Category Archives: Stegbeskrivning

  • Under The Sun

    Under The Sun

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Kathy Chang & Sue Hsu (Oct 09)

    Music:  Under The Sun (Radio Edit) by Tim Tim

    Intro: 16 counts


    Walk, Walk, Forward Mambo, Back, Back, Coaster

    1-2 Walk forward right, left
    3&4 Rock Forward on Right, recover on left, step back on right
    5-6 Walk back left, right
    7&8 Step back on left, step right beside left, step left forward


    Charleston Steps, Lock Step Forward, Step, Pivot ¼ , Cross

    1-2 Sweep and touch R toe forward, sweep and step back on right
    3-4 Sweep and touch left toe back, sweep and step forward on left
    5&6 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
    7&8 Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right, cross left over right (3 o’clock)


    Box Steps, Side, Together, ¼ Turn Right, Step, Pivot ¼, Cross

    1&2 Step side right, step left beside right, step right forward
    3&4 Step side left, step right beside left, step left back
    5&6 Step side right, step left beside right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
    7&8 Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right, cross left over right (9 o’clock)


    R And L Side Mambo, Touch, Walk ¾ Turn

    1&2 Rock right to right side, recover weight to left, step right beside left
    &3&4 Rock left to left side, recover weight to right, step left beside right, touch right beside left
    5-8 Walk right, left, right left and make ¾ over right shoulder (6 o’clock)
    Start again from the beginning.
    Special thanks to “Amedo” for providing this music.

  • Foxy Girl

    Foxy Girl

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Frank Trace

    Music:  “Bad Bad Girl” by The Derailers (CD: “Guaranteed To Satisfy”)

    Dance starts after 16 counts, on the vocals.

    Vine right, touch, heel, hook, heel, hook

    1-4 Step r to r side, step l behind r, step r to r side, touch l next to r
    5-8 Touch l heel diagonally left, bring l foot up and in front of right leg, touch l heel diagonally left, bring l foot up and in front of right leg

    Vine left, touch, heel, hook, heel, hook

    1-4 Step l to l side, step r behind l, step l to l side, touch r next to l
    5-8 Touch r heel diagonally right, bring r foot up and in front of left leg, touch r heel diagonally right, bring r foot up and in front of left leg

    Step touches forward, back, back, forward

    1-4 Step r diagonally forward right, touch l next to r, step l diagonally back left, touch r next to l
    5-8 Step r diagonally back right, touch l next to r, step l diagonally forward left, touch r next to l

    Step lock, step, brush, step, lock, step, brush 1/4 left

    1-4 Step r forward, lock l behind r, step r forward, brush l forward
    5-8 Step l forward, lock r behind l, step l forward, brush r turning 1/4 to left (9:00)

    Restart: Every time you return to the 12:00 wall do the first 16 counts and then restart the dance.

    This will happen 3 times with the dance ending at the front wall. hee haw!
  • L.D.V.


    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Yvonne Jernberg, Barbro Södersten & Tanya Jernberg

    Music:  La Dolce Vita by After Dark


    AA, BB, AA, BB, A, BB, C

    Part A

    Point, Point, Coaster Step Twice

    1-2 Point right toe forward, point right toe to right side
    3&4 Step back on right foot, close left beside right, step right foot forward
    5-6 Point left toe forward, point left toe to left side
    7&8 Step back on left foot, close right beside left, step left foot forward

    Rock Forward, Rock Back, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle

    1-2 Rock forward on right foot, recover
    3-4 Rock back on right foot, recover
    5-6 Rock right foot to right side, recover
    7&8 Cross right foot over left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left

    Rock Left, Cross Shuffle, Side, Cross, Side, Cross

    1-2 Rock left foot to left side, recover
    3&4 Cross left foot over right, step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right
    5-6 Step to the right and twist body to the left, cross left over right and twist body to the right
    7-8 Step to the right and twist body to the left, cross left over right and twist body to the right
    Steps 5-8 is done on balls of feet

