Category Archives: Stegbeskrivning

  • Stitch It Up

    Stitch It Up

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner / Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Robbie McGowan Hickie

    Music:  Elvis Medley by The Dean Brothers

    Weave Right, Hold, Rock Step

    1-2 Step right to right side, cross left behind
    3-4 Step right to right side, cross left in front of right
    5-6 Step right to right side, hold one count
    7-8 Step back on left, rock weight forward onto right

    Weave Left, Hold, Rock Step

    1-2 Step left to left side, cross right behind left
    3-4 Step left to left side, cross right in front of left
    5-6 Step left to left side, hold one count
    7-8 Step back on right, rock weight forward onto left

    Toe Touches, Heel Hook, Lock Step-Hold

    1-2 Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left
    3-4 Touch right heel forward, hook right heel across left foot
    5-6 Step forward on right, lock left behind right
    7-8 Step forward on right, hold one count

    Toe Touches, Heel Hook, Lock Step-Hold

    1-8 Repeat counts 17-24 starting with left foot

    Rock Step, Back-Hold, Lock Step Back-Hold

    1-2 Step forward on right, rock weight back onto left
    3-4 Step back on right, hold one count
    5-6 Step back on left, lock right across left
    7-8 Step back on left, hold one count

    Swing/Sweep Back X3, Dip Down And Up

    1-2 Swing/sweep right out from front to back, step right behind left
    3-4 Swing/sweep left out from front to back, step left behind right
    5-6 Swing/sweep right out from front to back, step right behind left
    7-8 Bend knees and dip down, stand upright (weight on right)

    Lock Step, Step-Hold, Rock ¼ Turn, Step-Hold

    1-2 Step forward on left, lock right behind left
    3-4 Sep forward on left, hold one count
    5-6 Step right to right side, rock weight onto left turning ¼ left
    7-8 Step forward on right, hold one count

    Step-½ Turn, Step-Hold, Toe Touches

    1-2 Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right
    3-4 Step forward on left, hold one count
    5-6 Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left
    7-8 Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left
  • New Double Trouble

    New Double Trouble

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner Polka

    Choreographer:  Louise Elfvengren (SE) july 2008

    Music:  Travis Tritt & Marty Stuart – Double Trouble CD: The Restless Kind

    Intro: 24 counts.
    Alternavtive music:
    The Chieftains & Ricky Skaggs – Cotton Eyed Joe; 16 counts intro.
    Irish music fits very well, like Shamrocks – Ballymore Boys.

    Section 1: Heel Grind ¼ , Coaster Step, Shuffle, ½ Shuffle Turn

    1-2 Dig right heel and turn ¼ right (weight on left foot) (3)
    3&4 Step back onto right, bring left in place, step forward on right
    5&6 Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward
    7&8 Turn ½ right stepping right-left-right (9)

    Section 2: Chasse Left, Shuffle, ¼ Chasse Left, Heel Hook

    1&2 Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to the side
    3&4 Step right forward, step left next to left, step right forward
    5&6 Turn ¼ left forward, close right beside left, step left to the side (12)
    7-8 Right heel forward, hook right foot over left leg

    Section 3: Shuffle Box

    1&2 Step right to right side, close left beside right, step right to the side (12)
    3&4 Turn ¼ left , close right beside left, step left to the side ( 9)
    5&6 Turn ¼ right, close left beside right, step right to the side ( 6)
    7&8 Turn ¼ left , close right beside left, step left to the side ( 3)

    Section 4: Jazzbox ¼ Turn X 2

    1-4 Cross step right over left, step left back, step right to right side, step left beside right (6)
    5-8 Cross step right over left, step left back, step right to right side, step left beside right (9)
    Note: When music gets faster make sure to do polka steps when you dance
    Enjoy the dance
  • C.C.S.


