Category Archives: Stegbeskrivning

  • Ticket To The Blues!

    Ticket To The Blues!

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Niels Poulsen (Denmark) May 2015

    Music:  One Way Ticket by Eruption


    Intro: From the main beat there is a 32 count intro (32 secs. Into music). Start with weight on L foot
    Note: No tags – no restarts!!! 

    1 – 8

    R Rock Fwd, R Coaster Step, L Rock Fwd, ¼ Into L Chasse

    1 – 2 Rock fwd on R (1), recover back on L (2) 12:00
    3&4 Step back on R (3), step L next to R (&), step fwd on R (4)

    Turny Option: Full Triple Turn R 12:00

    5 – 6 Rock fwd on L (5), recover back on R (6) 12:00
    7&8 Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (7), step R next to L (&), step L to L side (8)
    Turny option: 1 ¼ turn L… (for the experienced dancers) 9:00

    9 – 16

    Weave Into R Sailor Step, Weave Into Behind Side Cross

    1 – 2 Cross R over L (1), step L to L side (2) 9:00
    3&4 Cross R behind L (3), step L a small step to L side (&), step R to R side (4) 9:00
    5 – 6 Cross L over R (5), step R to R side (6) 9:00
    7&8 Cross L behind R (7), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (8) 9:00

    17 – 24

    Side R, Together L, R Shuffle Fwd, Side L, Together R, L Shuffle Back

    1 – 2 Step R to R side (1), step L next to R (2) 9:00
    3&4 Step fwd on R (3), step L behind R (&), step fwd on R (4) 9:00
    5 – 6 Step L to L side (5), step R next to L (6) 9:00
    7&8 Step back on L (7), step R next to L (&), step back on L (8) 9:00

    25 – 32

    Back R, Clap X 2, Back L, Clap X 2, R Back Rock, R Kick Ball Step

    1&2 Step back on R (1), clap hands (&), clap hands (2) 9:00
    3&4 Step back on L (3), clap hands (&), clap hands (4) 9:00
    5 – 6 Rock back on R (5), recover fwd to L (6) 9:00
    7&8 Kick R fwd (7), step R next to L (&), step L a small step fwd (8) 9:00
    Start again and… Enjoy!

    Ending: Wall 12 (starts facing 3:00) is your last wall. You automatically end facing 12:00.

    Do up to count 16, then step R to R side on count 17 – 12:00
    Contact: –
  • Rumba Hips

    Rumba Hips

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Rick Wilson – Feb. 2016

    Music:  ”Listen To The Radio” – Lee Kernaghan


    Side Together Side, Hip Sways

    1-2-3-4 Side Right, Left Together, Side Right, Hold,
    5-6-7-8 Sway To Left With Left Foot , Sway Side Right With Right Foot, Sway Side Left With Left Foot, Hold.

    Side Together Side, Hip Sways

    1-2-3-4 Side Right, Left Together, Side Right, Hold,
    5-6-7-8 Sway To Left With Left Foot , Sway Side Right With Right Foot, Sway Side Left With Left Foot, Hold.

    Box Step

    1-2-3-4 Side Right, Left Together, Step Back Right, Hold,
    5-6-7-8 Side Left Foot, Right Together With Left, Left Foot Forward, Hold

    Box Step ¼ Turn Ending

    1-2-3-4 Side Right, Left Together, Step Back Right, Hold,
    5-6-7-8 Side Left Foot, Right Together With Left, Left Foot ¼ Turn To Right Stepping Side Left, Hold.
    Begin again
    Alternate music suggestions:
    “Lovin’ Like That” – Jeff Bates
    “Cruising On A Saturday Night” – Rick Guard
    “Spilled Perfume” – Gil Grand
    Any rumba song you like…
  • One Of Us Is Stronger

    One Of Us Is Stronger

    Count:  96

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Phrased High Intermediate waltz

    Choreographer:  Jessica Boström (SE) Oct. 2015

    Music:  ”One of Us” by Guy Sebastian


    (Start after 24 counts, 11 secs in)
    Phrasing: A, A*, B, B*, Tag 1, A, A*, B, B*, A**, Tag 2, B, B, B, Short B until music ends
    (Please look at the video for preferences)

    A – 48 counts

    A1: Cross. Point. Hold. Cross. Point. Hold. Cross With A ¼ R. Point. Hold. Cross. ¼ L. ½ L.

    1 – 3 Cross R over L. Point L to L side. Hold.
    4 – 6 Cross L over R. Point R to R side. Hold.
    7 – 9 Cross R over L while Turning ¼ R. Point L to L side. Hold. (3.00)
    10 – 12 Cross L over R. ¼ L stepping R Back. ½ L stepping L Forward. (6.00)

    A2: Cross. Point. Hold. Cross. Point. Hold. Cross With A ¼ R. Point. Hold. Cross. ¼ L. ½ L.

    1 – 3 Cross R over L. Point L to L side. Hold.
    4 – 6 Cross L over R. Point R to R side. Hold.
    7 – 9 Cross R over L while Turning ¼ R. Point L to L side. Hold. (9.00)
    10 – 12 Cross L over R. ¼ L stepping R Back. ½ L stepping L Forward. (12.00)

    A3: Rock Forward. Recover. Step Back. Step Back. Sweep. Weave Left. Side. Drag. Touch.

    1 – 3 Rock Forward on R. Recover onto L. Step back on R.
    4 – 6 Step Back L. Sweep Right out and around from front to back (over 2 Counts).
    7 – 9 Cross R Behind L. Step L to L Side. Cross R over L.
    10 – 12 Step L to L side. Drag R towards L over 2 counts ending in a touch R beside L. (12.00) A**

    A4: 1/8 Turn R Basic Waltz Forward. Cross. 1/8 L. 1/8 L. Back. 1/8 L. ¼ L. Side Rock. Step.

    1 – 3 1/8 Turn R Step Forward on R. Step L beside R. Step R Forward. (1.30)
    4 – 6 Cross L over R. 1/8 L Step R to R Side. 1/8 Turn L Step Back on L. (10.30)
    7 – 9 Step Back on R. 1/8 Turn L Stepping L to L Side. Turn ¼ L Step Forward on R. (6.00)
    10 – 12 L Side Rock. Recover on R. Step Forward L. (6.00)


    B – 48 Counts

    B1: 1/8 R Sway Forward. Sway Back. Step. ½ Turn L. ½ Turn Left. Press Forward. Hold X 2.

