Category Archives: Stegbeskrivning

  • Dance Without a Partner


    Dance Without a Partner

    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Improver
    Choreographer: Niels Poulsen (DK) – October 2021
    Music: She Just Wants To Dance – Johnny Reid : (iTunes)

    Intro: 32 counts from first beat in music. App. 17 secs. into track. Start with weight on L foot

    [1 – 8] Side R, L sailor heel, HOLD, ball cross, side L, R sailor step
    1 Step R to R side (1) 12:00
    2&3 – 4 Cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (&), touch L heel to L diagonal (3), HOLD (4) … hit the word STOP in lyrics on wall 1 12:00
    &5 – 6 Step L towards R (&), cross R over L (5), step L to L side (6) 12:00
    7&8 Cross R behind L (7), step L to L side (&), step R to R side (8) 12:00

    [9 – 16] Heel grind, ¼ L back R, L back lock step, R back rock, step ¼ L
    1 – 2 Touch L heel over R (1), grind ¼ L stepping back on R (2) 9:00
    3&4 Step back on L (3), lock R over L (&), step back on L (4) 9:00
    5 – 6 Rock back on R (5), recover fwd to L again (6) 9:00
    7 – 8 Step R fwd (7), turn ¼ L onto L (8) 6:00

    [17 – 24] R fwd, L&R hip bumps fwd, L jazz box ¼ L
    1 Step R fwd (1) 6:00
    2&3 Point L fwd bumping hips fwd (2), recover on R (&), bump hips fwd stepping down on L (3) …to hit the ’uuh-uhh. Uuh-uuh’ in the music. Also, on wall 5 Johnny Reid sings ’hips’… 6:00
    4&5 Point R fwd bumping hips fwd (4), recover on L (&), bump hips fwd stepping down on R (5) … to hit the ’uuh-uhh. Uuh-uuh’ in the music 6:00
    6 – 8 Cross L slightly over R (6), start turning ¼ L stepping back on R (7), finish ¼ turn stepping L to L side (8) 3:00

    [25 – 32] Cross, L kick ball cross X 2, L side rock cross
    1 Cross R over L (1) 3:00
    2&3 Kick L to L diagonal (2), step L next to R (&), cross R over L (3) … to hit the ’uuh-uhh. Uuhuuh’ in the music 3:00
    4&5 Kick L to L diagonal (4), step L next to R (&), cross R over L (5) … to hit the ’uuh-uhh. Uuhuuh’ in the music 3:00
    6 – 8 Rock L to L side (6), recover on R (7), cross L over R (8) 3:00

    Start Again!

    Ending Wall 13 is your last wall (starts facing 12:00). Do the first 12 counts. To end facing 12:00 simply just turn ¼ R stepping R to R side. Tadaah!

  • Simple Things


    Simple Things

    Count: 64
    Wall: 2
    Level: Improver
    Choreographer: Gaye Teather (UK) – October 2016
    Music: Back To The Simple Things by Don Williams. CD: Reflections – 82/164bpm.

    (32 count intro)

    S1: Walk. Hold. Walk. Hold. Rocking chair
    1 – 4 Walk forward Right. Hold. Walk forward Left. Hold
    5 – 8 Rock forward on Right. Recover onto Left. Rock back on Right. Recover onto Left

    S2: Walk. Hold. Walk. Hold. Step. Quarter turn Left. Cross. Hold
    1 – 4 Walk forward Right. Hold. Walk forward Left. Hold
    5 – 8 Step forward on Right. Pivot Quarter turn Left. Cross Right over Left. Hold (9 o’clock)

    S3: Quarter turn Right. Hold. Step back. Hold. Coaster step. Hold
    1 – 4 Quarter turn Right stepping back on Left. Hold. Step back on Right. Hold (12 o’clock)
    5 – 8 Step back on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left. Hold
    * Start again from beginning at this point during walls 3 and 6. You will be facing front both times

    S4: Right lock step forward. Hold. Left lock step forward. Hold
    1 – 4 Step forward on Right. Lock Left behind Right. Step forward on Right. Hold
    5 – 8 Step forward on Left. Lock Right behind Left. Step forward on Left. Hold

    S5: Step. Pivot quarter turn Left. Weave Left. Hold
    1 – 4 Step forward on Right. Pivot quarter turn Left. Cross Right over Left. Step Left to Left side (9 o’clock)
    5 – 8 Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side. Cross Right over Left. Hold