    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Tracey Davis & Joerg Hammer

    Music:  If I Never Stop Loving You by David Kersh

    Side, rock step, side cha-cha, rock step, forward cha-cha

    1-2-3 Step side right, rock forward left, recover weight back onto right
    4&5 Step side left, step right next to left, step side left
    6-7 Rock back right, recover weight forward onto left
    8&1 Step forward right, step together left, step forward right

    ½ pivot turn, forward cha-cha, ½ pivot turn, mambo cross

    2-3 Step forward left, pivot ½ turn to the right onto right
    4&5 Step forward left, step together right, step forward left
    6-7 Step forward right, pivot ½ turn to the left onto left
    8&1 Rock side right, recover weight back onto left, step right across left

    Mambo cross, mambo cross, touch, step, forward cha-cha

    2&3 Rock side left, recover weight back onto right, step left across right
    4&5 Rock side right, recover weight back onto left, step right across left
    6-7 Touch side left, step forward left
    8&1 Step forward right, step together left, step forward right

    ¼ pivot turn, cross cha-cha, side rock, side cha-cha

    2-3 Step forward left, pivot ¼ turn to the right onto right
    4&5 Step left across right, step side right, step left across right
    6-7 Rock side right, recover weight back onto left
    8& Step side right, step left next to right
  • Eagles Rock

    Eagles Rock

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Gaye Teather (UK)

    Music:  “How Long” by The Eagles (140 bpm) CD: Long Road Out Of Eden.

    Dance rotates in ccw direction
    Intro: 24 counts

    Side rock. cross shuffle. quarter turn right (x 2). cross. hold & clap

    1 – 2 Rock right to right side. recover onto left
    3&4 Cross right over left. step left to left. cross right over left
    5 – 6 Quarter turn right stepping back on left. quarter turn right stepping right to right side (facing 6 o’clock)
    7 – 8 Cross left over right. hold and clap

    Side rock. cross shuffle. quarter turn right (x 2). cross. hold & clap

    1 – 2 Rock right to right side. recover onto left
    3&4 Cross right over left. step left to left. cross right over left
    5 – 6 Quarter turn right stepping back on left. quarter turn right stepping right to right side (facing 12 o’clock)
    7 – 8 Cross left over right. hold and clap

    Forward rock. walk back right. left. back rock. forward right. touch

    1 – 4 Rock forward on right. recover onto left. walk back right. left
    5 – 8 Rock back on right. recover onto left. step forward on right. touch left beside right

    Rock (x 4). jazz box. touch

    1 – 4 Step left to left rocking weight onto left. rock onto right. rock onto left. rock onto right
    5 – 8 Cross left over right. step back on right. step left to left. touch right beside left
    **add the 4 count tag here during wall 2 (see below) and start dance again from the beginning

    Chasse right. back rock. kick ball cross. kick ball cross

    1&2 Step right to right side. step left beside right. step right to right
    3 – 4 Rock back on left. recover onto right
    5&6 Kick left forward. step left beside right. cross right over left
    7&8 Kick left forward. step left beside right. cross right over left
    Angle body slightly towards left diagonal during counts 5&6, 7&8

    Chasse left. back rock. kick ball cross. kick ball cross

    1&2 Step left to left side. step right beside left. step left to left
    3 – 4 Rock back on right. recover onto left
    5&6 Kick right forward. step right beside left. cross left over right
    7&8 Kick right forward. step right beside left. cross left over right
    Angle body slightly towards right diagonal during counts 5&6, 7&8

    Quarter right. half right. back rock. full turn left (travelling forward). walk. walk

    1 – 2 Quarter turn right stepping forward on right. half turn right stepping back on left
    3 – 4 Rock back on right. recover onto left
    5 – 6 Half turn left stepping back on right. half turn left stepping forward on left (facing 9 o’clock)
    7 – 8 Walk forward right. left

    Heel switches (x 3). clap. hip bumps forward (x 2) hip bumps back (x 2)

    1&2& Touch right heel forward. step right beside left. touch left heel forward. step left beside right
    3 – 4 Touch right heel forward. hold & clap
    5&6 Bump hips forward twice
    7&8 Bump hips back twice
    Start again