    1 – 3 1/8 Turn R Sway Forward Diagonally over 3 counts on L. (towards 1.30)
    4 – 6 Sway Back over 3 counts on R.
    7 – 9 Step forward on L. ½ Turn Left Step R Back. ½ Turn L Step L Forward. (1.30)
    10 – 12 Press R Forward. Hold 2 counts (1.30)

    B2: Back. Lock. Back. Back. Sweep. Sailor Step. Back. Sweep.

    1 – 3 Step Back L. Cross Lock R over L. Step Back on L. (1.30)
    4 – 6 Step Back on R. Sweep L out and around from front to back (over 2 Counts). (squaring up to 12.00)
    7 – 9 Cross L Behind R. Step R to R Side. Step L to L Side.
    10 – 12 Step Back on R. Sweep L out and around from front to back (over 2 Counts). (12.00)

    B3: Weave Right. Side. Back Rock. Side. Back Rock. Side. Back Rock.

    1 – 3 Cross L Behind R. Step R to R Side. Cross L over R.
    4 – 6 Step R to R Side. Rock Back L. Recover on R.
    7 – 9 Step L to L Side. Rock Back on R. Recover on L.
    10 – 12 Step R to R Side. Rock Back on L. Recover on R. (9.00)

    B4: ¾ Turn L Basic Waltz. ½ Turn L Basic Waltz. Rock Forward. Recover. Step Together. Step Turn ¼ L. Step Together.

    1 – 3 ¼ L Step Forward on Left. ¼ Turn Left Stepping Right to Right Side. ¼ Turn Left Stepping Left Back. (3.00)
    4 – 6 Step Back on Right. ¼ Turn Left Stepping Left to Left Side. ¼ Turn Left Stepping Forward on Right. (9.00)
    7 – 9 Rock Forward on L. Recover on R. Step Together on L.
    10 – 12 Step Forward on R. ¼ Turn L (weight on L). Step Together on R. (6.00)

    Tag 1 (facing 12.00)

    Rock Forward. Recover. Back. Back. Sweep. Behind. Side. Forward. Step Forward. Hold X 2.

    1 – 3 Rock Forward on R. Recover on L. Step Back on R
    4 – 6 Step Back on L. Sweep R out and around from front to back (over 2 Counts).
    7 – 9 Step R Behind L. Step L to L Side. Step Forward on R.
    10 – 12 Step Forward on L. Hold for 2 counts.

    Tag 2 (facing 12.00, ends facing 6.00), try to hit the counts in the music

    ¼ R. ½ R. ¼ R Step Out. Step Out. Hold X 2. Cross. ¼ R. ¼ R Step Out. Step Out. Hold X 2.

    1 – 3 ¼ Turn R Step R Forward. ½ Turn R Step L Back. ¼ R Step out R.
    4 – 6 Step Out L. Hold 2 counts.
    7 – 9 Cross R over L. ¼ R stepping L Back. ¼ R Step Out R.
    10 – 12 Step Out on L. Hold for 2 counts. (6.00)
    1 – 3 Throw your R arm in a semi-circle from right hip and up crossing you left side. Spread you finger on your way up (for styling look towards R hand).
    4 Close your fingers and make a fist.
    5 – 6 Pull your fist down, hitting the beat on 6 where he stops singing. Here it’s a small break in the music, put you weight on Rready to start B when the music starts again.
    When going from A into B you change last step of A, make a touch with L instead of step forward, ending with you weight on R, ready to start with L on count 1 of B.
    Do up to and including count 36 of A, then do tag 2.
    When going from B into A or tag 1 you change the last step of B, make a touch with R instead of step together, weight on L ready to start A or tag 1.
    Please do not alter this step sheet in anyway.
  • Ay Ay Ay Let It Rain Over Me

    Ay Ay Ay Let It Rain Over Me

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Beginner

    Choreographer:  Angel Cheung, Sydney, Australia. (Sept. 2011)

    Music:  Rain Over Me By Pitbull Feat. Marc Anthony


    Intro: 32 counts

    Forward, Forward, Forward, Kick, Back, Back, Back, Touch

    1,2,3,4 Walk R fwd, walk L fwd, walk R fwd, kick L fwd with clap whilst hopping R fwd
    5,6,7,8 Walk L back, walk R back, walk L back, touch R behind L with clap whilst hopping L back

    Vine R ¼ Turn & Hitch, Vine L & Touch

    1,2,3,4 Step R to R side, step L behind R, ¼ turn R step R fwd, hitch L with lift R heel up
    (Option : Put L hand on your waist & raise R hand up whilst hitching L)
    5,6,7,8 Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, touch R beside L with clap
    (option : Rolling vine L & touch)

    Monterey ¼ Turn X 2

    1,2,3,4 Touch R toe to R side, ¼ turn R step R beside L, Touch L toe to L side, step L beside R
    5,6,7,8 Touch R toe to R side, ¼ turn R step R beside L, touch L toe to L side, step L beside R

    R Rocking Chair, Touch Paddle ¼ Turn X 2

    1,2,3,4 Rock R fwd, recover weight onto L, rock R back, recover weight onto L
    5,6,7,8 Touch R toe fwd, paddle ¼ turn L, Touch R toe fwd, paddle ¼ turn L (Use hips)
    Dance Begins Again

    Tag: End of wall 11 (facing 9 o’clock): Add R rocking chair x 2

    Ending: Dance up to the end of wall 14 (facing 6 o’clock) then:

    Quickly step r fwd & pivot ½ turn l onto l to face front wall

  • Witness


    Count:  80

    Wall:  1

    Level:  Phrased Advanced

    Choreographer:  Fred Whitehouse, Darren Bailey – July 2015

    Music:  Daughtry – Witness (Stripped Version)


    Intro – 16 counts – Sequence – A, A, B, A, B, B2, A Restart, B, B2, B3, Ending

    A pattern – 32 counts

    A1: Basic, ¼ Sweep, Full Turn, Step Back X2, ¼ Side Step Hold

    1,2& Step RF to R, close LF behind R, cross RF over L
    3,4& Make ¼ turn L stepping LF forward (sweeping RF from back to front) step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L placing weight on LF
    5,6& Make ½ L touching RF beside L (pushing both hands up and out from face level), step RF back, step LF back, (styling on count 5 is a hold count rolling body back into counts 6&)
    7,8 Make ¼ turn R stepping RF to R side as you also throw your R hand up towards the roof, hold (styling, look up toward R hand)

    A2: ¼ Turn, Full Turn, ½ Turn Sweep, Sweep, Step, ¼ Turn, Sway/Look X2, ¼ Piqué Turn, Full Turn