    ¼ Turn Left, Kick, Coaster Step, Shuffle, Shuffle

    1-2 On left foot turn ¼ left and step back on right foot, kick left foot forward
    3&4 Step back on left foot, close right beside left, step left foot forward
    5&6 Step right foot forward, close left behind right, step right forward
    7&8 Step left foot forward, close right behind left, step left foot forward

    Part B

    Full Turn Right, Clap, Full Turn Left, Clap

    1-3 Step ¼ to the right, step ¼ to the right, pivot half turn right
    4 Touch left next to right, clap
    5-7 Step ¼ to the left, step ¼ to the left, pivot half turn left
    8 Touch right next to left, clap

    Kick Ball Cross, Sway X4, Kick Ball Cross

    1&2 Kick right foot forward, step right next to left, cross left over right
    3-4 Step/sway to the right, sway left
    5-6 Sway right, sway left
    7&8 Kick right foot forward, step right next to left, cross left over right

    Point Cross, Point, Cross, ¼ Turn Jazz Box

    1-2 Point right foot to the right, cross right over left
    3-4 Point left foot to the left, cross left over right
    5-6 Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot
    7-8 Step ¼ to the right, step forward on left foot

    Point Cross, Point, Cross, ¼ Turn Jazz Box

    1-2 Point right foot to the right, cross right over left
    3-4 Point left foot to the right, cross left over right
    5-6 Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot
    7-8 Step ¼ to the right, step forward on left foot

    Part C

    Point, Hold, Cross, Hold, Unwind ¾, Out, Out

    1-2 Point right toe to right side, hold
    3-4 Cross right foot over left, hold
    5-6 Unwind ¾ To the left
    &7-8 Step out with right foot, step out with left foot, hold
  • Mars Attack

    Mars Attack

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner / Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Rachael McEnaney

    Music:  Chocolate (Choco Choco) by Soul Control

    Right Cross Rock, Right Chasse, Left Cross, Right Side, Left Behind, Right Side

    1-2 Cross/rock right over left, recover onto left
    3&4 Step right to side, step left together, step right to side
    5-6 Cross left over right, step right to side
    7-8 Cross left behind right, step right to side

    Left Cross Rock, Left Chasse, Right Cross, Left Side, Right Behind, Left Side With Turn ¼ Left

    1-2 Cross/rock left over right, recover onto right
    3&4 Step left to side, step right together, step left to side
    5-6 Cross right over left, step left to side
    7-8 Cross right behind left, turn ¼ left and step left forward

    Rocking Chair Step, Step Right, ½, Step Right, ½

    1-2 Rock right forward, recover onto left
    3-4 Rock right back, recover onto left
    5-6 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
    7-8 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)

    2 X Heel Taps Forward, 2 Toe Taps Back, Step Right, ¼ Pivot, Right Stomp, Clap

    1-2 Touch right heel forward, touch right heel forward
    3-4 Touch right toe back, touch right toe back
    5-6 Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight to left)
    7-8 Stomp right together, clap

    Diagonal Shimmy Forward Twice With Thigh Slaps And Claps

    1-2 Step right diagonally forward, hold
    On Counts 1-2, Shimmy Shoulder
    3-4 Touch left toe together, hold
    On Counts 3-4, Both Hands Slap Thighs Back, Slap Both Hands Forward On Thighs (Like Wiping Dust Off Trousers)
    5-6 Step left diagonally forward, hold
    On Counts 5-6, Shimmy Shoulder
    7&8 Touch right toe together, clap, clap

    Right Cross Rock, Right Chasse, Left Cross Rock, Turn ½ Left Doing Left Chasse

    1-2 Cross/rock right over left, recover onto left
    3&4 Step right to side, step left together, step right to side
    5-6 Cross/rock left over right, recover onto right
    7&8 Chassé side turning ½ left and step left, right, left

    Right side, left cross, right side, kick left, left side, right cross, left side, kick right

