wall (12:00) add two extra walks backward:

    1-2 Step right back, step left back
  • The Memory Cha Cha

    The Memory Cha Cha

    Count:  24

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Annette Foxall & Brian Pitt

    Music:  I Can’t Bear The Memory by Kris Kelly

    Side Rock, Back Rock, Forward Shuffle, Side Rock

    1-2 Rock right to right side, rock weight onto left in place
    3-4 Rock back on right, rock forward onto left
    5&6 Step forward right, close left beside right, step forward right
    7-8 Rock left to left side, rock weight onto right in place

    Back Rock, Shuffle Steps Forward X 3

    9-10 Rock back on left, rock forward onto right
    11&12 Step forward left, close right beside left, step forward left
    13&14 Step forward right, close left beside right, step forward right
    15&16 Step forward left, close right beside left, step forward left

    Right Grapevine With Scuff, Left Grapevine With ¼ Turn

    17-18 Step right to right side, cross left behind right
    19-20 Step right to right side, scuff left forward
    21-22 Step left to left side, cross right behind left
    23-24 Step left ¼ turn left, touch right beside left
  • Never & Forever

    Never & Forever

    Count:  24

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Rob Fowler

    Music:  Never Ever & Forever by Lee Ann Womack & Mark Wills

    Right Twinkle, Cross ¼ Turn, Back

    1-2-3 Cross right over left, step left diagonally forward left, bring right next to left then diagonally right
    4-5-6 Cross left over right, make ¼ turn left step back right, step back left

    Step Back Right, Left Together, Right Together, Left Twinkle

    7-8-9 Step back right, step left next to right, put weight back on right
    10-11-12 Cross left over right, step right diagonally forward right, bring left next to right then diagonally forward left

    Cross Side Behind, Slide

    13-14-15 Cross right in front of left, step left to left side, cross right behind left
    16-17-18 Step long step to left on left, drag right to left, touch right next to left

    Full Turn Right Rock Left Recover

    19-20-21 Make ¼ turn right step on right, make ½ turn right step back left, make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
    22-23-24 Rock left over right, recover back on right, step left to left side
    Cd available by post from: Sapphire Entertainment, PO Box 156 Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 6YD
  • Baby Love

    Baby Love

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Louis James Sequeira

    Music:  Baby Love by Diana Ross And The Supremes

    Right kick ball changes, right jazz box

    1&2 Kick right forward, step right beside left, step left in place
    3&4 Kick right forward, step right beside left, step left in place
    5-6 Cross right over left, step back on left
    7-8 Step right to right side, touch left beside right

    Left kick ball changes, left jazz box

    1&2 Kick left forward, step left beside right, step right in place
    3&4 Kick left forward, step left beside right, step right in place
    5-6 Cross left over right, step back on right
    7-8 Step left to left side, touch right beside left

    Right vine, scuff & clap, left vine ¼ turn left, scuff & clap

    1-2 Step right to right side, cross left behind right
    3-4 Step right to right side, scuff left forward & clap
    5-6 Step left to left side, cross right behind left
    7-8 Make ¼ turn left stepping left forward, scuff right forward & clap

    Right step, bounce right heel, left step, bounce left heel

    1-4 Step right diagonally forward right, bounce right heel 3 times
    5-8 Step left diagonally forward left, bounce left heel 3 times