    1,2& Make ¼ turn R stepping LF forward (3.00) pivot ½ turn R placing weight on RF (9.00), ½ turn R stepping LF back (3.00)
    3,4,5 Make ½ turn R onto RF sweeping LF from back to front, step LF forward sweeping RF from back to front, step RF forward (9.00)
    6&7 Make ¼ turn L stepping LF to side swaying L; Sway R (also look L,R) ¼ turn L stepping forward L hitching R knee (touch RF to L knee) (3.00)
    8& Make ½ turn L stepping RF back, ½ turn L stepping LF forward

    A3: ¼ Side, Weave, Cross Rock Recover, Side Step, Cross Rock Recover, Step, Push R Hand, Pull Hand Back, Lift L Hand

    1,2& Make ¼ L stepping RF to R side (12.00) step LF behind R, step RF to R side
    3,4& Cross rock LF over R, recover weight onto RF, step LF to L side,
    5,6& Cross rock RF over L, recover weight onto LF, step RF to R side
    7,8& Step LF to L side pushing R hand (palm in) across your body to the L side (also look to L) recover weight onto R pulling R hand back across face with open hand (your hand must be in front of face), lift LF hand beside R (both hands should now be in front of face with open hands, palms facing away)

    A4: Sweeping ½ Turn, Weave, Sweep, Weave ¼ Turn, Spiral, Step, ¼ Turn Into Basic

    1,2& Make ½ turn L placing weight on LF as you sweep RF (6.00) cross RF over LF, step LF to L side
    3,4& Step RF behind L sweeping L from front to back, step LF behind R, ¼ turn R stepping RF forward
    5,6,7 Step LF forward making full spiral R, step RF forward, make ¼ turn R stepping LF to L side
    8& Close RF behind LF, cross LF over R (12.00)

    B1 – 16 counts (Diamond)

    Diamond Fall Away, Arabesque ½ Turn, 3/8 Turn, ¼ Turn, Touch X2

    1,2& Step RF to R side, make 1/8 turn L stepping LF back diagonal, step RF back diagonal
    3,4& Make 1/8 turn L stepping LF to L (9.00) 1/8 L stepping RF forward, step LF forward (7.30)
    5,6& Make ½ turn L lifting RF back (or touch RF back) step back on RF, make 3/8 turn L stepping LF forward
    7,8 Make ¼ L touching RF to R side, touch RF over L (keep weight on LF) (6.00)

    Diamond Fall Away, Arabesque ½ Turn, 3/8 Turn, ¼ Turn, Touch X2

    1,2& Step RF to R side, make 1/8 turn L stepping LF back diagonal, step RF back diagonal
    3,4& Make 1/8 turn L stepping LF to L (3.00) 1/8 L stepping RF forward, step LF forward (1.30)
    5,6& Make ½ turn L lifting RF back (or touch RF back) step back on RF, make 3/8 turn L stepping LF forward
    7,8 Make ¼ L touching RF to R side, touch RF over L (keep weight on LF) (12.00)

    B2 – 16 counts (Weight of the World)

    Step, Hitch, Drop, Step, Hinge Turn, Basic L, Hinge Turn, Full Turn, Walk X2, Chase Turn

    1,2,3 Step RF to R side, step LF behind R (hitching R knee up) push R toe back bending L knee as you lower (R leg should extend back on the floor) and as you raise both arms to sides, dropping head (face 1.30)
    4,5 Pull R leg in as you recover to standing position and lower arms
    6 Step RF forward in diagonal (1.30)
    &7 Make ¼ turn L stepping LF a small step forward, ½ L stepping RF back sweeping LF to side
    8&1 Step LF to L side (facing 4.30) cross RF over LF, step LF to L side,
    2&3 Close RF behind LF, cross LF over R, make ¾ turn L putting weight on RF (fan LF round same time as turn)
    4&5 Step LF forward, make ½ turn L stepping back R, make ½ turn L stepping LF forward (7.30)
    6,7 Walk forward R, L
    8& Step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L placing weight on LF (you will then turn 1/8 L to front wall to begin next sequence – either B3 or A)

    B3 – 16 counts (Witness)

    Basic, Sway X2, Basic, Chase Turn, Repeat To Other Side

    1,2& Make 1/8 turn L squaring up to 12.00 stepping RF to R side, close LF behind R, cross RF over L
    3,4 Step LF to L side with a sway, sway body to R placing weight on to RF,
    5,6& Step LF to L side, close RF behind LF, cross LF over R,
    7,8& Make ¼ turn R stepping RF forward, step LF forward, pivot ½ turn R placing weight on RF
    1,2& Make ¼ turn R stepping LF to L side, close RF behind L, cross LF over R (12.00)
    3,4 Step RF to R side with a sway, sway body to L placing weight on to LF,
    5,6& Step RF to R side, close LF behind RF, cross RF over L, ,
    7,8& Make ¼ turn L stepping LF forward, step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L placing weight on LF (you will then turn ¼ L to front wall to start next sequence – either A or B2)

    Restart happens in section a after 8 counts: After you complete counts 6&7, sway weight back on to LF.

    Ending: Do first 5 counts of b2

    Sequence: when it says A, A, B, that means all the B sections together; If it says a number beside the B follow what it says on the sheet. The music tells you what to do.

    Also refer to video.
    We hope you enjoy this challenge.
    Last update – 23rd july 2015
  • Crimson Blood

    Crimson Blood

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2


    Choreographer:  Joey Warren / Debbie Rushton – Sept 2015

    Music:  Ed Sheeran – Bloodstream


    * 48 count intro (approx.…32 secs)

    S1: Cross Back Side, Cross ¼ Turn ½ Turn, Rock Recover, 1 ¼ Turn

    1-2-3 Cross R over L (body angled L diagonal), Step L back (center up), Step R to R
    4-&-5 Cross L over R, ¼ Turn L stepping back on R, ½ Turn L stepping fwd on L
    6 – 7 Rock fwd on R, Recover back on L
    8-&-1 ½ Turn R stepping R fwd, ½ Turn R stepping L back, ¼ Turn R stepping R out to R
    * over rotate on the last ¼ so you are facing the r diagonal

    S2: Cross-Side, Anchor W/ ¼ Turn, ¼ Point, Touch Fwd-Side-Step Touch

    2 – 3 Cross L over R (still angled toward diagonal), Step R out to R (square up here)
    4-&56 Rock L behind R, Recover R in place, ¼ Turn L stepping L fwd, ¼ Turn L pointing R to R
    7&8& Touch R toe fwd, Touch R toe out to R, Step R next to L, Touch L toe out to L (prep)