    Body Angled Towards Right Diagonal
    1-2 Step right to side, cross left over right
    Angle Body Towards Left Diagonal
    3-4 Step right to side, kick left diagonally forward
    Body Angled Towards Left Diagonal
    5-6 Step left to side, cross right over left
    Angle Body Towards Right Diagonal
    7-8 Step left to side, kick right diagonally forward

    Right Back Rock, Right Chasse, Left Jazz Box With Turn ¼ Left, Brush

    1-2 Rock right back, recover onto left
    3&4 Step right to side, step left together, step right to side
    5-6 Cross left over right, step right back
    7-8 Turn ¼ left and step left forward, brush right forward

    Tag – After Count 32 On Wall 5:

    1-8 Stomp right forward, hold, stomp left forward, hold, stomp right forward, stomp left forward, stomp right forward, stomp left forward

    Then continue dance from shimmies

  • Time To Swing

    Time To Swing

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Andrew & Sheila (Mar 09)

    Music:  Time To Swing by Helmut Lotti (CD: Time To Swing [2:46])

    Intro: Start on vocals (after 16 counts)


    Step, Scuff, Brush, Brush, Brush, Tap, Tap, Kick

    1–4 Step forward Right, Scuff Left forward, Brush Left over Right, Brush Left in front
    5-8 Brush Left past Right, Tap Left toe back, Repeat Tap, Kick Left forward


    Cross. Back, Side. Kick. Cross. Back. Side. Touch

    1–4 Cross Left over Right, Step back on Right, Step Left to side, Kick Right forward
    5-8 Cross Right over Left, Step back on Left, Step Right to side, Touch Left beside Right


    Grapevine. Together. Heels. Toes. Heels. Clap

    1–4 Step Left to side, Step Right behind Left Step Left to side, Step Right beside Left
    5-8 Swivel both heels Right, Swivel both toes Right, Swivel both heels to centre, Clap hands


    Point. ½ Turn Step. Point. Step. Point. ¼ Turn Step. Point. Step

    1–2 Point Right to side, ½ turn Right (6:00) Step Right beside Left
    3–4 Point Left to side, Step Left beside Right
    5–6 Point Right to side, ¼ turn Right (9:00) Step Right beside Left
    7–8 Point Left to side, Step Left beside Right
    *** See notes below for ending


    Cross. Back. Side. Touch. Step. Lock. Step. Scuff

    1–4 Cross Right over Left, Step back on Left, Step Right to side, Touch Left beside Right
    5-8 Step forward Left, Lock Right behind Left, Step forward on Left, Scuff Right forward


    Step. Touch. ¼ Turn Step. Side. ¼ Turn Step. Hold. Walk. Walk

    1–2 Step forward Right, Touch Left beside Right
    3-4 ¼ turn Left (6:00) Step Left to side, Step Right beside Left
    5-6 ¼ turn Left (3:00) Step forward Left, hold
    7-8 Walk forward Right, Walk forward Left
    *** Ending: During wall 9 change ¼ monterey turn to ½ monterey turn to end dance facing the front
  • Big Love

    Big Love

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner/intermediate

    Choreographer:  Robbie McGowan Hickie

    Music:  The Big One by George Strait

    Step forward, hold and clap, & step forward, hold and clap, forward rock, behind, side, cross

    1-2 Step forward on right, hold and clap
    & Lock step left behind right
    3-4 Step forward on right, hold and clap
    5-6 Rock forward on left, rock back on right
    7&8 Sweep left out and around behind right, step right to right side, cross step left over right

    Right side rock, diagonal kick twice, right side rock, right cross shuffle

    1-2 Rock right out to right side, recover weight on left
    3-4 Kick right diagonally forward left twice
    5-6 Rock right out to right side, recover weight on left
    7&8 Cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right over left

    2 x quarter turns right, left shuffle forward, forward rock, right coaster step

    1-2 Turn ¼ turn right stepping back on left, turn ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
    3&4 Left shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
    5-6 Rock forward on right, rock back on left
    7&8 Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right, (facing 6:00)