    S6: Side rock. Recover. Weave Right. Hold
    1 – 4 Rock Left to Left side. Recover onto Right. Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Right side
    5 – 8 Cross Left behind Right. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left over Right. Hold

    S7: Side. Together. Forward. Hold. Cross rock. Recover. Quarter turn Left. Hold
    1 – 4 Step Right to Right side. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right. Hold
    5 – 8 Cross rock Left over Right. Recover onto Right. Quarter turn Left stepping Left to Left side. Hold (6 o’clock)

    S8: Cross rock. Side rock. Behind. Side. Touch. Hold
    1 – 4 Cross rock Right over Left. Recover onto Left. Rock Right to Right side. Recover onto Left
    5 – 8 Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side. Touch Right beside Left. Hold

    Start again

    The Restarts are very easy to spot. They both face front and follow the short instrumental breaks

  • Gucci



    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Beginner Party dance
    Choreographer: Niels Poulsen (DK) & Jessica Boström (SWE) – August 2020
    Music: After Dark – La Dolce Vita. (Track length: 3:00)

    Intro: 32 counts (app. 16 secs into track). Start with weight on L foot

    [1-8] R chasse, L back rock, L chasse, R back rock
    1&2 Step R to R side (1), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (2) 12:00
    3-4 Rock back on L (3), recover fwd onto R (4) 12:00
    5&6 Step L to L side (5), step R next to L (&), step L to L side (6) 12:00
    7-8 Rock back on R (7), recover fwd onto L (8) 12:00

    [9-16] Walk R, Hold & clap, walk L, Hold & clap X2, R shuffle fwd, L rock fwd
    1-2 Step R fwd (1), Hold & clap hands once (2) 12:00
    3&4 Step L fwd (3), Hold & clap hands twice (&4) 12:00
    5&6 Step R fwd (5), step L behind R (&), step R fwd (6) 12:00
    7-8 Rock L fwd (7), recover back on R (8) 12:00

    [17-24] L back rock, step ¼ R, cross shuffle, R side rock
    1-2 Rock back on L (1), recover fwd onto R (2)
    Fun option during chorus: when After Dark sings ’CHAMPAGNE’ bring R hand up to your mouth as if drinking champagne 😊 12:00
    3-4 Step L fwd (3), turn ¼ R onto R (4) 3:00
    5&6 Cross L over R (5), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (6) 3:00
    7-8 Rock R to R side (7), recover onto L (8) 3:00

    [25-32] R jazz box, cross, side R with 3 heel taps, flick R
    1-4 Cross R over L (1), step back on L (2), step R to R side (3), cross L over R (4) 3:00
    5-8 Point R to R side tapping R heel into floor (5), tap R heel into floor (6), tap R heel into floor (7), flick R behind L (8)
    Styling for counts 5-8: with R hand open and fingers spread out slowly bring R arm up over head. Drop arm when starting your R chasse again 3:00


    Ending: Start wall 11, facing 9:00: do the first 4 counts then on count 5 you turn ¼ R and shuffle back on LRL. End the dance stepping R back and strike a champagne pose!… 12:00

  • Nothing But You (Yeah You)


    Nothing But You (Yeah You)

    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Beginner
    Choreographer: Randy Pelletier (January 2019)
    Music: Nothing But You by Leaving Austin

    Intro: Start on Lyrics

    1 – 2 Rock right, recover weight to left
    3 & 4 Cross right over left, step left next to right, Cross right over left
    5 – 6 Turn 1/8 right stepping back with left, turn 1/8 right stepping right to side
    7 & 8 Cross left over right, step right to left, cross left over right

    1 – 2 Step right to side, (Hold & Clap)
    & 3 – 4 Step left next to right, step tight to side, Touch left next to right (Clap)
    5 – 6 Step left to side, cross right behind left
    7 – 8 Turn ¼ left stepping left forward, turn ¼ left on ball of left, scuff right
    **(Restart here on 9th wall)

    1 & 2 Step right to side, step left next to right, step right to side
    3 – 4 Rock left behind right, recover weight to right
    5 & 6 Step left to side, step right next to left, step left to side
    7 – 8 Rock right behind left, recover weight to left

    1 – 2 Rock right forward, recover weight to left
    3 – 4 Rock right back, recover weight to left
    5 – 6 Step right forward, turn ½ left shifting weight to left
    7 & 8 Kick right forward, step down on right, cross left slightly over right taking weight.