    S3: Full Turn Monterey W/ Sweep, Rock Recover-Ball Step, Step ½ Turn, Mambo Step

    1-2-3 Full Turn L starting on 1, Finish Turn stepping down on L sweeping R in front, Rock fwd on R
    4-&-5 Recover back on L, Step R back beside L, Step L fwd
    6 – 7 Step R fwd, ½ Turn R stepping back on L
    8-&-1 Rock back on R, Recover in place on L, Step R fwd

    S4: Rock Fwd L, Side Step, Weave, Step/Prep To Side-Hold, Full Turn Right

    2 – 3 Rock fwd on L, Step fwd and out to R side
    4-&-5 Step L behind R, Step R out to R, Cross L over R
    6 – 7 Step R out to R as you prep to turn R (lift L off ground slightly), Hold for 7
    &-8-& ¼ Turn R stepping back on L, ½ Turn R stepping R fwd, ¼ Turn R stepping L out to L

    Tag:Happens after wall 2 (facing the front) and after wall 5 (facing the back)

    (count 1st time you do tag as wall 3) you do the tag two times each time so it’s really a 32 count tag but 16 counts repeated.

    Slow Walks, Rock Fwd Recover, Step Back – Out Out

    1 2 3 4 Step R fwd slightly across L, Hold, Step L fwd slightly across R, Hold
    5 – 6 Rock fwd on R, Recover back on L
    7-&-8 Step back on R, Step L out to L, Step R out to R (come up on balls of feet on out-out)

    Hip Sways, Side-Anchor Step Back-Hold, Step Fwd, Rock Recover ½ Turn

    1-&-2 Sway hips L, R, L….As you step L, R, L in place (end weight L)
    3-4&5 Small step R to R, Rock L back behind R, Recover fwd R, Slightly step L back (raise R leg)
    6 – 7 Hold count 6 (R leg still slightly raised in air), Step fwd on R
    &-8-& Rock fwd on L, Recover back on R, ½ Turn L stepping L fwd (over rotate so you face diagonal)

    Sequence: 32, 32, (tag twice), 32, 32, 32, (tag twice), 32 rest of way

    *The music does get quiet toward the end but you keep dancing through it and you should finish facing the front after the full turn monterey
    Contacts, Joey: – Debbie:
    Last update – 21st sept 2015
  • It’s A Country Thing

    It’s A Country Thing

    Count:  48

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Tim Hand

    Music:  I’m From The Country by Tracy Byrd


    Right Side Shuffle, Rock Recover, Left Side Shuffle, Rock Recover

    1&2 Right step side right, left step next to right, right step side right
    3-4 Left rock back, right step in place
    5&6-7-8 Repeat above steps to left

    Right Kick & Left Cross Step (Repeat), Right Side Rock, Sailor Step

    1&2 Right kick forward, right step home/slightly back, left step across right
    3&4 Right kick forward, right step home/slightly back, left step across right
    5-6 Right rock side right, left step in place
    7&8 Right step across behind left, left step side left, right step side right

    Left Kick & Right Cross Step (Repeat), Left Side Rock, Sailor Step

    1&2 Left kick forward, left step home/slightly back, right step across left
    3&4 Left kick forward, left step home/slightly back, right step across left
    5-6 Left rock side left, right step in place
    7&8 Left step across behind right, right step side right, left step side left


    1-2 Step right forward, left kick forward
    3-4 Step left back, right toe touch back
    5-6 Step right forward, left kick forward
    7-8 Step left back, right toe touch back

    Right Stomp Hold, Left Stomp Hold, Heel Grind ¼ Turn, Coaster Step

    1-2 Right stomp forward, hold
    3-4 Left stomp next to right, hold
    5-6 Right heel grind in place angling right toe left, right heel grind turning toe right while pivoting ¼ right keeping weight on left
    7&8 Step right back, left step next to right, step right forward

    Stomp Right, Stomp Left, Cross Right Arm, Cross Left Arm, Nods Right & Left

    1-2 Left stomp forward, right stomp next to left (slightly apart)
    3-4 Right hand slap to left arm just above elbow, left hand cross to right arm just above elbow

    Arms Are Now Crossed In Front Of Chest, Left Over Right, Indian Style

    5-6 Turn head right and nod twice
    7-8 Turn head left and nod twice
    Uncross arms and look forward
  • Cliché Love Song

    Cliché Love Song

    Count:  32

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  TEAM USA (Jo Thompson Szymanski, Guyton Mundy, John Robinson) Oct 2015

    Music:  Cliche Love Song by Basim (2014 Eurovision Song Contest – clean version) iTunes,


    Intro: 24 counts (start on “I met this lady”) / sequence: 32, 24, 32, 16, 32, 24, 32, tag, 32, 32

    S1: Twist Right, Kick-Ball-Cross, Triple Forward, C Bump Swivel Turning ½ Left

    1&2 Traveling right: Move heels right (1), Move toes right (&), Move heels right (2)
    3&4 Kick L diagonally left (3), Step ball of L slightly back (&), Step R across L (4)
    &5&6 Sweep L around clockwise (&), Step L forward (5), Step R beside L (&), Step L forward (6)
    7&8 Touch R toe forward raising R hip turning heels slightly right (7), Turn heels slightly left starting ½ turn left (6:00) bumping hip left (&), Turn heels right finishing ½ turn left, lowering R hip and settling weight back R (8)

    S2: Walk Forward, Cross Samba, Cross, ¼ Right, ¼ Right & Cross & Cross

    1,2 Step L forward (1), Step R forward (2)
    3&4 Step L forward across R (3), Rock ball of R side right (&), Recover L (4)
    5,6 Step R across L (5), Turn ¼ right (9:00) stepping L back (6)
    &7&8 Turn ¼ right (12:00) stepping R side right (&), Step L across R (7), Step R side right (&), Step L across R (8)
    *Restart here during 4th repetition

    S3: Side Rock, Recover, Behind-Side-Cross, ¼ Left, ½ Left, Coaster Step

    1,2 Rock R side right (styling: Dip R shoulder then raise it) (1), Recover L (2)
    3&4 Step R behind L (3), Step L side left (&), Step R across L (4)
    5,6 Turn ¼ left (9:00) stepping L forward (5), Turn ½ left (3:00) stepping R back (6)
    7&8 Step L back (7), Step R beside L (&), Step L forward (8)
    *Restart here during 2nd and 6th repetitions – important note: On count 8, turn ¼ left as you step l forward into a “Coaster cross”

    S4: Press Forward, Recover & Press Forward, Recover, Walk 4x Turning ¾ Left

    1,2& Press/rock R forward with slight upper body roll (1), Recover L (2), Step R beside L (&)
    3,4& Press/rock L forward with slight upper body roll (3), Recover R (4), Step L beside R (&)
    5-8 Walk R (5), L (6), R (7), L (8) gradually turning ¾ left (6:00)