    Tag – Danced at the end of section 4 during wall 2, then re-start from beginning:

    Side right. touch. side left. touch

    1 – 4 Step right to right. touch left beside right. step left to left. touch right beside left
    Beginner split: “how long” by jo thompson to the same track. ideal for floor splits
  • I Love You Because

    I Love You Because

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Roy Verdonk & Wil Bos (Dec 07)

    Music:  I Love You Because by Ann Tayler ( CD: On The Road Again)

    Intro: 16 counts

    Step, Hold, Close, Step. Touch, Side Shuffle ¼ Turn, Step, Pivot

    1-2 Step right to right side, Hold
    &3-4 Close left next to right, Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
    5&6 Step left to left side, Close right next to left, ¼ turn left step left forward
    7-8 Step right forward, ½ turn left (03.00)

    Shuffle Forward, Step, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn

    1&2 Step right forward, Close left next to right. Step right forward
    3-4 Step left forward, ¼ turn right
    5&6 Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
    7-8 ¼ turn left step right back, ¼ turn left step left to left side (12.00)

    Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Sailor Step, Sailor Step ¼ Turn Left

    1-2 Cross right over left, Point left to left side
    3-4 Cross left over right, Point right to right side
    5&6 Cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Step right in place
    7&8 Cross left behind right, ¼ turn left step right to right side, Step left to left side (09.00)

    Rock, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn, Rock, Recover, Coaster Cross

    1-2 Rock right forward, Recover
    3&4 ¼ turn right step right to right side, Close left next to right, ¼ turn right step right forward
    5-6 Rock left forward, Recover
    7&8 Step left back, Close right next to left, Cross left over right (03.00)
    Begin again.

    Tag: After Wall 4 ( You’re Facing The 12.00 O’clock Wall)

    Kick Ball Change (2x), Side Shuffle, Rock Recover

    1&2 Kick right to right diagonal, Step on ball of right next to left, Step left in place
    3&4 Kick right to right diagonal, Step on ball of right next to left, Step left in place
    5&6 Step right to right side, Close left next to right, Step right to right side
    7-8 Rock left behind right, Recover

    Kick Ball Change (2x), Side Shuffle, Rock Recover

    1&2 Kick left to left diagonal, Step on ball of left next to right, Step right in place
    3&4 Kick left to left diagonal, Step on ball of left next to right, Step right in place
    5&6 Step left to left side, Close right next to left, Step left to left side
    7-9 Rock right behind left, Recover
    Start again and let the music touch your soul
  • To The Moon

    To The Moon

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner/intermediate

    Choreographer:  Rosie Multari

    Music:  Fly Me To The Moon by Scooter Lee

    Lock Steps

    1-4 Step forward right, slide left behind right, step forward right, brush left
    5-8 Step forward left, slide right behind left, step forward left, brush right

    Rock Steps, Two ¼ Paddle Turns

    9-12 Rock forward right, replace weight onto left, rock back right, replace weight onto left
    13-16 Step forward right, pivot on balls of both feet turning ¼ left shifting weight to left, repeat

    Cross Weave & Point

    17-20 Cross right over left, step left to side, step right behind left, point left to side
    21-24 Cross left over right, step right to side, step left behind right, point right to side

    Jazz Cross & Point, Jazz Box ¼ Right

    25-28 Cross right over left (moving forward), point left to side, cross left over right (moving forward), point right to side
    29-32 Cross right over left, step back slightly on left, ¼ turn right as you step right, step left next to right
    For more styling and comfort, move your upper body in the direction of the steps, so that when you point your left, you’ll be facing the right corner, and when you point your right you’ll be facing the left corner. As you start the final 8 counts, moving forward, you should again be facing forward.
  • Balloon Wood Stomp

    Balloon Wood Stomp

    4 walls, 24 counts, Beginner
    Choreographer: Dancin’ Mamas Juni 2007
    Choreographed to (music): Beware Of The Dog by Jamelia, I Don’t Want Nobody by Ike Turner