    EASY RESTART – that you can easily hear in the music.
    * On 9th wall (3rd time you start dance facing 12 O’clock) dance through count 16 and Restart dance.
    (You will be facing 9 O’clock when the Restart occurs)

    All Rights Reserved.
    This Step Sheet may not be altered in any way without the written permission of the Choreographer.
    If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format.

    Contact: Randy Pelletier – Email: Randy@OneEyedParrot.Org – Tel: 413-366-1540

    Last Update – 2nd Feb. 2019

  • Music To My Eyes


    Music To My Eyes

    Count: 48
    Wall: 2
    Level: Improver waltz
    Choreographer: Derek Steele USA & Simon Ward AU (October 2018)
    Music: ”Music To My Eyes” by Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper. Album: ”A Star Is Born” OST

    Notes: Start dance on vocals, on the word “eyes.” Restart after count 30 on wall 4.

    [1-6] L Twinkle, R Twinkle ½ turn R
    1,2,3 Step L across R, Rock/Step R to R side, Recover weight L 12.00
    4,5,6 Step R across L, Turn ¼ right stepping L back 3.00, Turn ¼ R stepping R to R 6.00

    [7-12] Forward L at R diagonal, Kick R forward, Hold, Basic back
    1,2-3 Step L forward at R diagonal (towards 7:30), Kick R forward, Hold
    4,5,6 Square to 6:00 stepping R back, Step L beside R, Step R together 6.00

    [13-18] L Twinkle, Weave L
    1,2,3 Step L across R, Rock/Step R to R side, Recover weight L 6.00
    4,5,6 Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R behind L 6.00

    [19-24] Step L, Drag R, Full turn R
    1,2,3 Large step L to L, Drag R towards L for 2 counts 6.00
    4,5,6 Turn ¼ R stepping R forward 9.00, Turn ½ R stepping L back 3.00, Turn ¼ R stepping R to R 6.00

    [25-30] Fallaway diamond
    1,2,3 Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Turn 1/8 L stepping L back 4:30
    4,5,6 Step R back 4:30, Turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side 3:00, Turn 1/8 L stepping R forward 1:30
    **Restart on Wall 4, Turn a further 1/8 L to start again to back wall**

    [31-36] Fallaway diamond
    1,2,3 Step L forward 1:30, Turn 1/8 L stepping R to R side 12:00, Turn 1/8 L stepping L back 10:30
    4,5,6 Step R back 10:30, Turn 1/8 L stepping L beside R 9:00, Step R forward 9:00

    [37-42] L forward basic, R back basic ½ turn L
    1,2-3 Step L forward, Step R beside L, Step L beside R 9.00
    4,5,6 Step R back, Turn ½ left stepping L forward 3.00, Step R forward

    [43-48] L forward, ¼ turn L with R sweep, R twinkle ½ turn R
    1,2-3 Step L forward, Sweep R forward making a slow ¼ turn L for 2 counts 12.00
    4,5,6 Step R across L, Turn ¼ R stepping L back 3.00, Turn ¼ R stepping R to R 6.00


    Contact: –

  • Heaven in Your Arms


    Heaven in Your Arms

    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Absolute Beginner +
    Choreographer: Dee Musk (UK) February 2018
    Music: ’Heaven Must Have Sent You’ (Single Version – Mono) – The Elgins. Album: The Motown Story.

    #32 count intro. Approx 14 seconds. Track approx 2 mins 31 secs. BPM 140 approx.

    Right, Step, Lock, Step, Brush, Left, Step, Lock, Step, Brush.
    1-4 Step forward on R, cross step L behind R, step forward on R, brush L.
    5-8 Step forward on L, cross step R behind L, step forward on L, brush R. (12 o’clock).

    Right Rocking Chair, 2 x 1/8 Turns Left.
    1-4 Rock forward on R, recover weight to L, rock back on R, recover weight to L.
    5-6 Step forward on R, make 1/8 turn L recovering weight to L.
    7-8 Repeat counts 5-6. (9 o’clock).