    Tag: 52-Count Tag

    TS1: Nightclub Basic With ¾ Turn Left/Hitch, Run Back, Rock Back, ¼ Left-Side-Behind, Unwind Full Turn Left (Repeat)

    1-4 Step R side right (1), Hold (2), Rock L behind R (3), Recover R (4)
    5,6 Turn ¼ left (9:00) stepping L forward (5), Turn ½ left (3:00) raising R close to L calf (6)
    7,8 Run back R (7), Run back L (8)
    1-2 Rock R back (1), Hold (2)
    3-4 Recover L turning ¼ left (3), Step R side right (4)
    5-8 Step L behind R (5), Slow unwind full turn left (12:00) (6-8)
    1-16 Repeat previous 16 counts

    TS2: Diagonal Step Touches With Claps, Side Rock & Cross, Back-Back-Cross-Back, Full Turn Back, Out, Out, Funky Arm Movements

    1,2 Step R diagonally forward right (1), Touch L beside R/clap (2)
    3&4 Step L diagonally forward left (3), Touch R beside L/clap twice (&4)
    5,6 Step R diagonally forward right (5), Touch L beside R/clap (6)
    7&8 Step L diagonally forward left (7), Touch R beside L/clap twice (&8)
    1&2 Rock R side right (1), Recover L (&), Step R across L (2)
    &3&4 Step L back and slightly left (&), Step R back and slightly right (3), Step L across R (&), Step R back (4)
    5,6 Turn ½ left (6:00) stepping L forward (5), Turn ½ left (12:00) stepping R back (6)
    7,8 Step L side left (7), Step R side right (8)
    1&2& Raise L arm to left side with elbow bent so fist is parallel to floor, punching R fist across body under L hand (1), Bring R fist back to center (&), punch R fist over L (palm down) (2), Bring R fist back to center (&)
    3,4 Punch R fist across body swinging R arm clockwise raising fist up to ceiling (lowering L) (3), Pull R arm down to chest stepping R beside L (4)
    Finale: At end of track, you’ll finish facing front wall. Either strike a cool pose (Guyton) or blow a kiss (Jo & John).
    Contact details: Jo: / John: / Guyton:
    Last update – 7th oct. 2015
  • Alkeehawl


    Count:  48

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Improver / Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Paul McAdam (Eng)

    Music:  ”Last call for Alcohol” by Microwave Dave and The Nukes


    Count in: Approximately 23 seconds into track


    Toe-Heel Swivels, Step, Jazz Box

    1,2 Touch right toe in towards left foot as you swivel left heel right, touch right heel out to right side as you swivel left toes right
    3,4 Touch right toe in towards left foot as you swivel left heel right, step right foot out to right side as you swivel left toes right
    5,6,7,8 Cross left foot over right foot, step back on right foot, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left


    & Lock, Side, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Behind ¼ Turn

    &1,2 Quick step left foot to left side, lock right foot behind left, step left foot to left side
    3&4 Cross right foot over left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left
    5,6 Rock left foot out to left side, recover weight onto right
    7&8 Cross left foot behind right, make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right, step forward on left


    Cross Points X2, Jazz Box ¼ Turn

    1,2,3,4 Cross right foot over left, touch left toe out to left side, cross left foot over right, touch right toe out to right side
    5,6,7,8 Cross right foot over left, make a ¼ turn right and step back on left foot, step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right


    Kick Ball Cross, Diagonal, Touch X2

    1&2 Kick right foot forward, step down on ball of right foot, cross left foot over right
    3,4 Step right foot to right diagonal, touch left toe next to right
    5&6 Kick left foot forward, step down on ball of left foot, cross right foot over left
    7,8 Step left foot to left diagonal, touch right toe next to left


    Side, Kick Cross Touch, Back, Side, Kick Cross Touch, Back

    1 Step right foot to right side
    2&3 Kick left foot across right , to right diagonal, cross left foot over right angling body towards right diagonal, touch right toe behind left foot
    4,5 Step back on right foot straighten body back to 6 0 clock, step left foot to left side
    6&7 Kick right foot across left to left diagonal, cross right foot over left angling body to left diagonal, touch left toe behind right
    8 Step back on left foot straightening body to 6 0 clock wall


    ¼ Turn Step, Step Pivot ¾ Turn Side, Sailor Step, Behind Side Cross

    1,2 Make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, step forward on left foot
    3,4 Pivot a ¾ turn right, step left foot to left side
    5&6 Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side
    7&8 Cross left foot behind right foot, step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right foot
    Start again and enjoy
  • Tuesday Blues

    Tuesday Blues

    Count:  64

    Wall:  2

    Level:  High Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Simon Ward, Australia – Sept 2015

    Music:  I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues, By Elton John. Album: Elton John: Greatest Hits, iTunes


    Notes: Restart on walls 2 & 4 after count 44
    Restart 1 facing back wall,
    Restart 2 facing front wall
    Dance starts 16 counts into music, approx. 13 secs. Finish song on count 9 turning left to the front wall.


    3 X Walk R,l,r With Hitches, L Fwd, Pivot ¼ R, Cross L Over R, 5/8 Turn L, Step R Fwd

    1-2 Step right forward hitching left slightly across right, Step left forward hitching right slightly across left 12.00
    3-4& Step right forward hitching left slightly across right, Step left forward, Pivot ¼ turn right stepping on right 3.00
    5-6& Cross/step left over right, Step right to right side making a ¼ turn left 12.00, Turn a further 3/8 turn left stepping onto left 7.30
    7 Step right forward 7.30


    L Shuffle Fwd, R Mambo With Sweep, L Sailor With Sweep, R Behind, ¼ L, R Fwd Pivoting ½ L

    8&1 Step left forward, Step right beside left, Step left forward 7.30
    2&3 Rock/step right forward, Recover weight back on left, Step right back sweeping left back 7.30
    4&5 Step left slightly back & behind right, Step right in place, Step left slightly back sweeping right back 7.30
    (Travel Slightly Back On Sailor Step)
    6&7 Step right behind left to face 6.00, Step left to left side turning ¼ turn left 3.00, Step right forward turning ½ turn left keeping weight on right 9.00


    L Shuffle Fwd, Rock R Fwd, Recover L, 1 ¼ Turn R Sweeping L Fwd, Weave R Sweeping Right Back