    Forward rock, left shuffle half turn left, paddle quarter turn left, right kick-ball-change

    1-2 Rock forward on left, rock back on right
    3&4 Left shuffle back turning ½ turn left stepping left, right, left, (facing 12:00)
    5-6 Step forward on right, paddle ¼ turn left, (weight on left)
    7&8 Kick right forward, step ball of right beside left, step left in place, (facing 9:00)


    At the end of wall 6

    Step, pivot half turn left, step, pivot half turn left, (facing 6:00)

    1-2 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
    3-4 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
  • Slapping Leather

    Slapping Leather

    Count:  38

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Gayle Brandon (1978)

    Music:  Don Williams – Tulsa Time (104 BPM), John Anderson – Swingin’ (108 BPM), Hal Ketchum – Small Town Saturday Night (155 BPM), Ricky Van Shelton – Backroads (172 BPM), Barry Upton & Wild at Heart – Shooting from the Hip (180 BPM), Travis Tritt – T.R.O.U.B.L.E. (184 BPM)

    This Step Sheet is an adaptation of the original step sheet from 1978 that can be found on Kickit. It has been changed to reflect the dance as it is currently danced in Sweden.

    Sec 1

    Heel Touches

    1-2 Touch right heel forward, Step right foot next to left
    3-4 Touch left heel forward, Step left foot next to right
    5-6 Touch right heel forward, Step right foot next to left
    7-8 Touch left heel forward, Step left foot next to right

    Sec 2

    Heel & Toe Touches

    9-10 Touch right heel forward twice
    11-12 Touch right toe back twice

    Sec 3

    Slapping Leather

    13-14 Point right toe forward, Point right toe to the right side
    15 Cross right leg behind left knee and slap your boot with your left hand
    16 Point right toe to the right
    17 Cross right leg in front of your left knee as you turn ¼ to the left and slap your boot on the inside of the foot with the left hand
    18 Flick right foot out to the right and slap your boot on the outside of the foot with the right hand

    Sec 4

    Right & left Grapevine with Slap

    19-21 Step right foot to the right, Cross left foot behind right, Step right foot to the right
    22 Cross right leg behind left knee and slap your boot with the left hand
    23-25 Step left foot to the left, Cross right foot behind left, Step left foot to the left
    26 Cross left leg behind right knee and slap your boot with the right hand

    Sec 5

    Stroll Back, Hitch, Step, Slide, Step, Stomp

    27-29 Walk back right, left, right
    30 Hitch left knee
    31-33 Step forward on left, Slide right foot up to left, Step forward on left
    34 Stomp right foot next to left

    Sec 6

    Heel Splits

    36 Transfer weight to the balls of the feet and fan the heels outwards
    37 Return heels to centre
    38 Transfer weight to the balls of the feet and fan the heels outwards
    39 Return heels to centre
    This dance is probably the dance that has seen more local variations than any other over the years. If you travel to different places throughout the world, expect to see this dance done in several different ways.
  • Say Hey Love

    Say Hey Love

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Bracken Ellis Potter, California, USA,

    Music:  Say Hey (I Love You) [feat. Cherine Anderson] by Michael Franti & Spearhead, CD: All Rebel Rockers (Bonus Track Version)

    24 count intro

    Side Mambo, Side Mambo, Forward Mambo Kick, Back Mambo

    1&2 Step R to R side; & Step L in place; Step R next to L
    3&4 Step L to L side; & Step R in place; Step L next to R
    5&6& Step R forward; & Step L in place; Step R next to L; & Kick L forward
    7&8 Step L back; & Step R in place; Step L next to R

    Step Lock Forward, Mambo Step, Step Lock Forward, Quarter Turn Cross

    1&2 Step R forward; & Lock L behind R; Step R forward
    3&4 Step L forward; & Step R in place; Step L next to R
    5&6 Step R forward; & Lock L behind R; Step R forward
    7&8 Step L forward; & Turn ¼ right and step R in place; Step L across (in front of) R