    Cross, Diagonal Kick, Behind, Side, Cross, Diagonal Kick, Behind, Side.
    1-4 Cross R over L, kick L to L diagonal, cross step L behind R, step R to R side.
    5-8 Cross L over R, kick R to R diagonal, cross step R behind L, step L to L side. (9 o’clock).

    Step Forward, Touch and Click, ½ Turn Left, Touch and Click, Step Forward, Touch and Click, ½ Turn Left, Touch and Click.
    1-2 Step forward on R, touch L beside R and click R fingers.
    3-4 Make ½ turn L stepping forward on L, touch R beside L and click R fingers.
    5-8 Repeat counts 1-4.

    *Alternative Steps for counts 1-8:
    1-2 Step forward R, touch L beside R.
    3-4 Step back L, touch R beside L.
    5-6 Step back R, touch L beside R.
    7-8 Step forward L, touch R beside L. (9 o’clock).

    Optional Ending:
    During Wall 10 – which begins facing 9 o’clock, dance up to and including count 4 of section 4 – the music stops and you will be facing 12 o’clock, step R to R side. Ta da!!!

    Have Fun

    Last Update – 18th Feb. 2018

  • Come On Closer


    Come On Closer

    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Improver
    Choreographer: Jef Camps (September 2016 – Belgium)
    Music: Come a Little Bit Closer by Bouke

    #16 count intro

    1-2 RF big step side (1), LF close next to RF (2)
    3&4 RF step back (3), LF close next to RF (&), RF step forward (4)
    5-6 LF step forward (5), ½ turn R putting weight on RF (6)
    7-8 LF step forward (7), ¼ turn R putting weight on RF (8)

    1-2 LF cross over RF (1), RF step side (2)
    3&4 LF cross behind RF (3), RF step side (&), LF step side (4)
    5-6 RF cross over LF (5), LF step side (6)
    7-8 RF cross behind LF (7), ¼ turn L & LF step forward (8)

    1-2 RF step forward (1), ½ turn L putting weight on LF (2)
    3&4 ½ turn L & RF step back (3), LF close next to RF (&), RF step back (4)
    5-6 LF rock back (5), recover on RF (6)
    7&8 LF kick forward (7), LF step on ball next to RF (&), RF cross over LF (8)

    1-2 LF touch toes side (1) , LF cross over RF (2)
    3-4 RF touch toes side (3), RF cross over LF (4)
    Styling: in the touches you can use hips and finger snaps if you like
    5-6 ¼ turn R & LF step back (5), RF step side (6)
    7&8 LF cross over RF (7), RF step side (&), LF cross over RF (8)

    Start again, and have fun!


  • Like A Fine Wine


    Like A Fine Wine

    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Improver
    Choreographer: Jef Camps (BE) & Sebastien Bonnier (FR) – April 2018
    Music: ”Love Takes Time” by Gord Bamford

    1-2 RF walk forward, LF walk forward
    3&4& RF rock forward, recover on LF, RF rock back, recover on LF
    5&6 RF step forward, LF lock behind RF, RF step forward
    7&8 LF step forward, make ½ turn R putting weight on RF, LF step forward

    1-2 ½ turn L & RF step back, LF step back
    3&4 RF step back, LF close next to RF, RF cross over LF
    5&6& LF step side, RF close next to LF, LF cross over RF, RF step side
    7&8 LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF cross over RF & sweep RF forward

    1-2 RF cross over LF, ¼ turn R & LF step back
    3&4 ¼ turn R & RF step side, LF close next to RF, RF step side
    5&6 LF rock across RF, recover on RF, LF big step side while dragging R towards LF
    7&8& RF kick forward, RF close on ball next to LF, LF touch heel forward, LF close on ball next to RF

    1-2& RF rock forward, recover on LF, RF close next to LF
    3&4 LF rock forward, recover on RF, ¼ turn L & LF step side while sweeping RF forward
    5&6 RF cross over LF, LF step back, RF close next to LF
    7&8 LF step forward, RF lock behind LF, LF step forward

    Start again and have fun!

    Restart: In wall 3 after section 1 and in wall 6 after section 3.