    8&1 Step left forward, Step right beside left, Step left forward 9.00
    2-3 Rock/step right forward, Recover weight back on left 9.00
    4&5 Step right back turning ½ turn right 3.00, Step left forward turning ½ turn right 9.00, Step right foot back turning ¼ turn right sweeping left slightly forward 12.00
    6&7 Cross/step left over right, Step right to right side, Step left behind right sweeping right back 12.00


    Weave L, Rock R Back, Recover L, R Side, Rock L Back, Recover R, ¼ R, ¼ R, L Vaudeville Step

    8&1& Step right behind left, Step left to left side, Cross/step right over left, Step left to left side 12.00
    2-3& Rock/step right back & behind left (turn body slightly right), Recover weight on left, Step right to right 12.00
    4-5& Rock/step left back & behind right (turn body slightly left), Recover weight on right, Step left slightly to left turning ¼ turn right 3.00
    6 Turn a further ¼ turn right & step right to right side 6.00
    7&8 Cross/step left over right, Step right slightly to right, Touch left heel to left diagonal 6.00


    Step Onto L, Cross R Chasse, Rock L, Recover, Cross/Step L, Touch R, R Basic, L Basic Turning ¼ L

    &1&2 Step left next to right, Cross/step right over left, Step left to left side, Cross/step right over left 6.00
    3&4& Rock/step left to left side, Recover on right, Cross/step left over right, Touch right beside left 6.00
    5-6& Step right to right side, Rock/step left back, Recover weight onto right 6.00
    7-8& Step left to left side, Step right behind left slightly, Make a ¼ turn left stepping onto left 3.00


    R Basic, L Basic Turning ¼ L, R Fwd, L Fwd Turning ½ Turn R, R Fwd, ½ Turn R. ¼ Turn R

    1-2& Step right to right side, Rock/step left back, Recover weight onto right 3.00
    3-4& Step left to left side, Step right behind left slightly, Make a ¼ turn left stepping onto left 12.00
    Restart On Walls 2 & 4
    5-6 Step right forward, Step left forward & pivot ½ turn right keeping weight onto left 6.00
    7-8& Take weight forward onto right, Step left forward turning ½ turn right 12.00, Step right back turning ¼ turn right 3.00


    Cross L, Recover R, Weave L & Sweep L, L Back & Sweep R, R Back Hook L, L Fwd, R Fwd, Pivot ½ L

    1-2 Cross/rock left over right, Recover weight back on right 3.00
    &3&4 Step left to left side, Cross/step right over left, Step left to left side, Step right behind left sweeping left back 3.00
    5-6 Step left back sweeping right back, Step right back hooking left in front of right 3.00
    7-8& Step left forward, Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left 9.00


    R Fwd Turning ¼ L, L Vaudeville Step, R Vaudeville Step, L Fwd, R Fwd, Pivot ½ L, R Fwd, Pivot ½ L

    1 Step right slightly forward turning ¼ turn left 6.00
    2&3& Cross/step left over right, Step right slightly to right, Touch left heel at left diagonal, Step left beside right 6.00
    4&5& Cross/step right over left, Step left slightly to left side, Touch right heel at right diagonal, Step right beside left 6.00
    6 Step left forward 6.00
    7&8& Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left 12.00, Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left 6.00


  • Ta Mig Tillbaka (Take Me Back)

    Ta Mig Tillbaka (Take Me Back)

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Jessica Boström ( SWE ) July 2015

    Music:  ”Ta Mig Tillbaka” – Single, by Darin. ( iTunes )


    Intro: 8 count

    S1: Step, Mambo Step, Coaster Cross, ¼, ¼, Cross Shuffle. (6.00)

    1 R Step forward
    2&3 L Rock forward, recover, step back on L
    4&5 R step back, L beside R, cross R over L
    6,7 ¼ turn right step back on L, ¼ right step R to right side
    8&1 Cross L over R, R to right side, cross L over right (6.00)

    S2: Diagonal Rockstep &, Diagonal Rockstep &, Step, Pivot ½, ½ Turn Touch. (7.30)

    2&3 Rock forward on R, Recover, step R in place beside L. Weight is on R. (On right diagonal facing 7.30)
    4&5 Rock forward on L, recover, step L in place beside R. Weight is on L. (On right diagonal facing 7.30)
    6,7 Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn left. Weight on L.
    8 On ball of L make another ½ turn left and touch R beside L. (Weight is still on your L). (7.30)

    S3: Back, Lock, Back, Shuffle 3/8, Cross Samba, Cross Samba. (3.00)

    1&2 Step R back, cross lock L over R, step back on R. (7.30)
    3&4 Make a 3/8 shuffle turn left. Stepping L,R,L. (3.00)
    5&6 Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover on to R.
    7&8 Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover on to L.

    S4: Jazzbox With Touch, Full Turn Gallops. (3.00)

    1-4 Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to right side, touch L beside R. (Weight is on R).
    5& Make a ¼ turn left and step L foot forward, step R beside L. (12.00)
    6& Make a ¼ turn left and step L foot forward, step R beside L. ( 9.00 )
    7& Make a ¼ turn left and step L foot forward, step R beside L. ( 6.00 )
    8 Make a ¼ turn left and step L foot forward. ( 3.00 )
    (counts 5 – 8 will be like a full circle left when danced)

    Tag:16 counts

    *S1: Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Behind Side Cross.

    1-2 Weight is on L. Rock R to right side, recover on to L.
    3&4 Step R behind L, Step L to left side, Cross step R over L.
    5-6 Rock L to left side, recover on to R.
    7&8 Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Cross step L over R.

    **S2: Rock Recover, Shuffle Back, Back Rock, Tripple Full Turn (½,½ Step)

    1-2 Rock R foot forward, recover on to L.
    3&4 Step R foot back, step L beside R, step R foot back.
    5-6 Rock back on L, recover on to R.
    7&8 Make a ½ turn right stepping back on L, make another ½ turn right stepping forward on R, Step forward on L.

    Phrasing of the tag:

    After wall 2. Facing 6.00. Do the whole 16 counts of the tag.
    After wall 3. Facing 9.00. Do the first 8 counts of the tag. ( *s:1 )
    After wall 5. Facing 3.00. Do the whole 16 counts of the tag.
    After wall 6. Facing 6.00. Do the first 8 counts twice and then continue and do the rest of 8 counts of the tag.
    (First 8+16 or *S1+*S1+**S2)
    Don’t worry, you can hear it in the music!