    Section 1 Forward-touch, Forward-touch, Back-touch, Back-touch
    1-2 Step Right Foot Diagonal Forward Right, Touch Left Foot Beside Right
    3-4 Step Left Foot Diagonal Forward Left, Touch Right Foot Beside Left
    5-6 Step Right Foot Diagonal Back Right, Touch Left Foot Beside Right
    7-8 Step Left Foot Diagonal Back Left, Touch Right Foot Beside Left
    Section 2 Vine Right, Hitch, Vine Left 1/4 Turn Left, Hitch
    1-4 Step Right Foot To Right, Step Left Foot Behind Right, Step Right Foot To Right, Hitch Left Foot
    5-8 Step Left Foot To Left, Step Right Foot Behind Left, Step Left Foot To Making A 1/4 Turn To The Left, Hitch Right
    Section 3 Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Heel, Heel, Back, Back
    1-2 Stomp Right Forward, Hold
    3-4 Stomp Left Forward, Hold
    5-6 Step On R Heel Diagonal Forward R, Step On L Heel Diagonal Forward L
    7-8 Step Back On Right Foot, Step Back On Left Foot
  • Duck Soup

    Duck Soup

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Frank Trace

    Music:  Restless by Shelby Lynne

    Or music:
    “Peroxide Blonde In A Hopped Up Model Ford” by Brian Setzer
    “Go Jimmy Go” by Jimmy Clanton
    “Let’s Shout (Baby Work Out)” by Colin James
    Try your favorite swing tune.

    Side shuffle right, rock back, side shuffle left, rock back, 1/4 turn right recover

    1&2 Side shuffle right (stepping right, left, right)
    3-4 Rock back on left, recover onto right
    5&6 Side shuffle left (stepping left, right, left)
    7-8 Rock back on right, recover onto left turning 1/4 to right (3:00)

    Toe struts forward, pivot 1/2 left, shuffle forward

    1-4 Step right toe forward, drop right heel, step left toe forward, drop left heel
    5-6 Step right forward, pivot 1/2 to left
    7&8 Shuffle forward (stepping right, left, right) (9:00)

    Rock forward, coaster, step right, touch, step left, touch

    1-2 Rock left forward, recover onto right
    3&4 Left coaster step (stepping left, right, left)
    5-6 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
    7-8 Step left to left side, touch right next to left

    Boogie walk back, step right, touch, step left, touch

    1-4 Walk back (stepping right, left, right, left)
    Boogie walk back styling: knees close together, arms at your side and index fingers pointing down. move back stepping r, l, r, l. move your right shoulder down as you step back on your right, move your left shoulder down as you step back on your left, etc. this is an old classic jitterbug move.
    5-6 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
    7-8 Step left to left side, touch right next to left
  • Crazy Foot Mambo

    Crazy Foot Mambo

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Improver

    Choreographer:  Paul McAdam (MIL)

    Music:  “If You Wanna Be Happy” by Dr. Victor & the Rasta Rebels

    Count in:start on vocals approximately 22 seconds into track


    Mambo forward, mambo back, step-lock-step, step ½ pivot step forward

    1&2 Rock forward on right foot, rock back on left foot, step back on right foot
    3&4 Rock back on left foot, rock forward on right foot, step forward on left foot
    5&6 Step forward on right foot, lock left foot behind right, step forward on right
    7&8 Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on left foot


    Side-rock-crosses x2, turn hitches with claps, right lock step

    1&2 Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight onto left, cross right foot over left
    3&4 Rock left foot out to left side, recover weight onto right, cross left foot over right
    5& Make a ¼ turn left and step back on right foot, hitch left knee and clap hands
    6& Make a ½ turn left and step forward on left foot, hitch right knee and clap hands
    7&8 Step forward on right foot, lock left foot behind right foot, step forward on right foot