  • Shallow-Easy


    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Beginner
    Choreographer: Karen Christensen (January 2020)
    Music: Shallow – Danielle Bradburry ( Feat Parker McCollum )
    16 counts intro

    1-2 Step R to R side (1) , step L beside R (2),
    3&4 step fwd on R (3), step L beside R (&), step fwd on R(4),
    5-6 Rock L fwd (5), recover back on R (6)
    7&8 Step back on L (7). step R next to L(&), step L fwd(8)

    1-2 Step fwd on R (1), pivot 1/4 left (2)
    3&4 Cross R over L (3), Step L beside R (&), Cross R over L (4)
    5-6 Rock L to left side (5), recover on R (6)
    7-8 Cross L over R (7), point R to R side (8)

    1-2 Cross R over L (1), point L to L side (2)
    3&4 step back on L (3), step R next to L (&), step L fwd (4),
    5-6 step R fwd (5), turn ½ L onto L (6)
    7-8 step R to fwd (7), step L to fwd (8)

    1-2 rock forward on R (1), recover on L (2)
    3&4 step back on R (3), step L next to R (&). step back on R (4)
    5-6 rock back on L (5), recover on R (6)
    7&8 step fwd on left (7), step R next to L (&), step fwd on L (8)

    One restart on wall 3 facing back. Dance 8 counts, then restart 6:00 o’clock


  • Half Past Tipsy


    Half Past Tipsy

    Count: 48
    Wall: 4
    Level: Improver
    Choreographer: Maddison Glover (AUS) and Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) October 2019
    Music: 1,2 Many – Luke Combs and Brooks & Dunn (3.01)
    Introduction: 16 Counts

    [1 – 8] Out, Out, Flick, Side, Flick, Side, Behind, ¼ Forward
    1,2 Step/stomp R fwd into R diagonal, step/ stomp L fwd into L diagonal
    3,4,5,6 Flick R up/behind, step R to R side, flick L up/behind, step L to L side
    7,8 Cross R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping fwd onto L (9:00)

    [9 – 16] Forward, Fan Heel Out, Fan Heel In, Kick Forward, Back, Touch, Forward, ¼ Scuff
    1,2,3,4 Step R fwd, fan R heel out, fan R heel back into centre, kick R fwd
    5,6 Step R back, touch L beside R (option to slap R butt cheek with R hand)
    7,8 Step L forward, scuff R fwd as you make ¼ turn L (6:00)

    [17 – 24] Vine R, Touch, Vine L, Scuff
    1,2,3,4 Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, touch L beside R
    5,6,7,8 Step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, scuff R fwd/next to L

    [25 – 32] Cross Rock, Recover, Side Rock, Recover, Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Hold
    1,2,3,4 Cross rock R over L, recover weight L, rock R to R side, recover weight L
    5,6,7,8 Cross rock R over L, recover weight L, step R to R side, hold

    [33 – 40] Cross Rock, Recover, Side Rock, Recover, ¼ Jazz Box, Scuff
    1,2,3,4 Cross rock L over R, recover weight R, rock L to L side, recover weight R
    5,6,7,8 Cross L over R, turn ¼ L stepping R back (3:00), step L to L side, scuff R fwd

    [41 – 48] Toe/Strut, Pivot ½, Toe/Strut, Hold, Pivot ½
    1,2,3,4 Touch R toe fwd, drop R heel down, step L fwd, pivot ½ turn over R (9:00)
    5,6,7,8 Touch L toe fwd, drop L heel down, step R fwd, pivot ½ turn over L (3:00)
    Styling option: during several walls, on count 1 there is a ‘break’ in the music. You can stomp rather than toe strut when this occurs.

    RESTART: Start wall 3 facing 6:00. Dance to count 24 and restart the dance facing 12:00. Touch together instead of scuffing across.

    TAG: Start wall 7 facing 9:00. Dance to count 32 and add the following:
    (note: there is no ‘strong beat’ during this section, therefore; the lyrics are included below)
    Cross L over R (shot), step R back (gun), step L to L side as you raise right index finger from down to up above head (onnnneeeee). Hold and restart the dance from the beginning on the lyrics “stopping”.

    ENDING: Dance up to count 38 at 12:00 (L cross, recover, side, recover, cross, recover) and step L to L side.