    Last wall finishes facing 12.00. After the gallops, make an extra ballcross on & 1.
    Step R beside L on the & count, and cross step L over R on count 1.
  • Rock & Roll Cowboy

    Rock & Roll Cowboy

    Count:  64

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Easy Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Leen Hage (Oct 2015)

    Music:  Rock and Roll Cowboy by Major Dundee


    Intro : 16 counts

    1 – 8

    Heel/Toe/Heel Swivel To R, Hold+clap, Heel/Toe/Heel Swivel To L, Hold+clap

    1 – 4 R+L swivel heels to right, R+L swivel toes to right, R+L swivel heels to right, Hold+Clap
    5 – 8 L+R swivel heels to left, L+R swivel toes to left, L+R swivel heels to left, Hold+Clap


    Monterey ¼ Right, Monterey ¼ Right

    1 – 4 Point R to right side, turn ¼ right stepping R next to L, point L to left side, step L next to R (3:00)
    5 – 8 Point R to right side, turn ¼ right stepping R next to L, point L to left side, step L next to R (6:00)


    Right Mambo Forward, Hold, Left Coaster-Step, Hold

    1 – 4 R rock forward, recover weight onto L, step back R, Hold
    5 – 8 L step back, step R next to L, step L forward, Hold


    Step ¼ Pivot Turn Left, Cross, Hold, Chasse Left, Hold

    1 – 4 Step forward R, R+L turn ¼ left, cross R over L, Hold (3:00)
    5 – 8 Step L to left side, step R beside L, step L to left side, Hold
    ***Restart: During wall 3, dance up to count 7, stomp R beside L, start again from count 1, facing 9 o’clock


    Cross Rock/Recover, Side Rock/Recover, Right Lock Step Back, Hold

    1 – 4 Cross rock R over L, recover onto L, rock R to right, recover onto L
    5 – 8 Step back on R, cross L over R, step back on R, Hold


    ¼ Left Sailor Step, Hold, Step ¼ Pivot Turn Left, Cross, Hold

    1 – 4 Sweep L behind R with ¼ turn left, step R next to L, step L next to R, Hold (12:00)
    5 – 8 Step forward R, R+L turn ¼ left, cross R over L, Hold (9:00)


    Half Rumba Box Forward, Hold, Mambo ½ Turn Right, Hold

    1 – 4 Step L to left side, step R beside L, step L forward, Hold
    5 – 8 Rock R forward, recover weight on L, make ½ turn right stepping R forward, Hold (3:00)


    Toe-Heel-Together, Hold, Toe-Heel-Together, Hold

    1 – 4 Touch L toe next to R instep, touch L heel next to R instep, step L next to R, Hold
    5 – 8 Touch R toe next to L instep, touch R heel next to L instep, step R next to L, Hold
    Start again
    ***Restart: During wall 3, dance up to count 31 (count 7 of section 4) stomp R beside L on count 8 and start again.

    Ending: You automatically end facing 12:00.

    Dance last wall to count 36 (count 4 of section 5) then R big step to right side.
  • Don’t Let The Sun Go Down

    Don’t Let The Sun Go Down!

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate NC

    Choreographer:  Niels Poulsen & Simon Ward (May 2015)

    Music:  Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me by George Michael feat. Elton John.: [5:46. iTunes, etc.]


    Intro: 16 count intro (app. 19 secs. Into track). Start with weight on R foot
    2 restarts: On wall 6 and 10. See bottom of page for detailed description

    1 – 8

    ½ L Back Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock ¼ L, Fwd R, Walk L, Step ½ L X 2

    1 Turn ½ L stepping back on R and sweeping L to L side (1) 6:00
    2&3 Cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (3) 6:00
    4&5 Rock R to R side (4), recover onto L turning ¼ L (&), step fwd on R (5) 3:00
    6 Walk fwd on L opening up in body to R side to prepare for the next turn (6) 3:00
    7&8& Step fwd on R (7), turn ½ L onto L (&), step fwd on R (8), turn ½ L onto L (6) 3:00

    9 – 16

    ¼ L Into R Basic, Vine ¼ L, Monterey ½ R With Sweep, 1/8 R Walk, Run R L

    1 – 2& Turn ¼ L stepping R a big step to R side (1), step L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) 12:00
    3 – 4& Step L to L side (3), cross R behind L (4), turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (&) 9:00
    5 – 7 Point R to R side (5), turn ½ R on L stepping R slightly fwd and sweeping L fwd (6), turn 1/8 R walking L fwd (7) 4:30
    8& Run fwd on R (8), run fwd on L (&) 4:30

    17 – 24

    Rock R Fwd, 1 1/8 R, Cross, R Basic, Side L, R Back Rock

    1 – 2 Rock fwd on R (1), recover back on L (2) 4:30
    3&4& Turn 3/8 R stepping R fwd (3), turn ½ R stepping back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (4), cross L over R (&) 6:00
    5 – 6& Step R a big step to R side (5), step L behind R (6), cross R over L (&) 6:00
    7 – 8& Step L a big step to L side (7), rock back on R (8), recover fwd to L (&) * 2 restarts here 6:00

    25 – 32

    Fwd R, Step ¼ R, Cross, Back ½ L, Fwd R, L Mambo Step Fwd, R Back Rock

    1 Step fwd on R (1) 6:00
    2&3 Step fwd on L (2), turn ¼ R onto R (&), cross L over R (3) 9:00
    4&5 Step back on R starting to turn ½ L (4), finish ½ L stepping fwd on L (&), step fwd on R (5) 3:00
    6&7 Rock fwd on L (6), recover back on R (&), step back on L dragging R towards L (7) 3:00
    8& Rock back on R (8), recover fwd to L (&) 3:00
    Start again… And enjoy!
    2 restarts:
    No. 1 happens on wall 6 (starts at 3:00), after 24 counts, now facing 9:00.
    No. 2 happens on wall 10 (starts at 6:00). This one also happens after 24 counts, now facing 12:00

    Ending happens after 24 counts on wall 12, now facing 9:00. Turn ¼ R fwd on R to face 12:00.