    Rhumba box, side-cross-side-kick x2

    1&2 Step left foot to left side, step right foot together, step left foot forward
    3&4 Step right foot to right side, step left foot together, step right foot back
    5&6& Step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left, step left foot to left side, kick right foot to right diagonal
    7&8& Step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right, step right foot to right side, kick left foot to left diagonal


    Behind ¼ turn, step ½ turn step, step-lock-step-step-lock-step-step

    1&2 Cross left foot behind right, make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, step forward on left foot
    3&4 Step forward on right foot, pivot a ½ turn left, step forward on right foot
    5&6 Step forward on left foot, lock right foot behind left, step forward on left foot
    &7& Step forward on right foot, lock left foot behind right, step forward on right foot
    8 Step forward on left foot
    Start again and enjoy!
  • 6 8 12

    6 8 12

    Count:  16

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner nightclub

    Choreographer:  Masters In Line

    Music:  6 Months, 8 Days, 12 Hours by Brian McKnight

    Nightclub basics twice, ¼ rock, ½ turn pivot ½ turn

    1-2& Step left foot large step to left side, rock right foot behind left foot, cross left foot slightly over right foot
    3-4& Step right foot slightly large step to right side, rock left foot behind right foot, cross right foot slightly over left foot
    5-6& Make a ¼ turn left and step forward on left foot, rock forward on right foot, recover weight onto left foot
    7-8& Make a ½ turn right and step forward on right foot, step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right (weight ends on right)

    Forward, side rocks twice, cross rock side, cross rock ¼, ¼

    1-2& Step forward on left foot, rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left
    3-4& Step right foot forward, rock left foot out to left side, recover weight onto right
    5-6& Cross rock left foot over right foot, recover weight back onto right foot, step left foot to left side
    7-8& Cross rock right foot over left foot, recover weight onto left foot, make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, make a ¼ turn right and step left foot to left side

  • Big Girls Boogie

    Big Girls Boogie

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Mavis Broom

    Music:  Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) by Mika

    Walk twice, kick-ball change, walk twice step ½ turn left

    1-2 Walk forward right, left
    3&4 Kick right forward, step ball of right beside left, step left in place
    5-6 Walk forward right, left
    7-8 Step forward right, ½ turn left

    Walk twice, kick-ball change, walk twice, ½ turn left

    1-8 Repeat steps as above

    Hip bumps forward twice, hip bumps back twice, hip roll twice

    1-2 Small step on to right, bump hips forward twice
    3-4 Bump hips back twice
    5-8 Roll hips to the right twice, (as if you had a hula hoop). weight ends on left

    Step, point twice, sailor step, sailor ¼ turn

    1-2 Step right over left, (dip right knee) point left to left (optional shimmy)
    3-4 Step left over right, (dip left knee) point right to right (optional shimmy)
    5&6 Step right behind left, step left to left, step right in place
    7&8 Turn ¼ left stepping left behind right, step right in place, step left next to right
  • Foot Boogie

    Foot Boogie

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Beginner – line / contra

    Choreographer:  Ryan Dobry

    Music:  Baby Likes To Rock It by The Tractors

    Right toe fan, right toe fan

    1-2 Fan right toes to right, bring toes back to center
    3-4 Fan right toes to right again, bring toes back to center

    Left toe fan, left toe fan

    5-6 Fan left toes to left, bring toes back to center
    7-8 Fan left toes to left again, bring toes back to center

    Right toe out, heel out, heel in, toe in

    9-10 Fan right toes out to right, turn right heel out to right
    11-12 Turn right heel back to left, bring toes back to center

    Left toe out, heel out, heel in, toe in

    13-14 Fan left toes out to left, turn left heel out to left
    15-16 Turn left heel back to right, bring toes back to center

    Toes out, heels out, heels in, toes in

    17-18 Spread toes apart, spread heels apart
    19-20 Bring heels back in, bring toes back in