    Rachael McEnaney-White

    Maddison Glover

  • Sangria Time


    Sangria Time

    Count: 64
    Wall: 4
    Level: Beginner
    Choreographer: Pat Stott (March 2019)
    Music: Jug of Sangria by Nathan Carter

    *1 Tag And Restart

    #16 count intro from the main beat when the guitar comes in (approx 8 seconds), Commence on vocals on the word “drinking”

    Reverse rumba – side, together, back, tap, side, together, forward, scuff
    1-4 Right to right, close left to right, back on right, tap left next to right
    5-8 Left to left, close right to left, forward on left, scuff right forward

    Rocking chair, lock step forward, scuff
    1-4 Rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right, recover on left
    5-8 Forward on right, lock left behind right, forward on right, scuff left forward

    Rock forward, recover, 3 x toe struts back with kicks
    1-4 Rock forward on left, recover back on right, left toe back, lower heel & kick right forward
    5-8 Right toe back, lower heel & kick left forward, left toe back, lower heel & kick right forward

    Coaster step, hold, step, 1/4 pivot right, cross, hold
    1-4 Right foot back, close left to right, forward on right, hold
    5-8 Step forward on left, 1/4 turn right transferring weight to right, cross left over right, hold
    *Wall 6 add 4 bumps (right, left, right, left)
    **Then Restart facing 6 o’clock)

    Side, tap & clap, side, tap & clap, Side close side tap
    1-2 Step right to right, tap left next to right & clap
    3-4 Step left to left, tap right next to left & clap
    5-8 Right to right, close left to right, right to right, tap left next to right
    (Alternative steps 5-8 – rolling vine right, tap)

    Side, tap & clap, side, tap & clap, side, close, 1/4 left, brush right across
    1-2 Left to left, tap right next to left
    3-4 Right to right, tap left next to right
    5-8 Left to left, close right to left, turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left, brush right forward slightly across left
    (Alternative steps for 5-8 : rolling vine 1 & 1/4 left, brush)

    Cross, rock, side, hold, cross, rock, side, hold
    1-4 Cross right over left, recover on left, right to right, hold
    5-8 Cross left over right, recover on right, Left to left, hold

    Big step right, rock back, recover, turn 1/4 right big step left, rock back, recover
    1-2 Push off left foot and take a big step right, slide left towards right
    3-4 Rock back on left (slightly behind right), recover on right
    5-6 Turn 1/4 right pushing off right foot take a big step to left, slide right towards left
    7-8 Rock back on right, recover on left

    *Tag during wall 6 after 32 counts:
    1-4 Step right to right and bump hips to right, transfer weight to left and bump hips left, transfer weight to right and bump hips right, transfer weight to left and bump hips to left.
    **Restart immediately after tag facing 6 o’clock

    Ending: Dance sections 1 & 2 finishing on the scuff facing 12 o’clock

  • Senorita La-La-La

    Senorita La-La-La

    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Beginner / Improver
    Choreographer: Julia Wetzel – June 2019
    Music: Señorita by Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello, Length: 3:11, BPM: 117
    Intro: 32 counts, start on lyrics ”call me” (17 sec. into track)

    [1 – 8] Rock, Back, Lock, Back, Back Rock, Step, Lock, Step
    1, 2 Rock R fw (1), Recover L (2) 12:00
    3&4 Step R back (3), Lock L over R (&), Step R back (4) 12:00
    5, 6 Rock L back (5), Recover R (6) 12:00
    7&8 Step L fw (7), Lock R behind L (&), Step L fw (8) 12:00

    [9 – 16] Step, Pivot ¼ L, Cross Shuffle, ¼ L, Side, Close, Cross
    1, 2 Step R fw (1), Pivot ¼ turn left step L to left side (2) 9:00
    3&4 Cross R over L (3), Step L to left side (&), Cross R over L (4) 9:00
    5, 6 ¼ Turn left step L fw (5), Step R to right side (6) 6:00
    *Tag and Restart here on Wall 7 facing 12:00
    7, 8 Close L behind R (7), Cross R over L (8) 6:00

    [17- 24] (Side, Hold, Behind, Side, Cross) x2
    1, 2&3, 4 Big step L to left side (1), Hold (2), Step R behind L (&), Step L to left side (3), Cross R over L (4) 6:00
    5, 6&7, 8 Repeat 1, 2&3, 4 above 6:00

    [25 – 32] Side, ¼ R, Step, Lock, Step, Full Turn, Walk, Walk
    1, 2 Step L to left side (1), ¼ turn right step R fw (2) 9:00
    3&4 Step L fw (3), Lock R behind L (&), Step L fw (4) 9:00
    5. 6 ½ Turn left step R back (5), ½ Turn left step L fw (6) 9:00
    *Non-Turning Option: Step R fw (5), Step L fw (6)
    7, 8 Step R fw (7), Step L fw (8) 9:00