    Contact, Niels Poulsen ( & Simon Ward (
  • And Get It On

    And Get It On

    Count:  32

    Wall:  4

    Level:  Intermediate

    Choreographer:  Daniel Trepat (NL) & Jose Miquel Belloque Vane (NL) March. 2015

    Music:  Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth ft. Meghan Trainor

    Intro: 32 counts from first beat in music (app. 25 sec. Into track)

    1 -9

    Side, Together, 1/8 Turn R Step Fwd, Cha Cha R Fwd, Syncopated Half Diamond

    1 – 3 Step L to L side (1), Step R next to L (2), 1/8 turn R stepping L forward1:30
    4&5 Step R forward (4), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (5)1:30
    6&7 Step L forward (6), 1/8 turn L stepping R to R side (&), 1/8 turn L stepping L back (7)10:30
    8&1 Step R back (8), 1/8 turn L stepping L to L side (&), 1/8 turn L stepping R forward (1)7:30

    10 – 17

    Step Fwd, ½ Turn L, Cha Cha Back, Rockstep, Cha Cha Fwd

    2 – 3 Step L forward (2), ½ turn L stepping R back (3)1:30
    4&5 Step L back (4), Lock R in front of L (&), Step L back (5)1:30
    6 – 7 Rock R back (6), Recover on L (7)1:30
    8&1 Step R forward (8), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (1)1:30

    18 – 24

    Hold, Extended Cha Fwd, Ball Lock, Unwind 7/8 Turn R, Side, Touch, Hold

    2&3&4 Hold (2), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (3), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (4)1:30
    &5 – 6 Step L forward (&), Lock R behind L (5), Unwind 7/8 turn R (weight ends on L) (6)12:00
    &7 – 8 Step R to R side (&), Touch L to L side (7), Hold (8)12:00

    25 – 32

    ¼ Turn L, Flick, Step Fwd, Spiral Turn L, Step Fwd, ¼ Turn L, Side, 1/8 Turn L, Together, Hold, 3x Heel Bounces And 1/8 Turn L

    1 – 2 ¼ turn L stepping L forward & flicking R back (1), Step R forward (2)9:00
    3 Full turn Spiral turn L (weight ends on R) (3)9:00
    4&5 Step L forward (4), ¼ turn L step R to R side (&), 1/8 turn L stepping L next to R (5)4:30
    6 – 7&8 Hold (6), Bounce both heels (7), Bounce both heels (&), Bounce both heels (8)
    On 7&8 while doing the heel bounces turn a 1/8 turn l3:00
    Happy face & begin again!
    Submitted by – Mandy Herkenraad –
  • Riversoul


    Count:  64

    Wall:  2

    Level:  Intermediate / Advanced

    Choreographer:  Rachael McEnaney-White (USA/UK) May 2015

    Music:  ”The River” – Jacksoul. Approx 4.30 mins


    Count in: 16 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals. Approx 96 bpm
    Notes: Special thanks to Louis St. George for suggesting this track

    1 – 8

    R Fwd, ¼ Turn R, L Shuffle, ½ L Back R, ¼ L Big Step L, Hold, R Ball, L Cross

    1 2 3 & 4 Step forward R (1), make ¼ turn right on ball of R (bring L towards R) (2), step forward L (3), step R next to L (&), step forward L (4) 3.00
    5 6 7 Make ½ turn left stepping back R (5), make ¼ turn left taking big step L (6), hold as you drag R towards L (7) 6.00
    & 8 Step slightly back on ball of R (&), cross L over R (8) 6.00

    9 – 16

    ¼ Turn L Back R, ¼ Turn L Side L, R Cross Shuffle, L Side Rock With Sway, L Behind, ¼ R, L Fwd

    1 2 Make ¼ turn left stepping back R (1), make ¼ turn left stepping L to left side (2), 12.00
    3 & 4 5 6 Cross R over L (3), step L to left side (&), cross R over L (4), rock L to left side as you sway left (5), recover weight R (6) 12.00
    7 & 8 Cross L behind R (7), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (&), step forward L (8) 3.00

    17 – 24

    R Tap, R Fwd Rock, R Coaster Step, L Fwd Rock, L Coaster Step

    &1 2 3&4 Tap R toe slightly forward (&), rock R foot forward (1), recover weight L (2), step back R (3), step L next to R (&), step forward R (4) 3.00
    5 6 7&8 Rock forward L (5), recover weight R (6), step back L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward L (8) 3.00

    25 – 32

    ½ Chase Turn L, ¼ Chase Turn R, Full Triple Turn L (Travelling Fwd), L Fwd Rock, Run Back L-R

    1&2 3&4 Step forward R (1), pivot ½ turn left (&), step forward R (2), step forward L (3), pivot ¼ turn right (&), step forward L (4) 12.00
    5 & 6 Make ½ turn left stepping back R (5), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (&), step forward R (6) 12.00
    7 & 8 & Rock forward L (7), recover weight R (&), step back L (8), step back R (&) 12.00

    33 – 40

    Big Step Back L, Cross R Flicking L, L Shuffle, R Fwd Rock, ¼ Turn R Sweep L, R Behind- Lside-Rcross

    1 2 Take a big step back L (1), cross R over L (think of this as a step back but across L) as you flick L foot back (2) 12.00
    3 & 4 Step forward L (3), step R next to L (&), step forward L (4) 12.00
    5 6 Rock forward R (5), recover weight L as you make a ¼ turn R sweeping R around (6) 3.00
    7 & 8 Cross R behind L (7), step L to left side (&), cross R over L (8) 3.00

    41 – 48

    L Side, R Touch Behind With Snap, ¼ R, L Side-Rock-Cross, R Ball, L Close, R Fwd, L Extended Shuffle

    & 1 Step L to left side (&), touch R behind L as you look left and snap fingers to left (1) 3.00
    2 3 & 4 Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (2), rock L to left side (3), recover weight R (&), cross L over R (4) 6.00
    & 5 6 Step ball of R to right side (&), make 1/8 turn left to angle body to diagonal as you step L next to R (5), step forward R (6) 4.30
    7 & 8 & Step forward L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward L (8), step R next to L (&) 4.30

    49 – 56

    L Fwd ¼ Turn L Sweeping R, Hold, R Cross, ¼ Turn R, ½ Turn R, Walk L-R, 1/8 Turn L Cross, R Side, L Heel

    1 2 Step forward L as you make a ¼ turn left sweeping R (1), hold as you continue the sweep (2) 1.30
    3 & 4 Cross R over L (3), make ¼ turn right stepping back L (&), make ½ turn right stepping forward R (4) 10.30
    5 6 7&8 Step forward L (5), step forward R (6), make 1/8 turn left crossing L over R (7), step R to right side (&), touch L heel to left diagonal (8) 9.00

    57 – 64

    L Ball, R Cross, L Side Rock With Hip, ¼ Turn R, L Fwd, ½ Chase Turn L, L Mambo Close

    & 1 2 Step in place on ball of L (&), cross R over L (1), step L to left side pushing hip left (2) 9.00
    3 4 5&6 Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (3), step forward L (4), step forward R (5), pivot ½ turn left (&), step forward R (6) 6.00
    7 & 8 Rock forward L (7), recover weight R (&), step L next to R pushing hips back for style (8) 6.00
    Contact: – – tel: +1 407-538-1533 – +44 7968181933