    Side Together Side Touch, Step Touch, Step Touch (2x)

    1&2& Step R to R side; & Step L next to R; Step R to R side; & Touch L to L side
    3&4& Step L to L side; & Touch R to R side; Step R to R side; & Touch L to L side
    5&6& Step L to L side; & Step R next to L; Step L to L side; & Touch R to R side
    7&8& Step R to R side; & Touch L to L side; Step L to L side; & Touch R to R side

    Back Lock Step Kick, Back Lock Step Kick, Back Lock Step Kick, Quarter Step Touch, Side Together

    1&2& Step R back; & Lock L in front of R; Step R back; & Kick L forward
    3&4& Step L back; & Lock R in front of L; Step L back; & Kick R forward
    5&6& Step R back; & Lock L in front of R; Step R back; & Kick L forward
    7&8& ¼ turn right and step L to L side; & Touch R to R side; Step R to R side; & Step L next to R
    Start over! enjoy!
  • Love Trick

    Love Trick

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner / Intermediate Country

    Choreographer:  Rachael McEnaney (Feb 08)

    Music:  What’s Not To Love by Trick Pony

    Count in: 16 counts intro from start of track – Dance begins on vocals “Love” (What’s not to “Love”)

    1 – 8

    Step Right; Touch, Step Left, Touch, 2 Side Steps Right, Touch.

    1 – 2 Step right to right side (1), touch left next to right and clap hands(2) 12.00
    3 – 4 Step left to left side (3), touch right next to left and clap hands(4) 12.00
    5 – 6 Step right to right side (5), step left next to right (6) 12.00
    7 – 8 Step right to right side (7), touch left next to right (8) 12.00

    9 – 16

    Step Left, Touch, Step Right Touch, 2 Side Steps With ¼ Turn Left, Scuff

    1 – 2 Step left to left side (1), touch right next to left and clap hands(2) 12.00
    3 – 4 Step right to right side (3), touch left next to right and clap hands(4) 12.00
    5 – 6 Step left to left side (5), step right next to left (6) 12.00
    7 – 8 Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (7), scuff right next to left (8) 9.00

    17 – 24

    2 Heel Struts Right Then Left, Forward On Heels Taking Weight, Return To Place

    1 – 2 Touch right heel forward (1), drop right toe to floor (2) 9.00
    3 – 4 Touch left heel forward (3), drop left toe to floor (4) 9.00
    5 – 6 Step forward onto heel of right (toe off floor) (5), step heel of left shoulder width apart from right (toe off floor) (6) 9.00
    7 – 8 Step back on right (7), step left next to right (8) 9.00

    25 – 32

    Right Toe Touch, Right Heel, Close, Stomp Left To Side, Fan Heel In, Toe In, Heel In.

    1 – 2 Touch right toe to right side (1), touch right toe next to left (2) 9.00
    3 – 4 Touch right heel forward (3), step right next to left (4) 9.00
    5 – 6 Stomp left to left side (5), fan right heel in towards left (6) 9.00
    7 – 8 Fan right toe in towards left (7), fan right heel in towards left (8) (weight is still on left throughout the last 4 count) 9.00
    Start again, have fun!
  • Little Red Book

    Little Red Book

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Dee Musk (UK) July 08

    Music:  You’re More Than A Number In My Little Red Book by The Drifters (CD: The Definitive Drifters (03) [122bpm])

    Intro: 24 count intro – start just after main vocals. Approx 12 seconds.

    Side Behind Side Cross, Chasse R, Back Rock.

    1-4 Step R to R side, cross step L behind R, step R to R side, cross step L over R.
    5&6 Step R to R side, close L beside R, step R to R side.
    7,8 Cross rock L behind R, recover weight to R. (12 o’clock)

    Side Behind Side Cross, Chasse L, Back Rock.