    Tag: On Wall 7 dance up to Count 14 (Step R to right side), replace weight on L and start a CCW hip roll over 2 counts (7-8) weight ends on L
    Styling: Stomp on Count 13 and 14 (Out, Out) before the Tag matching the music
    Start Wall 8 facing 12:00

    Contact: –

  • When You Smile


    When You Smile

    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Absolute Beginner
    Choreographer: José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL), Roy Verdonk (NL) September 2019
    Music: When You Smile – Rune Rudberg

    Intro : 32 counts
    Tag after wall 9 (facing 09.00)

    S1: Step/Touch 2X, Step/Together, Step Flick
    1-2 RF step right diagonal forward right, LF touch together
    3-4 LF step diagonal back left, RF touch together
    5-6 RF step right diagonal back right, LF step together
    7-8 RF step diagonal back right , LF flick behind RF

    S2: 1/8 Turn R, Side L, Touch Together R, 1/8 Turn R, Side R, Touch Together L, Vine With 1/4 Turn L, Scuff R
    1-2 make 1/8 turn right stepping LF left, RF touch next to LF (01.30)
    3-4 make 1/8 turn right stepping RF right, LF touch next to RF (03.00)
    5-6 LF step left , RF cross behind LF
    7-8 make 1/4 turn left stepping LF forward, RF scuff next to LF (12.00)

    S3: Rock Forward R/Recover L, Back R, Hold, Back L, Together R, Forward L, Hold
    1-2 RF rock forward, recover onto LF
    3-4 RF step back, hold
    5-6 LF step back, RF step together
    7-8 LF step forward, hold

    S4: Heel/Toe Struts Forward (R,L) With 1/4 Turn L, Jazz Box
    1-2 RF step forward on heel, RF drop toes onto floor (taking weight onto RF)
    3-4 make 1/4 turn left stepping LF forward on heel, LF drop toes onto floor (taking weight onto LF) (09.00)
    5-6 RF cross in front of LF, LF step back
    7-8 RF step right, LF step forward

    TAG: The tag will occur after wall 9, facing 09.00 o’clock
    Hip Bump R, Hold, Hip Bump L, Hold, Hip Bumps R, L, R, L
    1-2-3-4 bump hips right, hold, bump hips left, hold
    5-6-7-8 bump hips right, left, right, left

  • Lonely Blues


    Lonely Blues

    Count: 64
    Wall: 4
    Level: Beginner / Improver
    Choreographer: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) April 2019
    Music: Mr. Lonely – Midland (2.59mins) – approx. 150bpm.
    Count In: 24 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals
    Notes: NO Tags Or Restarts

    [1 – 8] R heel, R close, L heel, L close, R fwd point, R side point, R touch, R kick
    1 2 3 4 [1] Touch R heel forward, [2] Step R next to L, [3] Touch L heel forward, [4] Step L next to R 12.00
    5 6 7 8 [5] Point R toe forward, [6] Point R to right side, [7] Touch R next to L, [8] Kick R to right diagonal 12.00

    [9 – 16] R behind, L side, R cross, L kick, L behind, 1/4 turn R, L fwd, R brush
    1 2 3 4 [1] Cross R behind L, [2] Step L to left side, [3] Cross R over L, [4] Kick L to left diagonal 12.00
    5 6 7 8 [5] Cross L behind R, [6] Make 1/4 turn right stepping forward R, [7] Step forward L, [8] Brush R next to L (weight L) 3.00

    [17 – 24] R fwd, L touch, L back, R kick, R back, L close, R fwd, L brush
    1 2 3 4 [1] Step forward R, [2] Touch L next to R, [3] Step back L, [4] Kick R forward 3.00
    5 6 7 8 [5] Step back R, [6] Step L next to R, [7] Step forward R, [8] Brush L forward 3.00

    [25 – 32] L cross, R side, L behind, R side, L jazz box cross
    1 2 3 4 [1] Cross L over R, [2} Step R to right side [3] Cross L behind R [4] Step R to right side 3.00
    5 6 7 8 [5] Cross L over R, [6] Step back R, [7] Step L to left side, [8] Cross R over L 3.00