    Step right, drag left, step right, hitch left

    21-22 Step forward right, slide left instep to right heel
    23-24 Step forward right, hitch left

    Step left, drag right, step left, hook/pivot right

    25-26 Step forward left, slide right instep to left heel
    27 Step forward left
    28 Hook right across left and pivot ½ turn right

    Step right, drag left, step right, stomp left

    29-30 Step forward right, slide left instep to right heel
    31-32 Step forward right, stomp together left

    The ending of this dance is often done with the following variations:

    1. Count 28 done as a pivot to the left swinging the right foot behind as you turn
    2. As written but on the opposite feet. (hook left/pivot left)
    3. On the opposite feet with a right pivot, swinging the left foot
    Some have incorrectly credited Vickie Vance with choreographing this dance. She denied this rumor in a personal conversation in mid to late 1995.
  • Spotlight


    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate West Coast

    Choreographer:  Dee Musk (UK) October 2008

    Music:  ‘Spotlight’ – Jennifer Hudson. – CD Single. Or Jennifer Hudson Album.

    Intro: 32 count intro. (approx 17 secs). approx 108 bpm.

    Walk, Walk, Anchor Step, L Full Turn, L Sailor Step.

    1,2 Walk forward R, L.
    3&4 Step right behind left and rock back, recover weight to left, rock back on right.
    5,6 Turning back make a ½ turn L stepping forward on L, make a ½ turn L stepping back on R.
    7&8 Cross step L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L side. (12 o’clock).

    Back Rock Touch, Back Rock Side Behind, ¼ Turn R, Step ½ Turn R, Step Lock.

    1&2 Cross rock R behind L, recover weight to L, touch R to R side.
    3&4& Cross rock R behind L, recover weight to L, step R to R side, cross step L behind R.
    5 Make a ¼ turn R stepping forward on R.
    6,7 Step forward on L, make a ½ turn R (weight forward on R).
    8& Step forward on L, cross lock R behind L. (9 o’clock).

    Step Tap, Step Back ½ Turn L, Step ½ Turn R, Back Rock.

    1,2 Step forward on L, tap R behind L.
    3,4 Step back on R, make a ½ turn L stepping forward on L.
    5,6 Step forward on R, make a ½ turn R stepping back on L.
    7,8 Rock back on R, recover weight to L. (9 o’clock).

    Shuffles With Hip Bumps Forward Turning ½ Turn L X 2 , Step ½ Turn R, Back Together Step Lock.

    1&2 Shuffle forward turning ½ turn L stepping R,L,R. (Use Latin style hips while shuffling).
    3&4 Shuffle forward turning ½ turn L stepping L,R,L. (Use Latin style hips while shuffling).
    5,6 Step forward on R, make a ½ turn R stepping back on L.
    7&8& Step back on R, close L beside R, step forward on R, cross lock L behind R. (3 o’clock).
    Enjoy – Luv Dee xx
  • Careless Whisper

    Careless Whisper

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Paul McAdam

    Music:  Careless Whisper by Kenny G Featuring Brian McKnight

    Nightclub basic, step, ½ turn step, side, rock, cross, ½, cross

    1-2& Step left foot to left side, rock back on right foot, recover weight onto left foot
    3-4& Step right foot to right diagonal, step left foot forward to right diagonal, pivot ½ turn right
    5-6&7 Step forward on left (straightening up to back wall), rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left, cross right foot over left
    &8& Make a ¼ turn right stepping back on left foot, make another ¼ turn right stepping right foot to right side, cross left foot over right

    Sweep, back, coaster ¼ cross, roll full turn, cross rock, sweep

    9-10 As you recover weight back onto right foot sweep left foot back, step back on left foot
    11&12 Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right, make a ¼ turn right and cross right foot over left
    13&14 Make a ¼ turn left and step forward on left foot, make a ½ turn left and step back on right foot, make a ¼ turn left and step left foot to left side
    15&16 Cross rock right foot over left foot, recover weight onto left, sweep right foot back