    1-4 Step L to L side, cross step R behind L, step L to L side, cross step R over L.
    5&6 Step L to L side, close R beside L, step L to L side.
    7,8 Cross rock R behind L, recover weight to L. (12 o’clock)

    Side Touch, Side Touch, Walk X3, Hold.

    1,2 Step R to R side, touch L beside R.
    3,4 Step L to L side, touch R beside L.
    5-7 Walk forward, right, left, right.
    8 Hold count 8. (12 o’clock)

    Rock Forward, Rock Back, Step ¼ Turn R, Cross Shuffle.

    1,2 Rock forward on L, recover weight to R.
    3,4 Rock back on L, recover weight to R.
    5,6 Step forward on L, make a ¼ turn R.
    7&8 Cross step L over R, step R to R side, cross step L over R. (3 o’clock)
    Sing along and enjoy, luv Dee
  • Mini Mariana

    Mini Mariana

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Jan Welsh

    Music:  Mariana Mambo by Chayanne

    Walk, Hold, Walk, Hold, Forward Mambo Step, Hold

    1-2-3-4 Step right foot forward, hold, step left foot forward, hold
    5-6-7-8 Rock forward on to right foot, recover weight on to left foot in place, step right foot back, hold

    Back, Hold, Back, Hold, Backward Mambo Step, Hold

    9-10-11-12 Step left foot back, hold, step right foot back, hold
    13-14-15-16 Rock back on to left foot, recover weight on to right foot in place, step left foot forward, hold

    Right Side Rock Cross, Hold, Left Side Rock Cross, Hold

    17-18-19-20 Rock right foot to the side, recover weight on to left foot in place, cross step right foot over left foot, hold
    21-22-23-24 Rock left foot to the side, recover weight on to right foot in place, cross step left foot over right foot, hold

    Coaster ¼ Turn Left, Hold, ½ Pivot Turn Right, Step, Hold

    25-26-27-28 Step right foot back making ¼ turn left, close left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward, hold
    29-30-31-32 Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn right, step left foot forward, hold
  • Come Dance With Me

    Come Dance With Me

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner – foxtrot

    Choreographer:  Jo Thompson

    Music:  Come Dance With Me by Nancy Hays

    This country music song is a gentle west coast swing with a kind of cool-jazz/soft-shoe feel to it, running at 122 bpm. it is available at http:/ for on line orders or for e-mail orders or 800-448-6369 or 503-595-3000 for phone orders (9am-6pm california time) or 503-296-2370 fax orders

    Diagonal forward lock right, diagonal forward lock left

    1-3 Step right diagonally forward, lock left behind right, step right diagonally forward
    4 Brush left forward
    5-7 Step left diagonally forward, lock right behind left, step left diagonally forward
    8 Brush right forward

    Jazz box, over, vine right side, behind, side, over

    1-4 Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, cross left over right
    5-6 Step right to side, cross left behind right
    7-8 Step right to side, cross left over right

    Right scissors, left scissors

    1-3 Step right to side, step left together, cross right over left
    4 Hold
    5-7 Step left to side, step right together, cross left over right
    8 Hold

    Right scissors, side, behind, turn ¼ left, forward, turn ½ left

    1-3 Step right to side, step left together, cross right over left
    4-6 Step left to side, cross right behind left, turn ¼ left and step left forward
    7-8 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
  • Mamma Maria

    Mamma Maria

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Ultra Beginner

    Choreographer:  Frank Trace

    Music:  Mamma Maria by Ricchi E Poveri (136 bpm) (Italian) or “Mamma Maria” by The Countdown (136 bpm) (Italian)


    Start dance 16 counts in on vocal.
    Note: There are many recordings of this song, all will work.
    Alt. Music:
    “High Lonesome Sound” by Vince Gill (96 bpm) (Country)
    “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga (120 bpm) (Pop)
    * When using Poker Face, start dance 32 counts in on heavy beat.