    [33 – 40] L side, R heel-toe-heel swivels in, Twist heels R, Twist toes R, Twist heels R with 1/4 turn L, L hook
    1 2 3 4 [1] Step L to left side, [2] Swivel R heel in towards L, [3] Swivel R toe in towards L, [4] Swivel R heel in towards L 3.00
    5 6 [5] Twist both heels right, [6] Twist both toes right 3.00
    7 8 [7] Twist both heels right as you make 1/4 turn left, [8] Hook L in front of R shin 12.00

    [41 – 48] L fwd, 1/2 turn L hitching R, R back, 1/4 turn L hitching L, L side, R close, L fwd, R touch
    1 2 [1] Step forward L, [2] Make 1/2 turn left on L ball as you hitch R knee 6.00
    3 4 [3] Step back R, [4] Make 1/4 turn left on R ball as you hitch L knee 3.00
    5 6 7 8 [5] Step L to left side, [6] Step R next to L, [7] Step forward L, [8] Touch R next to L 3.00

    [49 – 56] R diagonal steps fwd x2, L touch, L diagonal steps back x2
    1 2 3 4 [1] Step R diagonally forward, [2] Step L next to R, [3] Step R diagonally forward, [4] Touch L next to R 3.00
    5 6 7 8 [5] Step L diagonally back , [6] Step R next to L, [7] Step L diagonally back, [8] Touch R next to L 3.00

    [57 – 64] R diagonal back, L touch, L diagonal back, R touch, R back, L close, R fwd stomp, L stomp next to R
    1 2 3 4 [1] Step R diagonally back, [2] Touch L next to R (Clap option), [3] Step L diagonally back, [4] Touch R next to L (Clap option) 3.00
    5 6 7 8 [5] Step back R, [6] Step L next to R, [7] Stomp R forward, [8] Stomp L next to R 3.00


    Ending: The last wall begins facing the back, dance the first 14 counts then instead of stepping forward L on count 7 make a further 1/4 turn right stepping L to left side, then step R to right side on count 8 taking hands up…ta-da!

  • For The World


    For The World

    Count: 32
    Wall: 4
    Level: Improver
    Choreographer: Maddison Glover (AUS) February 2018
    Music: Ronnie Milsap – ”Wouldn’t Have Missed It For The World” – Album: Ultimate Ronnie Milsap (3.35)
    Dance begins after count 16

    Cross, Sweep, Cross Shuffle, Side, Behind, Side Shuffle
    1,2 Cross R over L (start sweeping L around), continue sweeping L toe around in a clockwise direction
    3&4 Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R
    5,6,7&8 Step R to R side, step L behind, step R to R side, step L together, step R to R side (12:00)

    Cross Rock/ Recover, ¼ Shuffle, ¼ Side, Behind, Side, Cross (Weave)
    1,2 Cross rock L over R, recover weight back onto R
    3&4 Step L to L side, step R together, turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (9:00)
    5,6,7,8 Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R (6:00)

    Side, Touch Together, Side, Touch Together, Back, Hold (Heel Drag), Together, 2x Walks Fwd
    1,2,3,4 Step R to R side, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L
    5,6 Large step back on R (whilst dragging L heel back towards R), hold
    &7,8 Bring L together (&), walk R fwd, walk L fwd (6:00)
    Easier option (remove the & count):
    5,6 Large step back on R, step L together
    7,8 Walk R fwd, walk L fwd

    Rock Fwd, Recover, ½ Fwd Toe/Heel, ¼ Side Toe/Heel, Behind, Side
    1,2 Rock fwd onto R, recover weight back onto L (6:00)
    3,4 Make a ½ turn over R as you touch R toe fwd (12:00), lower R heel to the ground (weight on R)
    5,6 Turn ¼ R as you touch L toe out to L side (3:00), lower L heel to the ground (weight on L)
    7,8 Cross R behind L, step L to L side (3:00)
    Option: Click hands at shoulder height on counts 4 and 6

    Restart: During the 5th sequence you will start the dance facing 12:00. Dance to count 20
    (side, touch, side touch) and Restart the dance facing 6:00.
    **On these side touches I sway my body into them, especially on the second one so that my body is leaning towards the left and ready to Restart the dance**

    Contact: – Mobile: +61430346939