    Back rock ½, side, cross, side twice

    17&18 Rock back on right foot, recover weight onto left foot, make a ½ turn left and step back on right
    19&20 Step left foot to left side, cross right foot in front of left foot, step left foot to left side
    21-24 Repeat steps 17-20

    Rock & step, lock, step, ½ touch, ¾ turn weave, ½ turn

    25&26 Rock back on right foot, recover weight onto left foot, step right foot forward
    &27 Lock left foot behind right, step forward on right
    &28 Make a ½ turn right on ball of right foot, touch left toe to left side
    This next section is danced as though you are doing a basic weave but around a pole. keep a nice tight circle as this makes it easier. you will be making a ¼ turn by:
    29& Cross left foot behind right foot as you start to make a ¼ turn left, step right foot to right side completing the ¼ turn left
    30& Cross left foot over right foot starting to make a ¼ turn left, step right to right side completing the ¼ turn left
    31& Cross left foot behind right foot as you start to make a ¼ turn left, step right foot to right side completing the ¼ turn left
    32& Cross left foot over right foot, make a ¼ turn left and step back on left foot
    Make a ¼ turn left as you return to count 1 and step the left foot to the left side
  • Dangerous Waters

    Dangerous Waters

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Michael Vera-Lobos

    Music:  Don’t Cross The River by Garth Brooks

    Right kick ball cross, side shuffle, behind side cross, step, ¼ turn

    1&2-3&4 Kick right forward, step right to center & cross left over right, traveling right side shuffle right, left, right
    5&6-7-8 Cross left behind right, step right to right & cross left over right, step right to right, pivot ¼ turn left(9:00)

    ½ shuffle turn, ½ shuffle turn, step forward, ¼ pivot cross shuffle

    1&2-3&4 Traveling forward turn ½ turn left shuffling right, left, right turning a further ½ turn left shuffle left, right, left
    5-6-7&8 Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left, cross shuffle right over left stepping right, left, right (6:00)

    Side rock cross, step side, cross behind, ball cross, step side, sailor ¼ left

    1&2-3-4 Rock left to left, rock weight center right crossing left over right, step right to right, cross step left behind
    &5-6-7&8 Step right to right crossing left over right, step right to right, left sailor turning ¼ turn left (3:00)

    Full turn forward stepping right, left, step diagonal right, diagonal left sailor back right & left

    1-2-3-4 Traveling forward turn full turn left stepping right then left, step forward right 45 degrees right, step forward left 45 degrees left
    5&6-7&8 (traveling backwards) cross/step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right (traveling backwards) cross/step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left (3:00)

    Rock forward/back, 1 ½ triple turn, rock forward back & forward back

    1-2-3&4 Rock forward right, rock back left, turning 540 degrees right triple right, left, right (9:00)
    5-6&7-8 Rock forward left, rock back on right & step left to center, rock forward right rock back on left (9:00)

    Traveling forward – right kick ball step, twist heels left/center, right kick ball step, twist heels left/center

    1&2-3-4 Kick right forward, step right to center stepping forward left, twist heels left, twist center (weight left)
    5&6-7-8 Kick right forward, step right to center stepping forward left, twist heels left, twist center (weight left) (9:00)

    Syncopated side toe touches, ball cross, ½ unwind coaster, shuffle forward

    1&2&3-4 Touch right toe to right, step right to center & touch left toe to left, step left to center crossing right toe over left, unwind ½ turn left (end weight right)
    5&6-7&8 Step back left, step right beside left, step forward left, shuffle forward right stepping right, left, right (3:00)

    Rock forward/back, full triple turn, cross samba right, cross samba left

    1-2-3&4 Rock forward left, rock back on right, turning full turn left triple on the spot left, right, left
    5&6-7&8 Cross right over left, rock left to left and rock weight center on right, cross left over right, rock right to right, rock weight center on left
    Tag (Occurs at end of walls 3 & 4):
    1-2-3-4 Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward right, pivot ½ turn left