    Walk Forward Diagonally Right, Kick, Walk Back Diagonally Left, Touch

    1-4 Walk forward right diagonal stepping R, L, R, kick L forward (1:30)
    5-8 Walk back left diagonal stepping L, R, L, touch R next to L as you square up with front wall (12:00)

    Walk Forward Diagonally Left, Kick, Walk Back Diagonally Right, Touch

    1-4 Walk forward left diagonal stepping R, L, R, kick L forward (10:30)
    5-8 Walk back right diagonal stepping L, R, L, touch R next to L as you square up with front wall (12:00)

    Two Charleston Steps

    1-4 Step R forward, kick L forward, step L back, touch R back
    5-8 Step R forward, kick L forward, step L back, touch R back

    Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left ¼ Turn Left, Touch

    1-4 Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side, touch L next to R
    5-8 Step L to left side, step R behind L, turning ¼ left step on L, touch R next to L (9:00)
  • Feeling Kinda Lonely

    Feeling Kinda Lonely

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Absolute beginner

    Choreographer:  Margaret Swift (UK) Aug 07

    Music:  Feeling Kinda Lonely Tonight by The Dean Brothers [Family Album CD 1 (132 bpm)]

    Intro16 count

    Section 1 – Heel, heel, toe, toe, side close, bounce heels

    1 – 2 Tap right heel forward. tap right heel forward.
    3 – 4 Tap right toe back. tap right toe back.
    5 – 6 Step right to right side, close left next to right.
    7 – 8 Bounce both heels twice.

    Section 2 – Heel, heel, toe, toe, side close. bounce heels

    1 – 2 Tap left heel forward. tap left heel forward
    3 – 4 Tap left toe back. tap left toe back.

    5 – 6 Step left to left side, close right next to left
    7 – 8 Bounce both heels twice

    Section 3 – Step forward touch, step back touch

    1 – 2 Step forward right. touch left next to right. (clap)
    3 – 4 Step forward left. touch right next to left. (clap)
    5 – 6 Step back on right. touch left next to right. (clap)
    7 – 8 Step back on left. touch right next to left. (clap)

    Section 4 – Grapevine right touch, grapevine left ¼ turn

    1 – 2 Step right to right side, step left behind right.
    3 – 4 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
    5 – 6 Step left to left side. step right behind left.
    7 – 8 Turn ¼ left stepping forward left. touch right next to left
    Alternative tracks:
    ”In A Letter” – Eddy Raven from ”Wild Eyed And Crazy” CD (36 count intro) (bpm 132)
    ”Nothin ’Bout Love Makes Sense” – Leann Rimes from Linedance Fever 16 CD (32 count intro) (bpm 122)
  • Flobie Slide


    Flobie Slide

    Count: 32
    Wall: 2
    Level: Beginner
    Choreographer: Flo Cook (USA)
    Music: Six Days On the Road – Sawyer Brown

    1 Touch right toes out to right side
    2 Touch right toes next to left foot
    3 Touch right toes out to right side
    4 Place right foot next to left foot
    5 Touch left toes out to left side
    6 Touch left toes next to right foot
    7 Touch left toes out to left side
    8 Place left foot next to right foot

    9 Touch right heel forward
    10 Place right foot next to left foot
    11 Touch left heel forward
    12 Place left foot next to right foot
    13 Touch right heel forward
    14 Place right foot next to left foot
    15 Touch left heel forward
    16 Place left foot next to right foot

    17 Step right foot forward
    18 Pivot ¼ turn left on balls of feet
    19 Stomp right foot
    20 Stomp left foot
    21 Step forward on right foot
    22 Pivot ¼ turn left on balls of feet
    23 Stomp right foot
    24 Stomp left foot

    25 Step forward on right foot (long step)
    26 Shake upper torso
    27 Touch left foot next to right foot
    28 Clap
    29 Step forward on left foot
    30 Shake upper torso
    31 Touch right foot next to left foot
    32 Clap